NUR3874 Informatics and Clinical Reasoning Mode:(Online) Class#:3199
[Module Learning Objectives Assessed: 1-5]
Narrated PowerPoint Video
The final assignment is to create a presentation for your classmates describing an actual (existing) healthcare related application for smartphone, PDA, or tablet. You must assess, analyze, and review the application chosen. You must also create a handout to accompany the presentation.
The presentation must include audio narration and be posted as a playable video on YouTube® or a similar site (i.e. accessible by a direct, unique URL link. (How to create a narrated presentation, create a YouTube account and upload a video to YouTube was covered in Module 5: videos of the process are available there.)
The presentation should be suitable for a professional presentation to nurses or other healthcare professionals.
Since this is a course on informatics, you will be graded both on the content and the format of the presentation and handout.
The presentation is to be done as an individual assignment (no content collaboration).
Application Choice
There is only one student allowed per application: sign up is on a first come/first serve basis. Sign-up on the discussion board in the “Sign-up Here for Final Application” tab. Your professor must approve your choice of application.
The application must meet the following three criteria:
Calculators (dosage, pregnancy EDC, etc.)
Imaging, laboratory tests, and other diagnostic modalities
History taking, Physical examination, Diagnostic methods
Healthcare Provider Education
Medical Reference
Patient Education
Patient Monitoring
Personal Care Management for Patients
Pharmacology/ Medications/ Supplements
It deals with some aspect of healthcare relevant to nurses such as: Care Delivery
It is for a portable device (smartphone, PDA, tablet, or laptop)
It is primarily for personal use and marketed principally to individuals and not to institutions.
A list of examples of suitable applications is available in the “Sign-up Here for Final Application” module. This is a list of examples only; many applications not specified will be acceptable as well.
Try to pick a product that would be both affordable to, and usable by, a professional nurse.
Application should be innovative, original, useful and highly applicable to nursing (professionally oriented). Applications geared to non-healthcare professionals are discouraged and are only acceptable if they can clearly be used for patient teaching, patient monitoring or disease management.
List the application (app) you would like to use for your final presentation based on the criteria in the syllabus in the subject line of the post.
Note! You may NOT choose a (1) Malignant Hyperthermia App (2) Medication Compliance App (3) TAVR App as these are the provided examples!
Presentation Format and Content
The purpose of the presentation is to inform other healthcare professionals about a healthcare related application that they might find beneficial in their practice.
The presentation is to be created in PowerPoint.
The presentation is to be no more than 10 slides long (not including title page and references). Your name must appear on the title slide.
You MUST use the rubric section headings as your slide titles: do NOT create a unique outline or use different slide titles!
The presentation must contain both text and images with appropriate captioning to ensure clarity.
The narration text for the audio is to be included in the speaker’s notes section of PowerPoint and must match the actual audio recorded nearly exactly!
You must narrate the presentation personally and start the presentation by stating “This is {your name}.”
The presentation must be recorded with audio narration, saved as a video file and posted as a playable video on YouTube® or a similar site accessible by a direct, unique URL link. No credit will be given for audio in that is only in the PowerPoint format, it is solely the audio in a properly posted video that will count towards your grade.
The total play length of the narrated video presentation (start to finish) is not to exceed 5 minutes. (Any content beyond the 5 minute limit will not count towards your grade and will be considered ‘not done’)
The rubric includes the complete content outline.
Though you need not purchase the application, try to look at a trial or demo version as it will improve your ability to review the product.
The presentation requires APA citations on every slide and a reference slide at the end of the presentation.
Handout Format and Content
The purpose of the handout is to give the audience member a quick summary of the application they can use as a reference should they wish to examine the application further and/or purchase it.
The handout must be created in MS Word format (1page) or Power Point (1 slide). Though conversion to PDF format is desirable, it is not required.
The handout should include at least one image related to the application (i.e. screenshot) and at a minimum the following the application information: (1) its purpose, (2) its uses, (3) where to get it (link), (4) compatible systems, (5) device(s) needed, (6) minimum system capabilities / hardware requirements and (7) cost.
The handout should have a polished appearance, be visually interesting and have a sophisticated professional look.
Be creative – do NOT simply copy the vendor’s verbiage and images!
The handout may not exceed 1 page in length (single sided page).
Review the Final Presentation Grading Criteria to understand how you will be evaluated.
Deadline: This is to be submitted to the Dropbox by the day and time specified on the Course Calendar.
Example Student Presentations
These samples are provided as a courtesy and with permission of the authors.
They are examples of excellent assignments but they are not perfect.
The samples are intended to assist you in creation of your assignment by demonstrating generally how the assignment should be constructed. They are not to be used as the source of assignment criteria related to the required content nor APA style. Again, they are NOT flawless assignments and may have been created under different assignment criteria.
The syllabus and MyCourses are the only sources for assignment criteria and guidelines.
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is the only source for APA style.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your assignment fulfills the current assignment criteria and is done in APA style.
Do not copy or quote any part of these assignments
Do not copy the references from these assignments
TAVR Care App
Malignant Hyperthermia
Med Minder
Final Presentation Dropbox Instructions
Complete your Final Presentation per the directions
Please title your file in this format: LastName_FirstName_Final
Submit your Final Presentation items here along with the direct URL link to your presentation
Dropbox must include all three of the following items!
1. Link to presentation pasted in the comments/message box. (This is the URL for YouTube or other site where the presentation can be viewed, NOT the MP4)
2. Copy of Handout attached in either MS Word format, a PowerPoint slide or as a PDF file.
3. Copy of Original PowerPoint presentation with transcript in the notes area.
Final PresentationFinal Presentation
Final Presentation: Grading Criteria Rubric Points
Application Choice – Application chosen meets all criteria. It is for a smartphone,·
PDA, or tablet. It is affordable and usable for a professional nurse. It is innovative,
original, useful and highly applicable to nursing.
Introduction – Provides a title slide to open the presentation. The introduction·
slide clearly states and describes the purpose of the application including its main
intended uses.
Utility – Analyzes and discusses the usefulness of the application to the·
professional nurse including its relevance to nursing practice, nursing education,
or other nursing related issues.
Usability – Analyzes and discusses the usability of the application including, but·
not limited to: layout, intuitiveness, ease to learn, workflow, speed of access
(steps and screens), speed of data entry, rapidity of result return, clarity of result,
readability of information, understandability of result
Legal/Ethical – Discusses the ethical issues, legal issues and privacy issues·
around use of the application. If there are none states this fact and why this is the
Overall Analysis – Analyzes the application overall including its benefits,·
limitations and whether the presenter would recommend it or not and why. 10
Conclusion Provides a brief summary of the presentations main points.·
Emphasize the importance of the application to nursing. The conclusion should
bring synthesis and closure to the presentation. Provides a reference slide to
conclude the presentation.
FORMAT (35%)
Presentation Format – The slides conform to PowerPoint standards for·
appropriate amount of text, color and font. Speaker notes of the text of the
narration are included. The presentation contains text and images with
appropriate captioning of images. The presentation is professional in appearance.
The presentation length is 10 slides or less (not including title slide and
references). A reference slide in APA format is included.
Video Posting – The presentation is formatted into a playable video on·
YouTube® or a similar site accessible by a direct, unique URL link that is provided
and works.
Video Performance –The audio quality is acceptable, easy to listen to and·
includes no distracting background noise. The narration is smooth, clear and
paced appropriately for optimal listening. The video is professional in appearance.
The video plays smoothly and is 5 minutes or less in length.
Handout contains at least one image and all of the required elements (purpose,·
uses, where to get app, compatible systems, device(s) needed, and cost).
Handout is creative, has a polished appearance, is visually interesting, does not·
exceed 1 page in length and has a sophisticated professional look.
Scholarly Writing
Materials and information obtained from outside sources are properly cited in APA·
format on the slides and handout.
The presentation is grammatically correct· & free of spelling errors. Slides are well
organized, flow logically and appear professional. This is an expectation; points
up to the total value of the assignment may be deducted for work that does not
meet scholarly writing standards.
Total 100 points
My chosen application is: Merck Manual Professional app
Latrece Irvin posted Sep 20, 2021 2:05 PM
Please provide separate script that I can use to for presentation when I upload.