
Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)

This interview with Edward Said brings up many fascinating aspects of how Europeans looked upon and interpreted people from different lands. Even though his term “Orientalism” originated with the Middle East and much of his conversation is specifically about this region, think about his statements in a broader scope, what is often referred to as …

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Analyzing Body Language

Instructions Social Movements are only as important as the person leading them. The person(s) leading a social movement must have charisma and be able to captivate an audience. Political scientists and historians are taught to analyze body language, especially during debates and speeches. For this assignment, you will watch Dr Martin Luther King’s I Have …

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English 101 Response essay

For this discussion, you will be submitting an original post of at least 250 words. Raising children today is not easy. Their health is impaired by diet, lack of exercise, environmental toxins, and stress. They are subject to bullies in school, negative influences in the media, and they are pressured to grow up too fast. …

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Sociology Essay

Students are expected to reflect critically on the main concepts and ideas in the readings. They are also expected to include two or three reflection questions that emerge from the assigned reading materials. Good entry points for an analytical reflection include: A high-level summary of the main themes included in the readings. The material’s strengths …

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Discission Questions

week 14 two questions Answer the two questions using the book source Chapter 11 (pg. 606-669). “Through womens’ eyes” American history third edition. I have also attached readings for comparison with the chapter reading. 1) The Civil Rights Movement is portrayed as a liberating force for African Americans. Is this also true of women? Be …

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Destructive Leadership

Assignments Project 1 Literature Review on the Impact on Deferent Types of Leadership on the Organizational Outcomes Organizational Outcomes = Individual and organizational performance/productivity, profitability; share price; employee retention/turnover, safety, employee/customer satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior…etc You also require to give an example of this type of leaders. You may search the net or check …

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Public Administration Essay

Managers in public organizations should always be prepared to conduct high-level briefings to senior level executives who are usually political appointments. Briefing work and the resulting products are vitally important in public management because senior executives are not necessarily familiar with every work project each division or section within an organization is developing. Sometimes, your …

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History Research Paper

The topic is about drafting the US constitution Below you will find a Sample Secondary Source Analysis Worksheet to reference while filling out your worksheet. Please note that this is a sample, and that your worksheet should be based on another secondary source article from the library guide. Complete the Secondary Source Analysis Worksheet for …

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