Final Project: Current Issues
In a three-page research paper, discuss a current museum issue. What challenges and opportunities does it represent? You should include specific examples. Your bibliography must have a minimum of three sources.
Current Issues: these can include but are not limited to: museums in the time of COVID 19; the rise of the pop-up exhibition space [Wonderspaces, Meow Wolf, Museum of Ice Cream, etc.], art in the age of Instagram, controversial exhibitions and artworks [Sensation, Enola Gay, Hide/Seek, 2017 Whitney Biennial], deacessioning, Nazi era provenance, and cultural patrimony [Parthenon/Elgin Marbles, British Museum].
General instructions:
1. Use Chicago Style and double space papers
2. Papers should be thoroughly and thoughtfully researched, and should be accompanied by footnotes and bibliography. PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. If you are confused on any point, please consult with your professor.
3. several online databases to help you find scholarly articles. Here is how to access them. To find articles, go Research Databases on the university Library web page:
Drag menu down to “Art”
Best art history research references will be found in these:
Art Full Text
Art Index Retrospective
ARTBibliographies Modern
Bibliography of the History of Art
International Bibliography of Art
4. Many good scholarly articles are available through JSTOR
5. Dictionary and encyclopedia resources such as Oxford Art Online are good sources forbibliography, but should not be cited in your list of sources.
6. For books, check ASU’s library catalogue [this is very basic]:
7. You may find useful:
Museum [Journal published by the American Association of Museums]
Museum Matters [a blog:]
New York Times [Friday and Sunday Arts Section]
Please do not exaggeration with the terminology or make it too perfect to the point it looks like it came out of a history text book. Thank youu! Have a great day
Please make the paper physically take up 3~3.5 pages. Then the extra unwritten pages will be refunded to the customer based on how long the paper will turn out wordcount-wise
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