Please follow the instructions provided below and answer the questions.
** Please read the case study carefully, please read all corresponding attachments and reference them (1 each). Please do not rush this assignment.
General Guideline: Unless the assignment states differently, all assignments and participation will be evaluated on the basis of the students comprehension of the course materials, and the students ability to articulate and to support an informed and critical personal analysis of the issues presented.
– Do not redescribe the case.
Remember that the instructors have read it.
– Commit yourself to a position, take a stand
– Defend your position with good arguments, using the framework for ethical decision-making.
– Answer questions in your own words
– Don’tt needlessly repeat yourself
– Consider the implication of your position – Rise to the challenge (don’tt back down simply because there are some that may not agree with you; seek the tough issues)
– Check the grammar and Spellcheck your assignments.
– Do not turn in assignments that are longer than required.
Instruction: Appealing to the graphic, “How to Choose?” (page 21 in Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility) and using moral theories when possible, decide what Bayer Crop Science should do, and defend your decision using the How to Choose framework.
If you think necessary, feel free to add additional sources.
Action-How to Choose? I – Principled Approach:
1. Does this pass the “mirror” test?
2. Is this a model of “right” behavior [precedent] both locally and globally?
3. What would the most ethical person or company do? 4. Will it stand the test of time?
II – Utilitarianism:
1. Who is harmed, who benefits? How should we prioritize stakeholders’ interests?
2. Is the company being only self-serving or are we considering others?
3. Does it violate any moral minimums?
III – “Rights Talk”: 1. What rights are at stake?
2. Does this violate any basic rights?
3. How does this action fit with the local culture/social/religious context(s)?
IV – Fairness:
1. Are we (company or manager) using a fair process?
2. Does each stakeholder have equal opportunity?
3. Are we transparent? [publicity test]
4. Are we respecting local norms and if not, why not?
V – Virtue and Character: 1. Is it consistent with your personal or corporate code?
2. Am I acting in line with my personal and corporate integrity?
3. Is this consistent with local values [what a community admires, not what it practices in fact]?
VI – Legal questions:
1. Is this action legal – locally – by home country standards – internationally?
2. Where’s the legal line? Assignment Formatting – You may use a narrative format or address each framework individually via bullet points
Footnotes and periods will not count against the word count limit.
Citations: Please use the resources I have uploaded in this order for this assignment. Sources should be acknowledged (e.g., Smith & Jones, 2009), particularly if direct quotations are used.
Full references are not required for assigned course materials. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.