Title: Financial Reporting and Analysis, 13th edition
Author: Gibson, Charles H.
Publisher: South Western Cengage Publishing
Explore the Business Source Premier, Lexis Nexis and Entrepreneurship databases available through the school’s library and discuss which one you would recommend to a student who is researching the financial position of a publicly traded company.
Posts must be at least 250 words and include one citation from an external source other than textbook .
So this assingment is not in the textbook, it simply asks the writer to go through these databases and pick one that is the best and why. Here is the instructions “Explore the Business Source Premier, Lexis Nexis and Entrepreneurship databases available through the school’s library and discuss which one you would recommend to a student who is researching the financial position of a publicly traded company.”
I don’t know if you have used these sources in the past, if so, you could simply write the reasons why you would choose one database over another.