1. What role does effective interpersonal communication play within organizations?
2. Answer the following questions
A) What are some takeaways someone can take from the topic of stereotype threats at work.
B) What are some takeaways someone can take from workforce demographic changes and diversity.
3. Name three practices you can use to make your manager a better non-profit manager or a leader.
4. Provide a response to each question below. Answers must contain enough
information and detail to demonstrate a sound understanding of the area(s) the question relates to.
A. Name three types of meeting and their purposes and three different ways that meetings can be conducted.
B. Explain what a “meeting code of practice” covers, and why do organisations have them?
C. Describe two types of legislation that affect meeting requirements and describe how they might impact on meeting arrangements.
D. List three requirements of public meetings.
5. Leadership VS management
consider the differences between management and leadership At this point, you will recognize that there are similarities and differences – there are overlaps and distinctions. One cannot operate without the other, yet a good manager is not necessarily a good leader and vice versa. Consider the differences between management from leadership. While both are necessary for an organization to be effective, both are different. Discuss the following:
A. How management and leadership both work together and conflict in helping meet organizational goals
B. What makes an effective manager vs what makes an effective leader (and if there are overlaps)
C. Effects of the recent pandemic on the role of managers and/or leaders in the organization
D. The future of management and/or leadership in the organization
E. Top recommendations and strategies for businesses to consider in optimizing leadership as a competitive advantage
F. Top recommendations and strategies to optimize management to enhance efficiencies throughout business operations
6. Discussion
There are many critical issues in financial management. All employees are required to have annual training on HIPAA, Compliance, Risk Management, Harassment, and Disaster Planning. Why does the manager have to budget this expense in the overall department budget?
7. Question
Each of the following internal controls has been taken from a standard internal control questionnaire used by a CPA firm for assessing control risk in the payroll and personnel cycle.
a. Human resource policies require an investigation of an employment application from new employees. Investigation includes checking the employee’s background, former employers, and references.
b. Approval of department head or foreman on time records is required before preparing payroll.
c. All prenumbered time records are accounted for before beginning data entry for preparation of payroll.
d. The payroll accounting software calculates gross and net pay based on hours inputted and information in employee master files, and payroll accounting personnel double-check the mathematical accuracy on a test basis.
e. The payroll accounting software application will not accept data input for an employee number not contained in the employee master file.
f. Persons preparing the payroll do not perform other payroll duties (e.g., human resources or approval of time records) nor do they have access to payroll data master files or cash.
g. Written termination notices, with properly documented reasons for termination, and approval by an appropriate official are required.
h. All checks and notices of electronic payments not distributed to employees are returned to the treasurer for safekeeping and follow-up.
i. Online ability to add employees or change pay rates to the payroll master file is restricted via passwords to authorized human resource personnel.
A. For each internal control, identify the type(s) of specific control activity (or activities) to which it applies (such as adequate documents and records or physical control over assets and records).
B. For each internal control, identify the transaction-related audit objective(s) to which it applies.
C. For each control, list a specific misstatement that could result from the absence of the control.
D. For each control, identify one audit test that the auditor could use to uncover misstatements resulting from the absence of the control.
8. Select and profile (a) a high-level job position you aspire to secure
in your chosen allied health field and (b) a same-level position in a different and unrelated allied health care field. What educational and professional qualifications must each individual in this high-level position possess? What is the typical career path to arrive at each position? Compare and contrast the responsibilities each position entails in regards to workplace safety, risk management, and/or quality of service, and identify one element from each career path that might benefit the other.
9. please describe the positives and negatives of organized labor within
an organization. What are the roles of the HR manager in both situations? Please utilize facts, sometimes this issue can be very emotional from both viewpoints.
10. Identify 2 technology tools, and discuss their use by HR during the employee recruitment process.
11. A. What are the key drivers of global HRM integration? 2. Are global
integration and local responsiveness useful concepts when it comes to the design and export of an HRM practice?
B. What capabilities do IHRM (International Human Resources Management) functions have to develop if they are to successfully transfer HRM practices globally?
C. Are global leaders born or made? Give your opinion
D. Is it ever possible to develop a global talent management system?
12. Discuss the advantages/disadvantages of three training evaluation designs in human resource management.
13. what is one process and their benefits for the following below?· inbound logistics· operations
· outbound logistics
· marketing and sales
· service
· procurement
· human resource management
· technology development
· infrastructure
14. Whether corporate HR risks, such as recruitment, training and talent
outflow risks, are internal or external risk?
15. A. Why is it important for modem companies to use talent management as part of their organization’s direction?
B. What items are typically included in the job description?
C. Describe the types of information typically found in a Job specification.
D. Discuss and highlight the main differences between job enlargement, job rotation, and job enrichment.
E. How does job analysis support all human resource management activities?
16. It’s been a couple of days since your meeting with the CEO. What you
have found is disheartening. The previous HR manager had become very lazy in his job. As you start to make notes, you are overwhelmed by what is missing. Very few employee files are current, there are no job descriptions for 75 percent of the positions, and the company handbook is over 10 years old. There is a computerized system for payroll that has some records, but this needs to be updated with current information for most of the positions.
You recognize that it’s time to take action. What should be your first step?
17. Please select 30 question for this and Answer
If you interview a HR Director from a local company, they might have trouble answering question 3. So, select a substitute question. You should submit a total of 30 questions and answer. It is important to interview a Director of HR, PHR or SPHR. You must interview someone knowledgeable of human resources. Otherwise, you might as well interview each other. Please list the name and a contact number or e-mail address for the individual you interview.
If you think of a great question to ask that is not on the list, please include the question and answer in your paper. You may substitute 5 of your own questions. Please only submit a total of 30 questions and answers. If an individual cannot answer a question, that is fine. Please go to the next question. You need to submit 30 answers. For example, “They do not do that at this company” or “He or She does not have an opinion” will not count as an answer.
-What is the most important skill (communication, writing, problem solving, etc.) for a potential employee to have from your perspective?
-What skill set do you see missing from the majority of the applicants you interview or have recently hired?
-Is being more “global” minded an important aspect for one of your potential employees to have?
-What traits do you look for in current employees when you are trying to promote from within?
-Have you seen a difference between a traditional age graduate (21-22) vs. an adult graduate (30+) when it comes to preparation for the types of jobs you have open? What are some of those differences?
-Do you feel there is a lack of skills, qualities, etc. with applicants in your demographic recruiting area? What are they lacking?
-What are some of the computer software systems used by your organization for the Human Resource Management Function?
-As an HR representative what is the most difficult part of your job?
-How are interviews structured at your facility? Who is involved?
-Do you think promoting within is better than hiring outside the company? Why or Why not?
-Name a couple of things you look for on a resume.
-Describe some of those key factors that you give importance while interviewing a candidate for a mid-level position.
-Do you feel that your organization has a diverse work force? Has your organization benefited from having one or not having one?
-Why did you select a career in HR?
-As a Human Resource Manager, what would you say is the most important part of your job?
-How do you determine who is the best candidate for open positions, and how do you determine what pay you are willing to offer the candidate?
-What advice would you give a person who is considering a career in HR?
-Does your company have a “due process” policy? Why, or Why not?
-Does your company use any marketing advertising to recruit employees?
-Do you have an example of when you had to address an employee whom emotionally withdrawn from their work? How did you handle it?
-Have you ever helped with delayering in your organization? What was the reason for the delayering?
-Have you ever fired someone on the spot? What legality precautions did you take?
-Do you think that you are sometimes settling due to the lack of experience displayed in the applicant pool?
-Along with experience does education play a major role with an applicant getting a job?
-How often do hiring managers check references?
-Give me an example of when you have had to face a conflict of interest at work.
-What kind of pressures have you encountered at work?
-What is the purpose if the 4/5 rule? Is there a 4/5 rule for individuals with disabilities?
-How does the HR department contribute in the growth and satisfaction of the employee?
-What are the main challenges facing Human Resources Management today?
-What employee recruitment/selection/retention/development strategies have you developed/introduced?
-What are your key considerations when communicating HR policy to the organization?
-How have you kept HR policies and procedures current in terms of new legislation and regulations?
-What essential content do you include in a practical and useful HR policy and procedure?
-What measures have you introduced to reduce absenteeism/turnover/substance abuse in the workforce?
-What would you do if a fellow executive on your own corporate level wasn’t pulling his/her weight and this was hurting the company/organization?
-What types of training does your company offer employees? New hires?
-Do you use job analysis reviews or employee evaluations to make company changes?
-What types of incentives are offered? How are they based?
-How are you involved with shortage of work or increase of work?
-What are your thoughts on BFOQ?
18. A vast amount of knowledge resides within the innovative organizations.
A significant portion of this knowledge, which includes standard operating procedures, lessons learned, best practices, manuals, and documentation; need to be captured, stored, codified, and shared. Instead, most of the knowledge resides in silos with individuals throughout the organization, and when the employees transfer or resign, the knowledge moves with them. In line with this argument, several KM scholars have also indicated that when the employees move from or quit an organization, the knowledge “walks out of the door” with them. To resolve this problem, the innovative organizations need to develop a knowledge-based platform that comprises several components, such as knowledge repository, communities of practice, expert directory, and other virtual applications. In relation to this initiative, there are challenges and issues in realizing knowledge capture and sharing behaviour in the innovative organizations. Although their management has provided a large amount of funding in developing these knowledge-based platforms, they could not make a conducive and effective KM behaviour in these organizations. Despite strong efforts to systematically define processes and technology solutions, prior studies by the KM scholars have asserted that 70% of organizations implementing a company-wide strategy for knowledge sharing and transfer fail to realize improvement in performance or to develop core competencies, such as innovation and research development.
Based on this scenario, answer the questions below:
A. What do you think the main issues for KM initiatives? Elaborate THREE (3) issues or gaps that you have identified in this scenario.
B. As the KM consultant, suggest THREE (3) solutions on how the organization can improve the situation. Elaborate your answers.
C. Based on your own opinions, describe FOUR (4) main success factors for KM initiatives.
19. Question 1: What is the difference between responsibility and accountability?Question 2: What are four tips for prioritisation?
Question 3: What are six techniques for managing your time effectively?
Question 4: Identify and describe the four quadrants of Covey’s time management model.
Question 5: How would you apply Covey’s time management model to managing your workplace priorities?
Question 6: Explain how you can use an organisations policies and procedures to make sure you comply with expectations in relation to managing your day to day tasks in a workplace.
Question 7: What strategies could you put in place to help you manage workplace stress more effectively?
Question 8: What technologies are available today to help manage work / life balance commitments?
Question 9: What is professional competency?
Question 10: List three ways you can maintain your professional competency.
Question 11: Why are maintaining networks an important aspect of professional development?
Question 12: What is a professional development plan?
Question 13: What are the 4 types of learning styles according to David Kolb’s Learning Style Model?
Question 14: Describe what the VAK Learning System is.
20. Scenario – The CEO has identified a mid-level manager as someone to
go through a training and development program for senior management. You are given the task of training this person; however, after reviewing the employee’s current skills against senior management skills, you notice a considerable skills gap. The CEO is quite stern that this person goes through the training and development program.
-Describe the purpose of the training specific to this situation.
-How would a needs analysis solve the problem you face with a skills gap?
-Discuss the key elements of an effective training program for mid-level managers to become senior-level managers.
-What may be some opposing or other perspectives regarding the training?
-Explain the best approach to help the manager develop the needed skills for this career path. Provide an argument as to why this is the best approach in spite of some of the other perspectives.
21. Explain the basis for selecting tools, techniques and strategies to analyse administrative functions
Really struggling with this question, I work in an administrative role for a healthcare organisation and they often ask for us to link it back to this. I can do that part myself but for the majority of the question I’m pretty lost.
Would this be things such as SWOT?
The following questions are the others in this particular unit, unsure if this might help you to work out which criteria requires meeting etc;
1.1 Explain the constraints attached to the use of resources needed to resolve administrative problems
1.2 Explain how to apply risk assessment and management techniques to identify and resolve administrative problems
1.3 Analyse the effectiveness of different techniques used to resolve administrative problems
22. 5 importance of face masks to Managers in a business
23. A. H&M has a business model that focuses on outsourcing non-core
operations so they can focus on the core business model. To do it, H&M buys clothing and accessories from a large selection of suppliers but does not own a single factory. Their core business is to have “fashion and quality at the best price”. Identify and discuss the core competencies and core operations of the H&M Group. (5 marks)
B. From the perspective of the comparative advantage theory, highlight the factors accelerating the continuous expansion of outsourcing by global companies and discuss the non-core operations which the H&M Group has decided to outsource. (10 marks)
24. The Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM) is a
professional body that is committed to develop, maintain, and enhance the human resource management profession in Hong Kong. One of the values upheld by the HKIHRM is to share an independent and balanced view on people-related issues with employers and managers in Hong Kong.
Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), senior management in the hotel industry has already implemented several waves of cost-cutting measures (e.g., layoff, no-paid leave, and part-time work arrangement) to sustain their operation. However, managers believe that instead of cutting costs endlessly, the budget should be allocated to equip employees with the necessary knowledge and skills such that organizations can maintain their competitiveness in the market in a long run.
Assume that you are an HR consultant of HKIHRM who is being asked by The Federation of Hong Kong Hotel Owners (the federation) to collect data and submit a report exploring the following issues:
A. Identify and explain four environmental challenges to the hotel industry since 2020.
B. Based on the identified environmental challenges, recommend four training programmes to the federation and explain how they can help the hotel industry to tackle the challenges.
25. The article: The role of human resource managers in the promotion
of hotel sector as a brand in Jordanian hotel industry – a cross-sectional study
Follow the link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23311975.2021.1875535
A critical assessment of the article:
How does it deal with human resources management promotion?
26. Human Resources Management (Organizational Culture)
How is the process of work organization doing internal integration for achieving a vision of company vision?
27. -Define outsourcing
-Define offshoring
-Define labor turnoveR
-Define workforce audit5.
-Define human resource or workforce planning.
-Define human resource management.
-Define occupational mobility of labor.
-Define geographical mobility of labor.
-Define recruitment.
-State the five parts of the HR recruitment and selection process.
-Define job description
-Define person specification.
-State two advantages of internal recruitment
-State two advantages of external recruitment.
-State two drawbacks of high labor turnover
-State two potential benefits of high labor turnover
-Outline the four main types of training
-Define employee appraisal.
-Outline the four main types of appraisal systems for employees.
-Define dismissal and provide one reason for employee dismissal
-Define redundancy and provide one reason for employee redundancy.
-State two advantages of part-time and flexible contracts for the business.
-State two advantages for workers with part-time and flexible contracts.
-State two drawbacks of part-time and flexible contracts for a business.
-State two drawbacks for workers with part-time and flexible contracts.
-Define re-shoring.
-State two benefits of HR outsourcing.
-State two limitations of HR outsourcing.
-Define hard HR.
-State two limitations of hard HR.
-Define soft HR.
-State two limitations of soft HR
28. How can human resources management be instrumental in helping a company develop a competitive advantage?
29. Analyse the different models of strategic human resource management
30. Develop well-explained answers to the following questions. Precede
each answer with the number and text of the question.
-Describe the essential elements of forecasting the supply of and demand for human resources
-Summarize the basic implications for human resource decisions of three different strategies (i.e., growth, stability and reduction). (e.g., What is HR’s role based on each strategy?)
-What are the basic economic conditions that are especially relevant to human resource managers? Explain how each economic condition affects the decisions and actions that are of a HR nature in an organization.
-List the steps in job analysis.
-Compare job descriptions and job specifications.
-Distinguish between job behaviors and job competencies
-Identify and describe the major techniques that organizations use for job analysis
31. From the HRM perspective, what are the implications for employers
managing labor relations in the Public Sector? Be specific
Please use these sources below:
32. Definitions and Examples( define the term, provide an example from
your own perspective or experience. )You are welcome to write in point form
A. Human resource management:
B. Bona fide Job Occupant:
C. Human Capital:
D. Retention:
E. Power and Privilege:
F. Vark Learning Styles:
G. Cyberloafing:
H. Demographics:
I. Staffing Plan:
J. External forces of change:
K. Recruitment:
L. Selection:
M. Job Analysis:
N. Job specifications:
P. Job description:
33. What challenges would the human resources professional need to address
if a company wanted to implement a ROWE plan? How would they be overcome
34. You have just been hired as the human resources (HR) manager by your
company’s chief executive officer (CEO). During your interview process, the CEO indicated that in the last 2 decades, the workforce demographics of her company have changed dramatically. Although this had been occurring, both the previous HR manager as well as all of the company’s front-line supervisors have remained as they had been for years: primarily white males, now in their 50s and early 60s, from a Judeo-Christian background. The CEO indicated that at a frequent rate, workplace strife had been increasing, and it seemed to be related to the changing demographics of the workforce itself. The CEO asked you to compile a training manual that consists of sections targeted at the training of the existing front-line supervisors. Later on, there will be sensitivity training as well as to help all employees understand the changing workforce and what it might mean for them.
Diversity Training Manual: Overview
The content of the final complete manual will need to cover diversity issues, specifically the following forms of discrimination:
-Age There also must be information regarding the following information:
-Recent trends
-Forecasts about the changing general population
-Legislation covering these type issues There will need to be subsections that deal with the following information:
-Customs and values of each group
-The need for sensitivity to differing values and customs
-Legislation affecting supervisor regulations Diversity Training Manual: Part I
Given that the training manual will be dealing with several diversity issues, prepare the table of contents and write the first part of the manual, which should deal with some useful background for the company’s supervisors and managers.
The first parts that the CEO wants completed are as follows:
-A preliminary outline of the entire manual (this may change as you work on the project)
-The table of contents
-The following sections regarding the demographics of the U.S. population should be included: o Current statisticso Recent trendso Forecasted trends
-Using the Web sites listed, present information about trends in the U.S. populations regarding the following information: o Immigrant versus native
o Religion
o Age
o Race
Use the following Web sites:
-Web site 1
-Web site 2
-Web site 3Diversity Training Manual: Part II
As the new human resources manager, you are now ready to complete the next section of a diversity training manual that is targeted at making your workforce supervisors more aware of current racial diversity issues (e.g., the dramatic increase in the Hispanic percentage of the workforce) and how the supervisors should address them. The goal is to reduce potential tensions in the workplace among employees of different races.
Part II is to be titled, Historical Issues of Different Races in the Workplace and How to Handle Them.
This section should discuss the following:
-Different races now or likely to be in the workforce of the future, based on the U.S. populations racial demographic changes
-Particular issues that create tensions among the different groups
-How supervisors need to address these issues that could potentially cause tensionDiversity Training Manual: Part III
As a continuation of the diversity training manual, you (as the new manager of human resources) should now create portions that specifically address gender issues and are targeted at training and raising the sensitivity of all supervisors regarding potential gender issues. It should include a section on how the supervisor should or should not handle certain gender-based workplace issues. For example, can the supervisor hand out work assignments that he or she feels are better suited to different genders? Can he or she write a job requirement that only one gender can meet, such as a strength requirement?
This section of the manual must, at a minimum, address the following information:
-A few general facts about the U.S. population’s gender mix and the gender mix found in notable segments of the workforce should be included. Make sure to include all sources of information.
-The essence and applicability of the landmark Griggs v. Duke Power case dealing with stated job requirements should be addressed.Click here to read the Griggs v. Duke Power case.
-Describe how the supervisor should state minimum job requirements when he or she requests new employees to be hired into the department.
-Explain how the supervisor might communicate to his or her department (of all male employees) when a female is about to become part of the work team. References
Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971). Retrieved from the FindLaw Web site: http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=401&invol=424
Passel, J. S., & Cohn, D. (2008, February 11). U.S. population projections: 2005-2050. Retrieved from thePew Research Hispanic Trends Project Web site: http://www.pewhispanic.org/2008/02/11/us-population-projections-2005-2050/
Pew Research Religion & Public Life Project. (n.d.). Reports. Retrieved from http://religions.pewforum.org/reports
Pierce, R. (n.d.). Dealing with a changing workforce: Supervision in the 21st century. Retrieved from the Business Expert Webinars Web site: http://www.businessexpertwebinars.com/content/view/593/29/
Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:
-TITLE PAGE. Remember the Running head: AND TITLE IN ALL CAPITALS
-ABSTRACT. A summary of your paper…not an introduction. Begin writing in third person voice.
-BODY. The body of your paper begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The type face should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics except as required for APA level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 4-6 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.
-REFERENCE PAGE. References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hang indention, italics, and upper and lower case usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference Page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation. Individual Project will be graded based upon the rubric provided here
35. From a human resources management perspective, how has COVID-19 impacted
Canadian organizations? What is the short term impact and long term impact? What ideas do you have the could solve these challenges
36. Discuss the 3 phases of the labor relations process: recognition phase,
negotiation phase, and administration phase. Why is it important for human resources managers to have an understanding of labor relations?
cite at least 2 scholarly sources from the last 5 years.
37. Advancement in technology is said to be the most critical change lever
faced by organizations. Discuss the repercussions of recent technological advancements on the HRM practices of an organization. What are the challenges faced by HR managers?
38. HR Models and The Role of HRMCase Study- Biscuits and skill: Biscuit making in Britain and Germany
This is taken from a study of biscuit manufacture in ten (10) British and eight (8) German firms.
The type of biscuits produced varied greatly between the two (2) countries, largely owing to national tastes and demand. In Britain demand concentrated on relatively basic biscuits: either plan or with simple coating of chocolate, cream, or jam. In Germany, there was a much higher demand for decorated and multi-textured products (soft biscuits with jam filling in chocolate cases or layered variegated biscuits). Since this affected the type of biscuits each firm produced, it was difficult to measure and compare output and productivity between the British and German factories.
An examination of crude output figures indicated that at the British factories employees were 25 percent more productive than German employees largely because British firms produced large quantities of simple low quality biscuits. However, when productivity figures were adjusted to consider quality, the German factories demonstrated that employees were 40 percent more productive per employee per hour. Research revealed that 90 percent of the German employees were craft worker-trained bakers and could work in all the main areas of baking operations including mixing, biscuit-forming, oven control and machine maintenance. The result was the specialization of work and three (3) person teams could be responsible for at least two (2) oven lines simultaneously. In German firms, employees were able to specialize in areas that added value to the final product. For instance, factory staff included highly qualified maintenance persons who were able to undertake regular maintenance work, persons even worked with supervisors to customize equipment and increase productivity and were skilled enough to treat with machine breakdown.
Whereas in Britain, no process workers and few supervisors were vocationally trained. As a result, each individual production line needed a three (3) person team to cover mixing and baking since workers were narrowly trained and needed to stick to their own jobs. Few firms had any regular system of machine maintenance while work was conducted on a 24-hour shift basis and machine breakdown was frequent requiring manual labour to be directed to areas as wrapping and packaging. This was further worsened by the workers not being skilled enough to anticipate or treat with machine breakdowns.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Shirley’s Biscuits a British Manufacturer has decided to expand into the German market to sell gourmet biscuits in order to increase the company’s market share and profits. As the Vice President, Human Resource Management you play a critical role in executing this transition. Using the information from the Case Study as well as the Roles of HRM. What areas in HRM you would focus on and why?
39. A. What are the main responsibilities of human resource management? Give at least three of them.
B. What are the five current legal issues related to human resources management?
What are the five steps in the human resources planning process?
C. Assess how any two famous companies handle those steps. Give explanations and examples.
D. What are the three steps in the selection period for recruitment? Give their distinctive features.
E. If you were a manager, how would you develop the quality of your workplace? Why would you choose those ways, explain it?
F. What are the advantages and disadvantages of compensation and benefits on employees’ performances?
G. What is the importance of labour union and bargaining power in terms of employees’ viewpoint?
NOTE: Please help with this with absolutely this with your OWN words not from internet and please answer for each question an answer. Thank you for your help
40. In what way has technology changed human resources management? Discuss
at least four technologies that have had an impact.
41. Question:make an email
After reading the following message and to the company that informs them of the new policy and that helps bolster a positive attitude toward this change.
You are the President of Newpex Consulting Firm, and you are concerned about the high level of turnover in company employees. After reviewing data from employee exit interviews and HR, you have determined that employees who leave the firm after only a few years often report high levels of stress, burnout, or “needing an extended break” as a reason for leaving.
As one part of an effort to address the problem of employees overworking, you’ve decided to revise the company’s current vacation policy. (Your decision is partly based on a 2013 study jointly conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management and the U.S. Travel Association which showed that a strong majority of human resource professionals thought vacation time impacted creativity (70%), employee engagement (68%), staying with the organization longer (60%), and taking fewer sick days (58%).)
Currently, Newpex’s policy allows employees to take paid time off (PTO) based on number of years of employment: 5 vacation days for employees with fewer than 3 years of employment; 10 vacation days for employees with between 3 and 5 years of employment; 15 days for employees with between 5 and 10 years of employment, and 20 days for employees with more than 10 years of employment. The current policy also allows employees to rollover vacation days at the end of the year. Data from HR indicated that the average employee had 23 days of accumulated (unused) PTO. Further, when employees left the firm, they received a payout for unused vacation days, at a rate of $350/day. You’ve concluded that the current policy doesn’t incentivize employees to use their vacation time.
You’ve thus decided to announce a new vacation policy. Going into effect immediately, employees with fewer than 10 years of employment will receive 15 days of vacation per year, and employees with more than 10 years will receive 20 days per year. The amount of rollover and payout will also change: employees can rollover a maximum of 5 days per year, and cannot accumulate more than 25 vacation days total. Employees will no longer earn cash payouts from unused PTO after January 1, 2022.
Employees who have currently accumulated vacation days in excess of the allowed 25 will receive a cash payout for those days; to receive the payout, employees must submit a request form to the HR office no later than December 15, 2021.
*you are welcome to imagine/”make up”/fill in whatever details you deem necessary to make your responses seem effective and realistic. However, your responses shouldn’t change the basic “facts” given in these scenarios. *
After creating an email, would you please explain: What did you want to accomplish as a result of this message? What did you want your audience to believe, feel, and/or do?
Also, would you please explain: What strategies you used? (such as direct or indirect?, How did you organize your message? Did you use AIDA?, What kind of tone were you aiming for)
42. Imagining that you are a human resources manager, write an email to all those who report to you informing them that late arrivals, long lunches, and overly casual workplace clothes and behavior will no longer be tolerated.
43. We are currently writing our business plan, can you help me elaborate
this more for the Business Ownership part of our written plan? Here is the content for your reference:
“Everbloom will be established as a partnership company. It will be jointly owned by the following:
-Almiranez, Charlize Rose
-Aquino, Deanne Angeline
-Celeste, Guianna
-Nerona, Francesca Marie
-Ramos, Anely Marie
The partners will have an equal responsibility to the business.”
44. As a human resource manager how would one evaluate different compensation
packages for employees who are located throughout the world?
45. A. Describe the forces affecting the workplace and learning. How can
training help companies deal with these forces?
B. Discuss the relationship between formal training and development, informal learning, and knowledge management. How are they related to learning and creating a learning organization?
C. What are intangible assets? How do they relate to training and development?
D. How are companies using training and development to benefit them in today’s economy?
E. How might technology influence the importance of training professionals’ roles?
Can technology reduce the importance of any of the roles? Can it result in additional roles?
F.. How does training differ between companies that are considered BEST Award winners and those that are not?
G. What are the implications of generational differences in the workforce? What strategies should companies consider from a training and development perspective to cope with generational differences and use them to benefit the company?
H. How has new technology improved training and development? What are some of the limitations of using smart phones or notebooks for training?
I. Explain how training relates to attracting new employees, employee retention, and motivation.
J. What is the relationship between talent management and employee engagement?
What role can training and development practices play in keeping employee engagement high? Explain.
K. How can training, informal learning, and knowledge management benefit from the use of social collaboration tools like Twitter and Facebook? Identify the social collaboration tool and explain the potential benefits gained by using it.
46. Without adequate Human Resources company objectives cannot be inch,
thus, the following ongoing process is vital to successful human resource management?
Please select one:
A. ) human resource training
B.) human resource planning
C.) human resource recruiting
47. A. Traditionally, human resource management practices were developed
and administered by the company’s human resource department. Managers are now playing a major role in developing and implementing HRM practices. Why do you think non-HR managers are becoming more involved in developing and implementing HRM practices?
B. Staffing, training, compensation, and performance management are important HRM functions. How can each of these functions help companies succeed in meeting the global challenge, the challenge of using new technology, and the sustainability challenge?
C. Which HR practices can benefit by the use of social collaboration tools like Twitter and Facebook? Identify the HR practices and explain the benefits gained.
D. Do you agree with the statement “Employee engagement is something companies should be concerned about only if they are making money”? Explain.
48. Discuss the role and importance of Human Resource (HR) Policy in strategy.
49. From the HRM perspective, what are the implications for employers
managing labor relations in the Public Sector? Be specific
50. What are the main issues of the Tengo Ltd. and explain the SWOT analysis
of the Tengo Ltd. (Recruitment and Selection: Tengo Ltd. Consultancy Case)
51. Mary, the owner and manager of a company with ten employees, has hired you to take over the HRM function so she can focus on other areas of her business. During your first two weeks, you find out that the company has been greatly affected by the up economy and is expected to experience overall revenue growth by 10 percent over the next three years, with some quarters seeing growth as high as 30 percent. However, five of the ten workers are expected to retire within three years. These workers have been with the organization since the beginning and provide a unique historical perspective of the company. The other five workers are of diverse ages.
In addition to these changes, Mary believes they may be able to save costs by allowing employees to telecommute one to two days per week. She has some concerns about productivity if she allows employees to work from home. Despite these concerns, Mary has even considered closing down the physical office and making her company a virtual organization, but she wonders how such a major change will affect the ability to communicate and worker motivation.
Mary shares with you her thoughts about the costs of health care on the organization. She has considered cutting benefits entirely and having her employees work for her on a contract basis, instead of being full-time employees. She isn’t sure if this would be a good choice.
Mary schedules a meeting with you to discuss some of her thoughts. To prepare for the meeting, you perform research so you can impress your new boss with recommendations on the challenges presented.
A. Point out which changes are occurring in the business that affect HRM.
B. What are some considerations the company and HR should be aware of when making changes related to this case study?
C. What would the initial steps be to start planning for these changes?
D. What would your role be in implementing these changes? What would Mary’s role be?
52. What is the answer to this Short Case?
Mary, the owner and manager of a company with ten employees, has hired you to take over the HRM function so she can focus on other areas of her business. During your first two weeks, you find out that the company has been greatly affected by the up economy and is expected to experience overall revenue growth by 10 percent over the next three years, with some quarters seeing growth as high as 30 percent. However, five of the ten workers are expected to retire within three years. These workers have been with the organization since the beginning and provide a unique historical perspective of the company. The other five workers are of diverse ages.
n addition to these changes, Mary believes they may be able to save costs by allowing employees to telecommute one to two days per week. She has some concerns about productivity if she allows employees to work from home. Despite these concerns, Mary has even considered closing down the physical office and making her company a virtual organization, but she wonders how such a major change will affect the ability to communicate and worker motivation.
Mary shares with you her thoughts about the costs of health care on the organization. She has considered cutting benefits entirely and having her employees work for her on a contract basis, instead of being full-time employees. She isn’t sure if this would be a good choice.
Mary schedules a meeting with you to discuss some of her thoughts. To prepare for the meeting, you perform research so you can impress your new boss with recommendations on the challenges presented.
a.Point out which changes are occurring in the business that affect HRM.
b.What are some considerations the company and HR should be aware of when making changes related to this case study?
c.What would the initial steps be to start planning for these changes?
d.What would your role be in implementing these changes? What would Mary’s role be?
53. McDonald’s is now accepting job applications through Alexa and Google Assistant
Presumably before AI automates the job you’re applying for
By Nick Statt@nickstatt Sep 25, 2019, 4:01am EDT
McDonald’s today announced a new initiative the fast food chain is calling the “Apply Thru,” in which owners of Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant devices can begin job applications using standard “Alexa” and “Ok Google” voice commands. The company is envisioning this as a way to give young people more ways to start entry-level careers at one of its restaurants, and that apparently extends to artificial intelligence-powered digital voice assistants.
You can’t actually complete the application process using Alexa or Google Assistant. “After beginning the experience via Alexa or the Google Assistant, all they’ll need to do is answer a few basic questions out loud. They’ll receive a text, following their responses to these questions, with a link to complete the application process online. Simple as that,” reads McDonald’s press release. But perhaps if actually using a computer or your phone to start applying to a job at McDonald’s was too much of a hurdle, getting the ball rolling with a hands-free voice request might do the trick.
The initiative is part of a growing series of tech-adjacent efforts McDonald’s has made over the last few years designed to fashion it as a hip, millennial-friendly brand. The company has struggled over the course of the last decade with the rise of fast casual chains, healthier eating and dieting trends, and shifts in dining culture that have resulted in less late-night drive-thru runs and more mobile app ordering.
In response, McDonald’s has embraced the bold future fusion of AI, automation, and on-demand delivery. It’s also still playing up the nostalgic notion that a McDonald’s gig can be a pleasant, entrylevel affair for young people — and not the type of job that seems ripe to be replaced by the very software and robotics advancements the company is betting the future of its business on.
An example of McDonald’s more aggressive tech embrace is its massive partnership with Uber Eats, which includes experimental drone delivery, and now DoorDash, as well as the global rollout of its selforder kiosks. On the other end are marketing gems like the “Snaplications” partnership with Snapchat two years ago and now the Alexa and Google-powered Apply Thru. It’s not clear anyone really wants to apply for a job using an AI voice assistant or the Snapchat app. But McDonald’s figures it can’t hurt.
Meanwhile, the real, tech-infused drivers of its business continue to be its shift to accommodate ondemand delivery and its transition into full-scale automation. McDonald’s is currently testing out even more dramatic steps, like actual robots in the kitchen and voice-activated drive-thru systems.
The company has also made a number of acquisitions this year, including an estimated $300 million deal for Israel-based AI startup Dynamic Yield, to bring even more AI advancements and personalization to its drive-thru experience, its various in-store and online menus, and other facets of of the business.
The goal, of course, is to cut costs, keep margins high, and ensure McDonald’s can process, compile, and deliver orders as efficiently as possible all around the world, in both densely packed cities and spread-out suburbs and everything in between. Those sound like exciting problems to work on. But chances are the Apply Thru won’t be accepting applications for those jobs.
Reference: https://www.theverge.com/2019/9/25/20883007/mcdonalds-apply-thru-amazon-alexa-google-assistant-job-applications-aiautomation
Read the above case Study on McDonald’s Human Resources Recruitment innovation, and answer these questions:
a. Explain how does the system work and the benefits for Organization! (LO 1&3, )
b. Describe whether the Alexa can also be considered as IOT, if yes why? (LO 3, )
c. What do you think human resource managers can make use of social computing?
Notes: Put reference (s) link for your answer!
54. The article: The role of human resource managers in the promotion
of hotel sector as a brand in Jordanian hotel industry – a cross-sectional study
Follow the link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23311975.2021.1875535
A statement about the value of the article to the human resources profession: What impact or implications did this research have on the human resources profession?
55. The Minister of Communication and Transport Mr. Brian Mushimba announced the cabinet approval of a new national airline during a “Team building” cocktail at a Hotel.
In his speech, Mr. Brian Mushimba assured the people that Government would not interfere in the running of the Airways which was to be relaunched.
In an interview with him, Mr. Mushimba said government would stay off clear from the day to day running of the national career.He disclosed that government was going to appoint a Board of Directors and Management team of credible, smart and intelligent people to manage the airline.
Mr. Mushimba said the bringing of a foreign Airline as an equity partner was going to further guarantee the independence in the running of the Airways. He said lessons had been learnt from the past following the failure of the Airways in 1994.
Mr. Mushimba defended the decision by the government to reinvest US$30 million in restarting the Airways saying the move was going to benefit the country in the long run. He said it was going to be good for the people in the long term. He stated that Government had heard the valid concerns about political interference and that those concerns had been acknowledged. He acknowledged that the Airways had not done well, and that there were a lot of abuse,”
Mr. Mushibwe told the meeting that government had said they would not tolerate abuse. He stated that the independence of the Airways would be established as they started the airline right from the start. He said the right procedures, systems and the right people would be put in place.”
Mr. Mushibwe said government was not going to allow the airline to be abused by government and party officials. He said Government would separate the airline from government. They would have a strong partner and that there would be no political interference. He told the meeting that they would have a credible, capable, smart and intelligent Board and the management team which was going to be equal to the task.”
Explain the challenges the Human Resources Manager of the Airline would face if it was infiltrated by political challenges.
56. With the current pandemic, we are currently facing the greatest economic
disruption of our lifetime. How has your organization adapted its strategy? How have the organization’s leaders shown their leadership? What steps has the organization taken to protect itself in the future? Alternatively, what have you read/seen that another organization has done to adapt to the pandemic that has caught your attention?
57. -Why is it important for HR Management to transform from an administrative
and operational function to a strategic partner?
-What is the history of the HR functions?
-Which organization has successfully transform from an administrative and operational function to a strategic partner?
58. Circle the ONE best answer.
-What HR activity determines what, where, when, and how work tasks are done?
a. defining and designing work
b. human resource planning
c. recruitment and selection
d. employee relations
-What HR activity provides the resources to assist employees in developing the necessary knowledge and skills to do their jobs today and in the future?
a. job descriptions and design
b. human resource planning
c. training and development
d. strategic planning
-What HR process ensures that people in the organization are the right people with the right skills at the right time in the right place?
a. human resource planning
b. job descriptions and work design
c. recruitment and selection
d. employee relations
-Which of the following is NOT an emerging area in the field of HRM?
a. high performance work groups
b. incentive compensation
c. organizational development
d. human resource information systems
-What are two emerging areas in the field of HRM?
a. organizational development and flexible work arrangements
b. incentive compensation and labour relations
c. pay and benefits, and safety
d. performance management and job design
-. What are two emerging areas in the field of HRM?
a. executive compensation and labour relations
b. safety and unions
c. performance management and staffing
d. high performance work groups and HRIS
– What emerging HR activity is an extension of training and development?
a. on the job coaching
b. learning and organizational development
c. human resource planning
d. employee development
-Which term describes the structure of HR processes and activities and their relationship to the organization and the employees?
a. linear
b. integrated
c. functional
d. dynamic
-Why is it important that line managers understand HRM?
a. it allows managers to meet their goals through the achievement of organization goals
b. it allows managers to apply HRM principles in the execution of their technical skills
c. managers are the key link between the employee and the customer
d. managers are responsible for a wide range of HRM activities
-Jayne Carter, the Vice President of HR for Starline Hotels is focused on ensuring that Starline Hotels is staffed with the most effective human resources to achieve the organizations strategic goals. What is Jayne’s role?
a. operational
b. strategic
c. staffing
d. administrative
-What actions must managers or HRMs take to ensure privacy legislation is upheld?
a. ensure that all personal information is NOT discarded
b. do not collect employees’ personal information, only collect work-related information
c. provide employees limited access to their online or paper personal files
d. acquire written consent when collecting and using employees’ personal information
-Which legislation is paramount over other employment laws?
a. labour law
b. employment equity law
c. human rights law
d. criminal law
-What are the two basic employment laws for companies that are federally regulated?
a. Canada Human Rights Code and Canada Labour Act
b. Canada Labour Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act
c. Canada Human Rights Code and Labour Standards Act
d. Canada Labour Standards Act and Canada Human Rights Act
-What is acceptable grounds for discrimination?
a. religion
b. handicap or disability
c. lack of qualifications
d. race or colour
-Which example is systemic discrimination?
a. asking female candidates to demonstrate tow-motor ability, but not male applicants
b. requesting only persons with disabilities undergo pre-employment medicals
c. using word-of-mouth hiring practices
d. administering a personality profile assessment during the selection process
-What is a justifiable reason for discrimination based on business reasons of safety or effectiveness?
a. a bona fide occupational stipulation
b. employee wellness
c. a bona fide occupational qualification
d. reverse discrimination
-What is the term for employers’ attempts to adjust working conditions and employment practices in order to prevent discrimination?
a. prohibited ground of discrimination
b. bona fide occupational qualification
c. reasonable accommodation
d. undue hardship
-Why does health and safety concern managers and supervisors?
a. because customer service as well as safety is extremely important
b. because of global competition
c. because cutting costs is essential
d. because occupational health and safety accidents are numerous and costly
-Which of the following is a factor that causes an occupational illness?
a. stove burns
b. fracture (workplace accident)
c. inhalation of fumes
d. back injury
-Which of the following is a factor that causes an occupational injury?
a. chemical exposure
b. fracture (workplace accident)
c. inhalation of fumes
d. stress
-Which of the following is an occupational injury?
a. chemical exposure
b. fracture (workplace accident)
c. inhalation of fumes
d. stress
-Which of the following is an occupational illness?
a. chemical burns
b. leg fracture
c. inhalation of asbestos
d. cumulative trauma disorders
-In all jurisdictions, to whom are employers required to report any accidents that cause injuries or diseases?
a. the Occupational Health and Safety officer
b. the company doctor
c. local health officials
d. the Workers’ Compensation Board
-Which of the following is an employee responsibility for health and safety?
a. perform all duties assigned regardless of risk of exposure to hazards
b. implement health and safety programs
c. follow all safety rules and regulations
d. report all unsafe conditions to the Workers’ Compensation Board
-In defining work, what does the line manager determine?
a. the rank order of positions in the organization
b. the method of job analysis to be used
c. the rate of pay for jobs
d. the tasks and activities to be performed
-In the future, what will companies use to describe the work to be done instead of focusing on job descriptions?
a. work profiles
b. roles
c. competencies
d. position
-What are two reasons that the line manager should take the primary role in defining work?
a. because the line manager is responsible for defining performance standards and rate of pay
b. because the line manager determines the duties to be performed and knows what skills the job requires
c. because the line manager knows what knowledge the job requires and the rate of pay
d. because the line manager determines the tasks to be performed and the rate of compensation.
-Which of the following HRM processes does NOT make use of information about the work or job?
a. training and development
b. recruitment and selection
c. information systems requirements
d. performance evaluation
-What do the duties of a job consist of, ideally?
a. related tasks among various jobs
b. tasks and activities that are distinct from each other
c. natural units of work that are similar and related
d. a blend of complex and routine tasks
-Which best describes the relationship between job requirements and HRM processes?
a. Job design effects can correct almost all employee motivation problems.
b. All HRM processes use information on jobs.
c. A major use of job analysis information is to identify performance deficiencies.
d. Unions generally use job information from job analysis
59. -Describe the strategic importance of Human Resource Management
(HRM) to organizations and the role that managers/specialist perform in HRM activities.
-Describe how organizations enhance performance by effectively managing human resources.
-Describe the various training methods used in organizations.
-Explain the importance of training and development of employees.Review the performance review methods, (i.e., trait, behavioural, and results)
-Identify at least one method and specific tool (e.g., graphic rating scale method) that you have used as an employee undergoing a performance review. Was your experience positive? Negative? What would you change? Explain your answer.
60. You are the HR director for a busy city centre office and have been
asked to recruit a new office supervisor. As part of the recruitment process a detailed set of competencies were devised and detailed in the job advertisement. An online recruitment process was utilised to advertise the job with an application form to retrieve the candidate details. This was successful and resulted in 40 applicants applying for the job. Outline the selection strategy you would implement to ensure the best person is chosen for the role and assess the decisions that must be made throughout the selection process.
61. Whether corporate HR risks, such as recruitment, training and talent
outflow risks, are internal or external risk?
62. a. Describe the forces affecting the workplace and learning. How can
training help companies deal with these forces?
b. Discuss the relationship between formal training and development, informal learning, and knowledge management. How are they related to learning and creating a learning organization?
c. What are intangible assets? How do they relate to training and development?
d. How are companies using training and development to benefit them in today’s economy?
e. How might technology influence the importance of training professionals’ roles? Can technology reduce the importance of any of the roles? Can it result in additional roles?
f. How does training differ between companies that are considered BEST Award winners and those that are not?
g. What are the implications of generational differences in the workforce? What strategies should companies consider from a training and development perspective to cope with generational differences and use them to benefit the company?
h. How has new technology improved training and development? What are some of the limitations of using smart phones or notebooks for training?
i. Explain how training relates to attracting new employees, employee retention, and motivation.
j. What is the relationship between talent management and employee engagement? What role can training and development practices play in keeping employee engagement high? Explain.
k. How can training, informal learning, and knowledge management benefit from the use of social collaboration tools like Twitter and Facebook? Identify the social collaboration tool and explain the potential benefits gained by using it.
63. As manager of Manufacturas del Caribe, Maria Pérez has the last word
to approve the hiring of any new supervisor to work for her. The hiring manager conducts the interview process for all potential supervisors and then sends the most suitable candidates to Maria for interview.
A few days ago, Maria received a call from Margarita Acosta, the human resources manager: “Maria, I just spoke with a young man who may be just what you were looking for to fill the position of line supervisor. He has some experience and seems like a focused person. It’s here right now and it’s available if you had the chance to see it. ”
Maria hesitated for a moment before answering: “Well, Margarita. I’m very busy today, but I’ll try to make room for it. Send it to me”.
A moment later Luis Ubiñas, the applicant, arrived at Maria’s office and introduced himself. “Come in, Luis,” Maria said. “I will be
with you after making some phone calls. ” Fifteen minutes later, Maria ended the calls and started talking to Luis. Maria was very impressed with the profile that Luis presented in the interview. After a few minutes, Maria’s door opened and her supervisor yelled, “I have a little problem on the manufacturing line and we need your help.” Maria got up and said: “Luis, excuse me for a minute please.” Ten minutes later, Maria returned and the conversation continued for another ten minutes, before a series of phone calls interrupted them.
The same pattern of interruptions continued for the next hour. Finally, Luis looked at his watch and said: “I’m sorry, Mrs. Pérez, but I have to pick up my wife.”
“Sure, Luis,” answered Maria, as the phone rang again. “Call me later today.”
-What specific policies should a company follow to avoid interviews like these? Mention them in detail.
-Explain why Maria, and not Margaret, must make the decision to select the employee.
-Was Luis’s action in concluding the interview correct?
-If you were Maria, would you make the decision to hire Luis? Why? Justify your answer.
-If you were the human resources manager, what would you recommend to Maria about this candidate after knowing what happened in the interview?
64. Managing vendor risk is an ongoing process. As your organization embarks
on or continues with this process, you want to get the most benefit from the program and ensure that the information you learn is used organization-wide to make better decisions.
Organizations implement vendor risk management programs as a formal way to evaluate, track and measure third-party risk; to assess its impact on all aspects of your business; and to develop compensating controls or other forms of mitigation to lessen the impact on your business if something should happen. A program of this nature gives you consistency for managing your vendors and a way to share information about them within your organization.
Information for your paper:
-What are the best methods used to identifying potential vendor risks
-Identify best practises for addressing higher-risk vendors
-How do companies Align vendor control environments with your internal framework
65. Critically examine and assess the nature and dynamics that occur when
Compromising Conflict management style interact with Avoiding conflict management style
*Please cite the references
What does the interaction look or feel like?
What each party “feels” in this interaction – are needs or wants satisfied?
Taking into consideration the dimensions of the “DUALITY” of the Dual Concerns model:
Effect on other
Effect on self
Effect on / relationship [preservation, enhancement, diminishment]
Effect on task performance/outcome
66. How does the communication and crisis impact on the sustainability of coca cola?
what are the steps that can be taken to improve sustainability in the future?
67. What are the differences in the American Federation Labor union, Knights
of Labor and the National Labor Union and their successes/failures.
68. A) What are some takeaways someone can take from Mergers and Acquisitions of a business.
B) What are some takeaways someone can take from the topic of employee separation and retention management.
69. – Why is it important for HR Management to transform from an administrative
and operational function to a strategic partner?
-What is the history of the HR functions?
-Which organization has successfully transform from an administrative and operational function to a strategic partner?
70. Assume that you are the vice-president of HR at a relatively new non-union
firm that has been experiencing rapid growth. In view of the management team’s desire to remain non-union, you have been asked to make a report to the other senior management team members, making specific recommendations regarding strategies that the firm should adopt to help to ensure that the employees will have no desire to unionize.
• Identify two key recommendations to your plan. Explain how these recommendations will improve overall relations.
• What are the advantages and disadvantages to unionization in the workplace from a management perspective?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages to unionization in the workplace from an employee perspectives?
71. In your opinion, how will the future human resource department in a health care setting look?
What do you believe will be the most critical issue facing human resource managers and leaders in health care in the future?
How do you plan to respond to these future pressures in a consistently changing and evolving environment?
72. Please also include references if necessary
A. What is the relationship between performance management and other HR activities?
B. Why is it important to have an effective recruitment strategy for a program?
Outline the key steps in the recruitment process for a program.
C. What is the purpose of establishing performance standards for program team roles?
D. What methodology could be used to establish performance standards for program team members?
E. Briefly describe the GROW coaching model commonly used in performance management. Provide examples of how you would apply the model in practice when coaching your program team.
73. The HR department is trying to fill a vacant position for a job with
a small talent pool. Valid applications arrive every week or so, and the applicants all seem to bring different levels of expertise. For each applicant, the HR manager gathers information by trying to verify various claims on resumes, but some doubt about fit always lingers when a decision to hire or not is to be made. What are the type I and II decision error costs? Which decision error is more likely to be discovered by the CEO? How does this affect the HR manager’s hiring decisions?
74. If you were a human resource manager, how would you address the brain
drain that occurs as knowledgeable workers retire?
75. Discuss which roles human resource employees could play to achieve organizational change effectively.
76. Suppose you are the new director of human resources for your company.
One of the first things you need to do is get a handle on the salaries and benefits being provided within your company relative to industry norms. Rather than start afresh, you look through some files the prior HR director left behind. In the files you find a few pages from a report containing company data with average incomes, benefits, etc., as well some data showing the industry norms along with links to where the data came from. , you decide to you’ll try to save the company some money and find out if the old report is accurate. tell me how( just the main points) how you would go about evaluating both the company data as well as the comparison data.
77. What is the contribution of human resources management in nursing.
78. HR management and blockchain –
A. Does Blockchain technology have the potential to cause the paradigm shift in general business practices that many experts are predicting? Explain why or why not. Support your answer with research.
B. Is there evidence to suggest that Blockchain technology will change the way HR is practiced? If there is, discuss that evidence. If there is not, what issues exist that impede its adoption?
C. Which functions of human resource management could be most impacted by Blockchain technology? How might the HR functions change? Support your answer with research.
79. A. Introduction: Importance of recruitment and selection in HR profession.
B. career track in Human Resource Management: Provide brief summary of an individual preferred career track in HRM. What professional associations would be join and what activities would will be engage in? Where do recruitment and selection fit in the mix of activities that an individual planned ahead?
C. Code of Conduct: Explain the concept of Code of Conduct/ Code of Ethics. Why do most professional associations have a Code of Ethics? What purpose does it serve? Based on the sector in above questions hope to work in, what does the Code of Conduct offer in the HR context of recruitment and selection (give at least one specific example)?
D. Socio-economic and demographic composition of the Canadian workforce: through the research, determine the current socio-economic and demographic composition of the Canadian workforce (for example, look for information on immigration to Canada, economy, education of Canadians, age of the Canadian workforce and so on). Discuss the impact that current socioeconomic conditions are having on recruitment and selection practices. Illustrate with specific examples that have found throughout research.
Conclusion: Why do recruitment and selection matter? What are some external factors that influence recruitment and selection? How do they affect recruitment and selection practices within an organization?
80. Who is it important for Hr Management to transform from an administrative
and operational function to a strategic partner?
Do you need custom answer on any of these questions? Get in touch with us for any of your management assignment help.