Write a Book for a book by David Eagleman “incognito”.
The overall structure of the review is open, but a good book review will include the following:
• The context of the book – why does it matter? How does it relate to other books/current events/discussions that exist right now?
• The purpose/main argument of the book – what is the author trying to achieve?
• A brief summary of the book – this should take a maximum 2 pages.
• The type of evidence that the author relies on (and can be part of the summary) – is the author relying on peer-reviewed literature? Personal experience? Interviews? Blogs? Newspaper articles? Etc. Is the evidence up to date?
• Most importantly, an evaluation of the book – this should address any or all of the points above. Is this book relevant or important (context)? Did the author achieve their purpose? Is the type of evidence used valid for their purpose? This should comprise the bulk of your review.
Please do a bit of outside research for the review. It should include 2-3 peer-reviewed sources