Urban Community Planning-Planning for Small Towns

Planning for Small Towns

Planning becomes [n]either easier [n]or more difficult in the small community. . . . Conditions are simply different and demand different approaches, not big-city hand-me-downs.

James Wilson, 1961

Recognizing the differences in the planning of small towns is the concern of this week’s material. Considers the following questions:

  • What distinguishes the planning needs of small communities from those of large urban centres? provide detailed examples in Canada[2010-2021] compared with each other
  • In which ways does the regional setting affect the planning of its small towns? provide detailed examples in Canada, [2010-2021]

In our weekly seminar, please respond to the question below, in italics, to guide your written response and subsequent discussion for Ch 10.

How does the scope of planning for rural agricultural communities compare to that of planning for urban places and regions?



  • 2 pages, double space, APA format, Inline citation & Bibliography reference in alphabetic order, please do include the page number in the Bibliography reference, remember to cite all the material.


  • Remember to look for the latest cases for analysis [2012-2021], rather than giving examples of very old cases, which have no reference meaning, and remember to cite all the literature



  • Please Read the –Must Read!)Standard Format& Marking Scheme for the detailed requirement and formatting


Reading Material

1.Textbook- Chapter10Must Read– for question1&2

Text Book:

Planning Canadian communities: An introduction to the principles, practice, and participants in the 21st century [7th edition] can be purchased here:



Content Requiement

Please answer the questions directly instead of using empty and irrelevant information.  Please use complex and coherent sentences, do not use the same words over and over again, do not start with the same words many times, such as “The” “They”, this is a junior undergraduate course, please conform to its standard.



Course Information- Geography -Urban Planning

Course Description:

An examination of the concepts, theories, models, principles and practices of urban and regional planning with a particular focus in the Canadian experience. Topics include the history of planning in Canada, the development of planning legislation, and policies at the municipal, regional and provincial levels.

Course Objectives:

  • Examine and apply concepts, theories, models, principles and practices of urban and regional planning
  • Explore the history of planning in Canada, the development of planning legislation, and policies at the municipal, regional and provincial levels
  • Collaborate with community and institutional partners
  • Work in teams

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