This is a complicated paper. Please if you do not understand. Ask questions.
This supposed to be a research paper where I am supposed to increase the lenght of engagement of a client during an hang out procedure. I already filled out the draft/ rubric that my teacher will be graded me on. So I already give all the ideas and how it should be done. Only the research to back up the paper is needed and writing the paper.
This is supposed to be hypothetical. The numbers from the data sheet, the client…everything is hypothetical but should be backed up by research
– This paper needs to be done in 7th APA edition
– This paper should be done by using behavior terminology.
– Everything in this paper should be backed up by research. No statement should be made using mentalistic ideas
– The figures (graphs) and tables (data sheets) go between the references and appendix part.
– If you used any figure/ tables from online source please give it credit appropriately using APA format in the references.
This paper needs 6 major parts
1) The title page
2) The abstract page
3) The methods
4) Results
5) Discussion
6) Appendix
Please refer to the document for more information.
Project 1 | % | |||||
Title page | Follows APA 7th Ed. Guidelines | |||||
Abstract | Follows APA 7th Ed. Guidelines. No longer than 300 words. | |||||
Introduction | Introduction provides a clear description of the problem/areas in which research is lacking (Find literature that supports the paper I want to write which is: Increasing the length of engagement of an hypothetical client during an hang out procedure using a preference assessment and a reinforcer assessment without the client displaying problem behavior ) | |||||
Literature reviewed in introduction supports the research question (minimum of 5 citations)
(What is the research question in the paper?) |
All citations included in the introduction are relevant and support the research question/procedures | ||||||
Purpose statement is in the final paragraph of the introduction, and clearly describes the research
Question (What is the purpose statement of the paper?) |
Broad generalizations are not made unless multiple literature works support such statements
(Every statement should be supported with journal articles ABA references) |
Methods | Participant details relevant and confidential
(I am thinking my client as a learner with limited motor skills…please expand more on that) |
Relevant setting and material for both preference and reinforcer assessment.
The preference assessment that I have in mind is: Single Stimulus Preference Assessment The reinforcer assessment that I have in mind is: Progressive Schedule (Watch videos on YouTube to see what kind of setting and materials will be into place) |
Operational definition of dependent variable for preference assessment (The dependent variable for the
Preference assessment that I choose will be the time for engagement. Engagement will be described if Student engaged for at least 25 seconds with the toy. Examples would be: If the client interacts with a Staff while engaging with the toy during the 25 seconds interval, if the client spins or jumps with the toy Non examples would be: Student screaming when playing with a toy, student throwing the toy at you When engaging with it. The behavior starts immediately when client hands get into contact with the toy. The behavior ends when client is more than 6 feet away from you with no toys in hands.) |
Measurement procedure described for preference assessment
(Duration will be used for the preference assessment) |
Procedures for preference assessment described technologically
(Describe how to record duration in a simple way and put it on a data sheet too) |
Operational definition of dependent variable for reinforcer assessment
(How long the kid will engage with a toy without any property destruction. Examples will Include when the kid will throw the toy at the staff working with him, will step on the toy by jumping on it. Non examples would be: When the kid push the toy accidently, when the kid step over the toy accidently. The behavior starts when the kid screamed with a high intensity voice. The behavior ends when client Start scripting that he is happy, relaxed, and engaged) P.S.: When the student is not engaging in Problem behavior while playing with the toys, a preferred edible will be delivered. Preferred edible Will vary from (m&m to goldfish to skittles to cheez it). Those preferred edibles were Suggested by the kids’ parent who filled out questionnaires before the assessment was done. I NEED AN ARTICLE THAT SHOWS WHY VARIETY OF REINFORCERS IS IMPORTANT IN APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS.
Measurement procedure described for reinforcer assessment
(Partial Interval Recording will be used for the reinforcer assessment) |
Procedures for reinforcer assessment described technologically, including baseline
(Differential Reinforcement of other Behavior while using Partial Interval Recording would be Implemented…. graph an alternating treatment design showing how long student stayed engaged with no Treatment. How long student stayed engaged when giving one type of reinforcer / edible. (Treatment A) How long student stayed engaged when varying the types of reinforcers/edibles (Treatment B) |
Experimental design described for reinforcer assessment
Describe the alternating treatment design from the graph. |
Experimental design is appropriate for the reinforcer assessment
Why the alternating treatment design is appropriate? |
Results | Preference assessment data is presented correctly (including appropriate graph type, graph formatted and labeled correctly, with figure caption)
I need data sheets for the preference assessment that show the duration and bar graphs that represent it. (I will be attaching pictures below how the graph should look like. You should find online example of data sheet…) |
Reinforcer assessment data is presented correctly (including appropriate graph type, graph formatted and labeled correctly, with figure caption)
(I need data sheets for the reinforcer assessment that shows how partial interval recording for the DRO – Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior – is done. I need an alternating treatment Design graph that shows the results. I will be attaching how the alternating treatment design graph should look like, but you will find the data Sheet sample online if you google them) |
Visual analysis of reinforcer assessment graph
(Make sure the graph is well labeled + put the figure caption + explanation) |
Discussion | Results related back to experimental question
(Make sure the results answer the question…which is how to increase a client engagement…) |
Strength of functional relation discussed
(Make sure you show the functional relation in the experiment…did the treatment respond favorably to the issue/problem behavior / target question) |
Behavior principles identified
4 behavior principles could be identified through this research:
Behavioral: Everything was measured-based. Analytic: The research shows a functional relation. Conceptually Systematic: The procedures were from previous ABA research. Technological: The procedures were cleared and concise.
Please research the 7 dimensions of ABA for reference – so expand and back those 4 principles that I identified among the 7 that exist within the research. |
At least 1 limitations/confound is identified
(What is one limitation of the study? And back it up with a reference) |
Suggestions are provided to address limitation/confound
(Provide suggestions to address the limitation and back it up with a reference) |
At least 1 suggestion for future research
(Provide 1 suggestion for future research. Explain why and back it up) |
Style | APA format for headings and citations | |||||
Scientific writing style | ||||||
Behavior terminology used throughout | ||||||
APA format for references | ||||||
Appendix (data sheets) | Data sheet for preference assessment included (typed with clear and explicit instructions) | |||||
Data sheet for reinforcer assessment included (typed with clear and explicit instructions) | ||||||
Submitted on time | ||||||
Total points for project | 41 | 0.0 | ||||
Percent Grade for Project 1 | 0% | |||||
0% | ||||||
#DIV/0! |
Example of alternating treatment design for the reinforcer assessment :
Example of bar graph for the preference assement:
Make sure all the graphics and data sheets are labeled with title, x-axis title, y-axis title, figure caption