Pick a research topic that interests YOU and create the following TWO items:
A diagram of your interest: Use the attached template (Async Task_04_template.pptx ) to create a diagram of your interest. Make sure to explore all four dimensions (boxes). Go to Slide#10 of 9/27’s class for a list of questions you may ask yourself while exploring each of the dimensions. Go to Slide#11 for an example of a finished diagram.
A summary: Write a 200-250 words summary of your diagram.
***Post the diagram (as PDF or PPT files or embedded in you post as an image) and the summary in a discussion board thread.***
Slides on 9/27 Beginning a Research Project
Blackstone Ch4
TO EARN FULL POINTS: (1) the diagram should be clear and address relevant questions, (2) the summary should expand on the diagram