Essay Prompt: What is an everyday context in which we experience law?
3pgs double spaced (not including bib), size 12, times new roman font.
Describe this scene — Set the scene using a narrative of a personal experience or explore some podcasts/documentaries/journalism from which you can draw an example. Provide an in-depth description so your reader can understand this context. Who? What? Where? ** Advice: Keep the scope small because you will be surprised by all the details involved in a single example.
Analyze this scene — What are the dynamics between the actors (significant people or subjects, places and things) involved in this context? What are some of the guiding ideologies and intervening institutions that determine this particular sociolegal context? What are the historical processes that shaped this context? Situate the scene within any legal debates we have discussed thus far and put it in conversation with any of the readings we have engaged in class.
You are required to cite at least four sources and engage closely with at least two of the readings from classes 1-7– refer to the the Class Glossary (in course materials) and your class notes to identify some of the terms that we have been discussing. You must use two of these terms and cite the readings from class they come from.
All assignments must use APA citations.