M3 Reflective Journal:
Each essay should outline whatever part of the readings “speak” to you, and review a few new and different technologies [defined broadly] to try and assess [or imagine] how useful or easy it would be to use in your classroom, or program. As you reflect on your readings and research, continue to record your thoughts about the technology you are learning to use. The cumulative journal entries will be posted and graded in the final module.
M3 Overview
In this module we will review the guidelines provided by the International Society for Technology in Education [ISTE] that serve as a resource for the professionals that work with children after second grade. In this module, we will explore how technology can be used beyond early childhood, with special attention to how new forms of technology fit into the ISTE guidelines in areas such as literacy, dual-language learners, and STEM [science, technology, engineering and mathematics].
Module Objectives: [After satisfactorily completing this module, you should be able to]
- Interpret professional peer-reviewed journal articles that explore a form of digital media or emerging technology
- Find and assess technology that can be used in early childhood programs;
- Explore, share and discuss a use of technology; and
- Utilize different forms of technology to complete a project.
Required Readings
- Technology and Digital Media in the Early Years: Tools for Teaching and Learning – Part 2 [selected articles]
- International Society for Technology in Education. ISTE Standards – Learning, Teaching and Leading in the Digital Age.
- Shuler, C. 2007. D is for Digital: An Analysis of the Children’s Interactive Media Environment with a Focus on Mass-marketed Products That Promote Learning. New York, NY: The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop
Optional Readings [from the NAEYC]: