The Comparative Essay will be a comparison/contrast of heroism in two of our first three epics (Gilgamesh, The Iliad, and The Odyssey). Your main goal is to discuss what character attributes are valued in each work and what this says about the culture of each work. What attributes (or values) are considered positive in the work, and what attributes are considered negative? Discuss when (when are these attributes presented?), how (how are these attributes developed as positive or negative?), and why (why would the culture of the poem view these attributes as positive or negative?).
The thesis should summarize the main difference(s) between these two works’ views of heroism and should be supported by evidence from each primary text (our readings)—including quotations and references to relevant details from separate scenes.
Cite the two epics and your secondary sources in both the text of the essay (internal,
parenthetical citations) and on the Works Cited page using standard MLA form