I have upload two different paper with two different parts to be completed . Both document has there questions that need to be answered . For module 4 the source to be used is by the questions .
CHNAs (community health needs assessment)
Module 5 Essay Assignment
Answer the three essay questions below. Incorporate information from the lectures and required readings. Use 12-point font, double-spacing, and APA citation format.
- Create a list of the types of community partners that the ACA requires that hospitals engage in the CHNA process. List at least ten different types of community partners. Describe how you would recruit them to participate in the CHNA process.
- Describe the common components of the various CHNA methodologies we have discussed (keep your response to no more than 750 words).
- Create a process map that shows the common steps of the CHNA methodologies we have discussed.
Module 4 Essay Assignment
Answer the essay questions below. Incorporate information from the lectures and required readings. Use 12-point font, double-spacing, and APA citation format.
- Read the assigned MAPP document and develop a series of questions (at least six) that you think could be used to conduct a Community Themes and Strengths assessment[worth 12 points total].
The series of questions provided should measure at least one aspect of the following generalized concepts [up to 2 points given for each of the 6 series of questions that are provided]:
- What is important to the community;
- Howthe community defines quality of life; and
- What assets exist in the community that could be used to improve health status.
Slenkovich, K. Presentation: Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) Model [Powerpoint presentation, Slide 18]. Retrieved from HPM53010-001-201860: Comm Health Needs Assessment Online Canvas Page, Learning Modules, Module 4: Health Department Models.
- Read the assigned MAPP document and develop a series of questions (at least six) that you think could be used to conduct a Forces of Change assessment[worth 12 points total].
The series of questions provided should measure at least one aspect of the following generalized concepts [up to 2 points given for each of the 6 series of questions that are provided]:
- What current or future occurrencesmight affect the health of the community or thepublic health system; and
- What specific threats or opportunities might result from those occurrences.
Slenkovich, K. Presentation: Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) Model [Powerpoint presentation, Slide 18]. Retrieved from HPM53010-001-201860: Comm Health Needs Assessment Online Canvas Page, Learning Modules, Module 4: Health Department Models.
- Describe a process for developing priority health issues using the MAP-IT model (keep your response to no more than 500 words)[worth 11 points total].
The process provided should outline a series of organized steps that use HP2020 resources to select the health indicators that will be included in the needs assessment (i.e., those that are most relevant to the community of interest). It should also include a description of how you would use the negotiation and mediation skills to gain consensus as discussed in the Community Toolbox, Ch. 20, Sec. 6.
Slenkovich, K. Presentation: Mobilize, Assess, Plan – Implement, Track (MAP-IT) Model [Powerpoint presentation, Slide 17]. Retrieved from HPM53010-001-201860: Comm Health Needs Assessment Online Canvas Page, Learning Modules, Module 4: Health Department Models.
- Give at least five examples of how you can use the Healthy People 2020 objectives to set targets in a CHNA using the MAP-IT model. (keep your response to no more than 500 words)[worth 15 points total].
You can answer this question by selecting five indicators from the Community Health Profile you did in Module 1, and find five comparable indicators in the Healthy People 2020 objectives that have improvement targets that are better than the data for your community. If the target seems to be unrealistically high for your community, then you can propose a lower target. For example, it would be unrealistic for a community to set a target that would require a 50% improvement to get from where they currently are to the HP 2020 target. An improvement of 10-15% is more realistic.
Here’s an example: The HP 2020 target for reducing the overall cancer death rate is 161.4 per 100,000 population. If my community had a rate of 190.5/100,000, it would take a 15% reduction to reach the target rate and I would consider that reasonable. If, however, the current rate for my community was 225/100,000 it would take an almost 30% reduction to reach the 161.4 rate and that is probably not realistic so I would set the target lower (see https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/cancer/objectives).
The point of this question is to give you experience looking up HP 2020 objectives that are related to CHNA data and then deciding how to use that information to set health improvement targets for your community.
Slenkovich, K. Presentation: Mobilize, Assess, Plan – Implement, Track (MAP-IT) Model [Powerpoint presentation, Slide 18]. Retrieved from HPM53010-001-201860: Comm Health Needs Assessment Online Canvas Page, Learning Modules, Module 4: Health Department Models.