- How was the patient and family involved in the Vanderbilt case, before,
during and after the event? [cite] - Think of patient disclosure. The following link may help.
- Based on your readings, from a patient centered care perspective [not newspaper accounts], what are suggestions for improvement? [cite]
- See Balik, et al. IHI paper
- What is a proper patient disclosure in this case? [cite] keep in mind that Administrative notification, such as the Vanderbilt’s notification requirement to the state, is different than patient disclosure
- Do you think that better patient family engagement and patient
disclosure could have prevented subsequent regulatory and legal issues?
Why? - ensure you have properly distinguished legal and regulatory issues.
Balik, B., Conway, J., Zipperer, L., & Watson J. [2011] Achieving an Exceptional Patient and Family Experience of Inpatient Hospital Care. IHI Innovation Series white paper. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Institute for Healthcare Improvement.