Topic: Goal/General Purpose: To inform my audience on a specific topic
A. Attention Getter: B. Tie to Audience: (topic background/relevance to audience)C. Establish your Credibility: (why are you qualified to speak on this topic?) relevance to audience)C. Establish your Credibility: (why are you qualified to speak on this topic?) D. Thesis (central idea): This sentence should clearly identify your topic E. Preview Main Points: (identify the main points you will be discussing in your speech here) Transition: (provide a complete sentence transition here; ensure it connects to the body of your speech)
(The number of main-points and sub-points will vary based on speech length and topic)II. Statement of the first main point; you should not use a source in this sentence. A. Idea of development or support for the first main point 1. Support material (ex: stats, quotes, stories, examples descriptions, explanations, testimony, etc.- cite source) 2. Support material (ex: stats, quotes, stories, examples descriptions, explanations, testimony, etc.- cite source)B. More development or support 1.
Support material (ex: stats, quotes, stories, examples descriptions, explanations, testimony, etc.- cite source)
Support material (ex: stats, quotes, stories, examples descriptions, explanations, testimony, etc.- cite source)
Transition: (complete sentence transition here)III. Statement of the second main point; you should not use a source in this sentence. A. 1. 2. B. 1.2.Transition: (complete sentence transition here)IV. A. 1. 2. Transition: (complete sentence transition here)
(restate thesis while reinforcing the central idea)B.
(final clincher/provide a memorable closure that gives a sense of finale; Not abrupt)
Cite three sources in complete APA format only. Some reminders for a perfect format are:- sources must be in alphabetical order- Include proper indents where the first line is left justified and the subsequent lines are indented inwards like a new paragraph.
In the MLA format, this is the opposite, so please make sure your first line is on the left and second, third lines are indented.- No bold or underline anywhere in your citations. Only use italics for main book name or journal names.- Do not use title casing, only use sentence cases. This means after the first letter (upper case), the rest are all lower cased unless it is a special noun such as someone’s name or the name of a country etc.