
Theatre History

Choose ONE of the three plays, Antigone, The Menaechmus Brothers, or Hamlet. Write a 3 page essay about the play or playwright. Explore why this play or playwright is relevant to theatre history? What is important about your subject? What contributions did your subject make to theatre?

Social Work and Human Services

Summarize the events of the Tuskegee experiments. Summarize the events of the Henrietta Lacks story. What were the overarching/similar/shared ethical concerns. How did racism and discrimination impact these cases? Why does this matter to social work research and practice? This essay, and every essay moving forward, should be in APA format. It will be written …

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Amazon Operation Plan

Previous paper attached for info and reference: This assignment is intended to help you learn how to apply forecasting and demand models as part of a business operations plan. Choose 3 quantitative elements that you would like to research in relation to the organization that you selected for your business plan. These elements may be …

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Implication Of Human Language

Write an argumentative essay with the title “Only Humans Have Language”. Do not use quotations, but rather paraphrase. When you paraphrase, try to use your own words as best as possible and give the source some credit. NO PLAGIARISM. When talking about animal communication, find sources about the communications with dogs, dolphins, or apes as …

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Marketing Discussion

Question 1 – 1 Page What is the role of public relations within an organization’s integrated marketing communications (IMC) plan? Evaluate how the success of a PR campaign can be measured. Support your position. Question 2 – 1 page An increasing trend in marketing communications is to use “content marketing.” Discuss the components of content …

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Sociology Writing Help

750- 800 words per question What is the difference between “jurisprudence” and “the sociology of law”? Illustrate the different concerns to which each concept refers with reference to examples. Identify proponents associated with each idea. How do these fields relate to the “justice” model versus the “crime control” model of criminal law? (From Unit 1) …

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Change proposal, Follow up on next assessment or previous work, please see upload attachment.

September assignment Draft a 4 pages change proposal to executive leaders, soliciting their support for a change to the health care system in the community you selected in the previous assessment. Introduction To improve health care outcomes within a community, leaders must understand the needs of specific populations. In addition, it is important that leaders …

Change proposal, Follow up on next assessment or previous work, please see upload attachment. Read More »

Bayer Crop Science Case Study

Please follow the instructions provided below and answer the questions. ** Please read the case study carefully, please read all corresponding attachments and reference them (1 each). Please do not rush this assignment. General Guideline: Unless the assignment states differently, all assignments and participation will be evaluated on the basis of the students comprehension of …

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Choose one of the following questions below about the Odyssey–be sure to provide at least one rich, juicy quotation that does important work for your ideas (and that you actually take the time to unpack and analyze) . Write at least 400 words. Even though Odysseus claims to want to go home to his wife …

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Reading Assignment

Please write from the lens of a mental health counselor educator – Reading Assignments/Critiques: For this reading (article/reading selected by the professor), prepare a one page (single space) narrative outlining two principles or concepts you learned from the reading. The concepts include the following: 1) Please list and describe at least three novel ideas gleaned …

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