
You will write a persuasive and evidence-based introduction for your research brief. The introduction should make a clear case for why your specific topic is important. All claims must be backed with evidence. The text should lead to a clear argument about who can use the findings from the research brief and how. You will also attach the citations and abstracts of 3 primary research studies that you plan on using for the literature review portion of your research brief. This will ensure that your topic is viable based on the current literature.

It is very important that you review the Sample Research Brief on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome [FASD] prior to starting this assignment. The introduction portion of the paper encompasses all the text that appears underneath the title of the paper and before the Literature Review heading. You are writing this introductory text only. Evidence for the introduction can come from multiple types of sources; you do not need to rely on only primary research studies for this section. Once you transition into the Literature Review portion of the paper later in the semester, you will be restricted to primary research studies only. At this time, you are only being asked to attach the citations/abstracts for 3 primary research studies that you plan to use in the Literature Review portion of your brief.

Upload your assignment through Blackboard as a Word attachment [in the appropriate lesson week]. This assignment also needs to be submitted to Please see the rubric below to learn how you will be evaluated:

Criteria Points Possible
Introduction makes a compelling case for why the topic is important, which leads to a specific argument about who can use the findings from the research brief and how. 2
Introduction identifies the specific area of research that will be focused on in the literature review portion of the paper. 2
Citations and abstracts for 3 primary research studies that will be used in the literature review portion of the paper are attached. These studies are clearly related to the specific purpose of the research brief. 2
Introduction is well organized and written [clear, concise, minimal use of passive voice, free of typos, spelling, punctuation, and other grammatical errors]. 2
APA citation method is used for all sources. Formatting of citations and references page are correct. 2

Example reading:
Krueger, R.A. & Casey, M.A. [2000]. Answering questions about the quality of focus group research. In Focus groups: A practical guide for applied research [3rd ed.]. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.
Martínez-Mesa, J., González-Chica, D. A., Duquia, R. P., Bonamigo, R. R., & Bastos, J. L. [2016]. Sampling: how to select participants in my research study? . Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 91[3], 326–330.
Patten, M. L. [2009]. Topic 25: Introduction to Sample Size [pp. 55-56]. In Understanding research methods: An overview of the essentials [7th ed.]. Pyrczak Publishing: Glendale, CA.
Pyrczak, F. [2017]. Evaluating Samples When Researchers Generalize. Evaluating Research in Academic Journals : A Practical Guide to Realistic Evaluation [pp.55-68]. London: Routledge.
Pyrczak, F. [2017]. Evaluating Samples When Researchers Do Not Generalize. Evaluating Research in Academic Journals : A Practical Guide to Realistic Evaluation [pp.69-78]. London: Routledge.
Waters, R. D. [2009]. The importance of understanding donor preference and relationship cultivation strategies. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 21, 327-346.
Zarcadoolas et al. [2011]. Health literacy at work to address overweight and obesity in adults: The development of the obesity action kit. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 4[2], 88-101.

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