Possible term paper themes could include:
- The measures used in this area need improvement.
- Research in this area is ignoring an important hypothesis, which is…
- Sex Differences in this area are showing up and need further study.
- Theory in this area is weak because…
- Some possible alternative interpretations of common findings in this area are…so future research needs to…to rule them out.
Suggested organization of your paper:
- What is the main question that your paper addresses? What made you interested in the topic area?
- Describe relevant research that helped you better understand the question. What have other researchers who study similar topics found?
- What could be the future research projects that can be done to better understand the issue/topic.
- Give a brief conclusion–the main “take-home” message.
- Please use sub headings. By including sub headings you let the reader know that you have organized your thoughts well.
Students are required to submit their papers via the Blackboard assignment dropbox by the date given in the schedule. Student papers will be checked using ‘Turnitin.com’. Turnitin is a web source that checks your paper against other papers, articles, and websites to see how much overlap there is.