Display a mastery of understanding and communicating
computing and IT-related information.
The attached/linked paper, ‘Fully-Automated Luxury Dancing’,
appeared a year or so ago. It was deliberately published without an abstract.
Your task is to supply a 250-300 word abstract summarising the paper, including the case it attempts to make and how it achieves this. Your abstract should describe the paper’s purpose and structure, touch upon its detail and analysis, and summarise its conclusions.
Although the paper has a provocative style and its analysis and conclusions could be considered controversial, for this assignment, you should restrict yourself to merely summarising the paper as it’s written [as if the author themselves had written the abstract], rather than attempting any critical analysis. You’re summarising the paper ‘as is’ rather than critically analyzing it.
Marking Criteria:
For this ‘abstract of 250-300 words’, the 250 and 300 are an
absolute minimum and maximum. [This is the way it would work for a real journal/conference.].
Covering and explaining the concept:
Publication-ready general discussion of purpose.
Relating different parts and examples:
Publication-ready or Very good specific discussion and focus.
Please check the attachment for the linked paper.