Provided below are the steps you need to implement for this case study.
- Step 1: Identify the Bases Variables and Discriminant Variables from the survey questions provided in the appendix of the case study and divide the survey data provided in Enginius into Segmentation and Discriminant Data. Write below what variables form a part of each set.
- Step 2: Copy the survey data from Enginius and paste it into an excel file. Then divide it into two blocks. One for Segmentation and the other for Discriminant data. Upload the new data into Enginius. You can use the segmentation data template uploaded on Canvas to see the structure in which you can load the data into Enginius. Let me know if you have any problems with that.
- Step 3: Run the Segmentation analysis. What is the Ideal number of segments? Explain briefly below how you arrived at the conclusion.
- Step 4: Provide a brief description of each of the segments after running your final analysis as well as a description of the customers included in the segment? Assign names to segments if you can.
- Step 5: What are the next steps you would recommend for FLIP?
- Which Segment they should target?
- Step 6: What are the limitations or problems with this analysis? Analyze the survey questions and comment if the type or language of the questions could be improved.
For the executive Summaries, provide your answers briefly for steps 1, 3,4,5 and 6. You can use the Segmentation Case Study Executive Summary-Questions and Solutions document on canvas as an example of how you would need to answer these questions.
For the presentation, you should implement the step above and include the following aspects of the study in the presentation.
- Business Problem: Briefly explain the background of the study, the product being studied and why segmentation is needed.
- Analytical Methods and Data: Briefly explain what methodological approach is followed and comment about the data collection process.
- Results: Describe the results. Provide a brief description of each of the segments after running your final analysis as well as a description of the customers included in the segment? Assign names to segments if you can.
- Implications: What are you recommendations to the business in this case. Which segment should the business target?
- Limitations: What are the limitations of the study? What do you recommend to improve the results?
The Group presenting the case study does not need to provide an executive summary.