See paper instructions

You are required to prepare a “peer-reviewed” assignment [using the PEAR tool]. You will submit a two-page [one-sided] reading summary for an assigned chapter [please see Course Outline for chapter/due date]. Your reading summary will be re-distributed to other students through the PEAR tool for overall evaluation and grading. You are required to evaluate your peer’s summary as scheduled [please see Course Outline]. Please note that if you do not submit a Reading Summary, you cannot evaluate a peer’s summary.

This is worth 15% of your overall grade: 75% of your Reading Summary grade will be assessed by your peers, and the remaining 25% will be based on the prompt submission of the Reading Summary that you graded with the rubric available through the PEAR tool. If one or both parts of this Reading Summary assignment is missing, you will receive an overall grade of zero/”0”. To be clear, it is an “all or nothing” assignment. Please see Rubric Table below, also posted on the PEAR Assessment tool. Please read both the Late Policy and Grading Policy carefully.

– –
Description of assessment % Value Yes or No or In part
Were all the elements of the unit assigned chapters included? Please provide comments.
10% –
Was the reading summary free of typos and/or grammatical errors? Please provide comments.
5% –
Were the page limits adhered to? Please provide comments.
5% –
Were all the cases summarized? Please provide comments.
5% –
Were all the topic summaries correct? Please provide comments.
25% –
Were all the case summaries correct? Please provide comments.
25% –
Did the student use diagrams to properly summarize and understand the legal concepts? Please provide comments.
15% –
Would this be a summary that you would use to study the final exam? Please provide comments.
10% –

You are required to submit a two-page [one sided] Reading Summary of Chapter 10.
This is worth 75% of your Reading Summary grade, which will be assessed by one of your classmates.
Assignments not submitted on time will be awarded “0” marks. No exceptions.
If you prepare a Reading Summary for the wrong chapter, you will be awarded “0”/zero. No exceptions.
The Reading Summary is limited to two one-sided pages and you must use 10pt Arial font and at least 0.5″ margins. Any submission not complying with this requirement will be penalized and additional content will not be graded. .

TextbookTitle: Revel for Business Law in CanadaAuthor[s]: Richard A. Yates, Teresa Bereznicki-Korol, Trevor Clarke, Dean A. PalmerEdition / Year: 12th Canadian Edition / 2019 Publisher: Pearson Canada

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