
Women’s & gender studies

Research Paper: Write [polyamory] analytical paper of 2000 words (about 7 full pages, double-spaced) that is directly related to concepts in sex, love, and romance. Papers must include an introduction, conclusion, and bibliography; along with a thesis statement and evidence throughout that supports and advances your arguments. You are welcome to use non-academic sources in …

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Response essay

There are many reasons why I think the US should use its technological advances to produce more stuff in a given period of time. The first reason is because businesses won’t run out of goods and services. I also think the US should use its technological advantages because this will increase the efficiency and productivity …

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Disaster Recovery Plan

Overview In recent years, organizations have witnessed the impact of effective and ineffective business continuity plans and disaster recovery plans. In today’s environment, with significant potential natural disasters, terrorist threats, and other man-made threats, it is critical that organizations develop effective business continuity plans and disaster recovery plans. Select an organization that you are familiar …

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Wk 6 Individual Assignment: Henrietta Lacks and Health Care Leadership

During Skloot and Deborah’s meeting with Christoph Lengauer, Lengauer emphasizes the importance of Henrietta Lacks’s contribution to science and how she is remembered in the medical community. Langauer states, “Whenever we read books about science, it’s always HeLa this and HeLa that. Some people know those are the initials of a person, but they don’t …

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Describe your initial reactions to the broaching continuum. How important do you believe broaching is with regard to your role as a counselor? What are your biggest concerns with broaching? Your response must be at least 3 to 4 paragraphs in length. B. Broaching refers to a consistent and ongoing attitude of openness with a …

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Topic choosing for project

Introductions You will work on a paper that addresses a current controversial issue, but for this work, you will select a topic, specific directions for this part of the paper are as follows: Topic Selection: you will choose one of the following topics for the project: ImmigratioN Gene therapy Single-payer health care Free college for …

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