Resource Reflexivity



Assignment 3: Resource Reflexivity On-Line Activity


Increasingly, online source material is being used in classroom activities, addressing curriculum outcomes and indeed in your own university assignments such as the learning sequence developed in Assignment 2. The infinite volume of material which is available online is both a blessing and a curse as much of the material to be found has come from unregulated and uncritical sources.


The purpose of this assignment is to encourage reflection on online-resources in order to better gauge the legitimacy, credibility, application, efficacy, validity, rigour, critical relevance and appropriateness of source material. You will not only reflect on your own choices of source material, but be required to analyse and rate a fellow students source material.


  1. You will be required to comment and rate two entries(posted below).
  2. Add an entry in the “New entry section” (posted below)
Entry #1.

Resource name: The Thin Black Line: Living Apartheid on Groote Eylandt

Brasche, Inga. The thin black line: Living apartheid on Groote Eylandt [online].Social Alternatives, Vol. 34, No. 1, 2015: 19-26. Availability:<;dn=261163855570662;res=IELLCC> ISSN: 0155-0306. [cited 22 Sep 15].


What type of resource is it?:
Journal article
Is the source Primary or Secondary?:
Which syllabus outcomes does the source address?:
3. Social Inclusion and Exclusion, specifically H3, H4, H5
Can the origin of the source be trusted? Rate it’s trustworthiness:
5 (High Trustworthiness)
What peer-review or vetting process has the source undergone?:

The source has been peer reviewed by academics in the field and is published in an academic journal. All research conducted as part of the data findings have gone through a rigorous ethical clearance process and facts and sources have been checked prior to publication. The article has been accepted and reviewed and also annotated by the editor of the journal.

Are there copyright or other privacy issues associated with using this source?:

There are no copyright issues with the source, provided it is cited appropriately. There are no privacy issues as sources and contacts cited in the article have provided consent prior to publication.

Are there any equity considerations with using this source?:

There are no equity considerations associated with this source, however as the content contains sensitive detail on Indigenous social indicators, it is suggested that the statistics be framed appropriately and in the context of the whole piece.

Rate the importance of the date of publication/access of this source:
Was this source chosen to:
Impart knowledge/information
Reflect knowledge/information
Which core unit or depth study does your resource apply to?:
Social Inclusion and Exclusion
How does the source encourage higher order thinking?:

The source encourages higher order thinking as it reconsiders concepts of race, power and identity and investigates the more complex racial relationships which exist within Aboriginal communities. It investigates how racial tensions can be exacerbated by geographical separation particularly of black and white communities and how segregation can also occur within cultural groups. Rather than simplistic ideas and lower order thinking about Indigenous issues, this paper encourages a more nuanced understanding of the complexities of race, power and identity.

How does the source encourage critical research skills in students?:

This source encourages critical research skills as students would have to be familiar with how to source and access a journal article.

How does the source encourage analysis frameworks in students?:

This source encourages analysis frameworks by taking existing concepts such as understandings of apartheid (that is the separation of black and white in South Africa from the 1950s – 1990s) and applies it to a contemporary context in a remote Aboriginal community of Australia. Similarly, understanding of race and power are re-examined, with traditional concepts being replaced by more complex notions of what it means to be socially, geographically and culturally separate.


Rate below: [1 to 5 stars (1 star = worst; 5 stars = best)]



Entry #2. Resource name: MSNBC News. (2014). The Best Moments in Pop Culture in 2014 / Culture, Society, LGBT, Equality, Sports, Celebrities.


What type of resource is it?:
Youtube Video
Is the source Primary or Secondary?:
Which syllabus outcomes does the source address?:
H3: analyses relationships and interactions within and between social and cultural groups.
Can the origin of the source be trusted? Rate it’s trustworthiness:
What peer-review or vetting process has the source undergone?:

Generally, television story stories are reviewed and vetted by the News Director and/or Executive Producer before going to air. It is unclear whether this peer-review/ vetting process has occurred in this specific scenario.

Are there copyright or other privacy issues associated with using this source?:

There are no copyright issues as Section 28 of the Copyright Act permits teachers to play YouTube videos in class where it is for educational purposes and not-for-profit.

The information is already in the public sphere. Thus, there are no privacy concerns.

Are there any equity considerations with using this source?:

The video outlines some of the key ways pop culture has influenced/constructed discussion on various social issues. I’ve chosen this video because it discusses issues that students can relate to such as ethnicity, gender equality and LGBT rights.  All three subjects are framed around issues of equity, which are directly confronted in the video.

Rate the importance of the date of publication/access of this source:
Was this source chosen to:
Suggest knowledge/information
Reflect knowledge/information
Inspire knowledge/information
Which core unit or depth study does your resource apply to?:
Popular Culture
How does the source encourage higher order thinking?:

This video is framed around antagonising higher-order concepts in relation to popular concepts. This includes presenting a moment in 2014 popular culture, before discussing its relationship to higher-order concepts such as LGBT rights, ethnic diversity and gender equality. For example, their inclusion of Viola Davis’ character on television series “How to Get Away With Murder” conjured discussion of racial equity and social standing in the United States.

How does the source encourage critical research skills in students?:

The source explicitly presents the information provided as largely commentary. Thus, students are aware that the ideas presented are subjective. This includes the panel’s choice of the pop culture moments in 2014 – which students may or may not agree with personally.

Being a secondary source, students will also be working from the position that all inclusions and commentary are interpretations of meaning, thus shaped by bias and preconceptions.

The source also encourages students to use social media platforms to search for popular culture analysis, rather than popular culture items itself.

How does the source encourage analysis frameworks in students?:

The video’s structure practically demonstrates how popular culture can be analysed in regards to higher-order concepts. By presenting a pop culture moment and then discussing its alleged social significant, it provides students a framework of analysing other popular culture moments they encounter. It also encourages them to critically examine pop culture for implicit meaning, or significance, beyond the surface.


Rate below: [1 to 5 stars (1 star = worst; 5 stars = best)]



New entry (answer all questions after doing research)

Resource name:


Paste your resource / a link to your resource here:


#1 – What type of resource is it?:
#2 – Is the source Primary or Secondary?:
#3 – Which syllabus outcomes does the source address?:
#4 – Can the origin of the source be trusted? Rate it’s trustworthiness (level):

1 (Low Trustworthiness)
5 (High Trustworthiness)

#5 – What peer-review or vetting process has the source undergone?:
#6 – Are there copyright or other privacy issues associated with using this source?:
#7 – Are there any equity considerations with using this source?:
#8 – Rate the importance of the date of publication/access of this source(level):

1 (Low Importance)
5 (High Importance)

#9 – Was this source chosen to (can pick more than one):

Was this source chosen to:

1.      Suggest knowledge/information

2.      impart knowledge/information

3.      reflect knowledge/information

4.      inspire knowledge/information

#10 – Which core unit or depth study does your resource apply to?:(choose)

1.      Social and cultural world

2.      Personal and social identity

3.      Intercultural communication

4.      Social and Cultural Continuity and Change

5.      Popular Culture

6.      Belief Systems and Ideologies

7.      Social Inclusion and Exclusion

8.      Social Conformity and Nonconformity

#11 – How does the source encourage higher order thinking?:
#12 – How does the source encourage critical research skills in students?:
#13 – How does the source encourage analysis frameworks in students?:

Writing an annotated bibliography

An annotated bibliography provides a brief overview of the available research on a topic. You may be required to briefly summarise the research sources and/or assess the value of the source and/or reflect on the validity of this source material for your assignment task. Each information source is accompanied by a citation that is followed by a brief paragraph. When you write an annotated bibliography, you will need to consider the following 4 factors:

  1. Purposes
  2. Format
  3. Writing style
  4. Examples
  5. Purposes:

The task of compiling an annotated bibliography will help the researcher think about the relevance and quality of the material on a topic. Does the information meet the requirements of the topic? Is the information from a reliable and academically respected source?

  1. Format

This will depend on the lecturer’s requirements for the task. The bibliographical information may be descriptive (see points 1-3 below); or descriptive+evaluative (see points 1-5 below). The format should follow this order: Descriptive steps 1-3 Descriptive and evaluative steps 1-5 1. Citation details (set out in the same style as a reference list item) 2. A short statement that explains the main focus or purpose of the work

A short summary of the theory, research findings or argument (e.g. intended audience, subjects covered, major arguments supported, research methods, conclusions reached, special features)

Consideration of the usefulness and/or limitations of the text for your research (e.g. reliability of the text, credibility of the author, poor features, left-out content, weaknesses in argument)

An evaluative comment on the work that may take into account how this work will fit into your research on a topic (e.g. critical comment, critical reflection that describes the usefulness or relevance of the information for your writing task).

  1. Writing style

An annotated bibliography is a piece of formal academic writing and follows the general rules for all academic writing: • Arrange in alphabetical order • Write in a SINGLE paragraph (usually about 100-300 words, depending on the format but check with your lecturer) • Write in full sentences using academic writing style • Use transition words (e.g. furthermore, moreover, however, therefore …) • Be concise – mention only significant details in your summary • Use examples from other annotated bibliographies to guide and check your writing style • Do NOT repeat information (e.g. the title) that is already in your citation • Do NOT cross reference i.e. use any in-text references as you are only writing about a single text. NOTE: APA referencing style is used in this fact sheet.

  1. Examples of annotated bibliography entries

When you compose your annotated bibliography, you will need to consider each part of the bibliography. Sentence starters can help you to focus your thoughts on these questions. The parts of a bibliography entry Examples Descriptive steps 1-3

1 The citation information should be in the same format as it would be in the reference list – leave a line BELOW the citation.

Example of an APA reference Griffiths, T. (1996). Hunters and collectors: The antiquarian imagination in Australia. Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press. For more information, see Academic Skills fact sheets on Referencing for the style required in your subject area.

2 A short statement of the author’s viewpoint.

Example of sentence starters *In this article, Johnson reviews . . . *This article examines . . . *The authors describe . . . *The author’s purpose is to challenge . . .

3 A short summary of the theory, research findings or argument.

Example of sentence starters *The main ideas expressed are . . . *Support for these claims is documented . . . *Smith has conducted a thorough investigation of . . . *The author’s research focuses on . . . Descriptive and evaluative steps 1-5

4 Comments on the usefulness and/or limitations of the text for your research.

Example of sentence starters *The author provides a strong theoretical . . . *The writing style considers a range of audiences . . . *Theories are supported by well-known researchers in this field, such as . . . *There is a lack of supporting evidence . . . *The main limitation of the website . . .

5 An evaluative comment on the work, taking into account how this work will fit into your research on a topic.

Example of sentence starters *This article is useful for my research topic . . . * Because the information is up-to-date and from a reliable source . . . * It is relevant to my thesis because . . . * In particular, this article will assist . . . Words in bold are transition words that help you to connect your ideas in between sentences. 1 McFarlane, J.K. (1973). Standards of care—what do we mean by care? Nursing Mirror. 143(23), 40–42. The article examines the meaning of the word ‘care’ within a nursing context. The responsibility of nurses to provide care is legitimised in numerous documents, and the author goes on to identify key concepts related to nursing care. In particular, these concepts include assisting, helping and giving a service; offering this service to people who need help with daily living activities and to others who are affected by health deviations or illness of some kind. Moreover, the nurse’s caring role is legitimised by the patients. Finally, the article concludes by relating how these concepts are put into operation by using the steps of the nursing process—assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating the patient’s need for nursing care. The main limitation of the article is that all of the research was exclusively conducted in large city hospitals. Therefore, while the article is useful for an analysis of nursing care, the limitations of its research base will require some adaption to meet the needs of this assignment that requires a commentary on services in both city and country area hospitals. (172 words)



Annotated Bibliography


Entry#1 Comment and Rating

Rating: Five star

Dear fellow student,

The quality resource was very credible and reliable. I noted it was an article from Social Alternatives. The journal intends to create awareness on the on the issues facing the society. It encourages the students to think critically about the complexity of racism in Australia. The article is worth a five star. The article accurately considers the effect of culture on the members of the community. The Aboriginal people gained royalties from the miners but they still live in poverty because of rivalry and mismanagement of resources.

However, there is need to add some vital information on the process of peer reviewing to enhance the credibility and validity value of the article. The Editorial Collective of the journal democratically contributes to the process of publishing an article in the Social Alternatives (Social Alternatives, 2015).

Thank you

Entry #2 Comment and Rating

Rating: Two star   

Dear Fellow Student

I would rate the source with a two star. The source is not academic. Moreover, it is not peer reviewed. Besides, as you have stated it is difficult to vet the opinions of people when they are broadcasted live on a TV. Furthermore, the YouTube does not vet the videos uploaded before posting. The validity and credibility of such materials is questionable. Nevertheless, the video critically presents the influence of pop culture on the individual’s life especially by considering the marriage of the year.

Thank you


New entry

Resource name: Collaboration: Strength in diversity

Paste your resource / a link to your resource here:


#1 – What type of resource is it?            

Journal article

#2 – Is the source Primary or Secondary?         


#3 – Which syllabus outcome does the source address?

The source address the fact on whether a society can survive where there is multiple cultures.

#4 – Can the origin of the source be trusted?
#5 – What peer-review or vetting process has the source undergone?

Nature Publishing Group has published the journal article. It classifies the published articles under different categories. The article mentioned is under the category of Nature Communications. Joerg Heber is the editor who controls the quality of the journals published under this category. The Nature Publishing Group has in-house professional editors who carry out the peer review process for every journal published under this category (Nature, 2015).

#6 – Are there copyright or other privacy issues associated with using this source?

There are copyright issues associated with the use of the article. The Copyright Clearance Center is the partner of the Nature Publishing Group who gives the permission for the use of the article. The article cannot be published elsewhere in the multiple sites without the permission of the Copyright Clearance Centre. Nevertheless, users can download or print the article for individual’s use only.

The users can easily access and read the articles published under this category on the website of the Nature Publishing Group. Elsewhere, premium services databases restrict the access of the articles to the subscribers. The students affiliated with the university and college libraries that subscribed to the database can access the article instantly (EBSCOHOST, 2015).

#7 – Are there any equity considerations with using this source?:

There are no equity considerations related to the use of the article. The article emphasizes the capability of improved quality research work with the collaboration of different ethnic groups.

#8 – Rate the importance of the date of publication/access of this source.


#9 – Was chosen to

1.      impart knowledge/information

2.      reflect knowledge/information

#10 – Which core unit or depth study does your resource apply to?

Social and cultural world (NSW Society and Culture Syllabus)

#11 – How does the source encourage higher order thinking?:

Freeman & Huang (2014) provokes the higher order thinking by stating their argument in the first paragraph. Scientific researchers who work as a team from different ethnic groups produce higher quality work. The reader is left with the questions why not the people from the same cultures? The author does not give the facts on the reasons why people from different ethnic groups can produce better results than people of the same ethnic group. Also, Freeman & Huang (2014) provided the facts on the language barriers experienced during the interaction of people. The reader thinks and explains why people with such barriers would have enhanced capability than people without.

#12 – How does the source encourage critical research skills in students?:

The article enhances the students carrying out the research to involve members of different cultures and ethnic groups in research. The author described the scientific groups made by members of different ethnic groups as the best.


The author described that combination of efforts from different ethnic groups attains tremendous results. It is an initiative to encourage the students to initiate a new research on the collaboration between people of similar ethnicity.


#13 How does the source encourage analysis frameworks in students?:

The article provides an analysis that proved that many people tend to relate with those with similar cultural beliefs. He manifested that they had a lower ability in arriving at high impact journals. The author looked beyond the normal thinking that people have on similar relations. He provides a background against which the relation of different cultures can be analyzed.

Besides, he created a room for research analysis on the merits and demerits of interaction between people of the same and different ethnicities. He addressed the productivity of scientific research among people from similar and different cultures.





EBSCOhost Connection. (2015). What is EBSCOhost Connection? Retrieved from,

Freeman, R. B., & Huang, W. (2014). Collaboration: Strength in diversity. Nature, 513(7518), 305. doi:10.1038/513305a

Nature. (2015). Authors and referees. Retrieved from,

Social Alternatives. (2015). Social Alternatives. Retrieved from,


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