Report (any type)/Brief report

This is for my healthcare management major. It is a healthcare finance class. I have attached Reports 1 & 2 I did on the company attached. You are doing the third report. Instructions: for the chosen company(attached), now review ITEM 8: FINANCIAL STATEMENTS of the annual report and prepare an initial overview of the financial performance. Review the financial statements of your chosen company. Focus on the balance sheet and the income statement. If you are looking for a challenge, you may consider the statement of cash flows as well. Share a few items, or trends, that you found to be interesting or concerning and why. At a minimum, you should discuss trends in revenue and net income. Each financial statement should be represented by its own sub-heading in your progress report. Prepare an overview of the trends in financial statements in your own words followed by your analysis of why it is concerning or not to you. If not, what mitigates the risk? Answer all questions. This assignment should be 3 pages, double-spaced, and use headings and sub-headings to organize your writing.
Based on your analysis, add 2 more sections to the report: 1page:
1) Your overall assessment of the company, its strengths, and its weaknesses. Is this a strong company that you would want to invest in? Would you avoid it? Defend your position and reference findings from the progress reports. Additionally, where possible include concepts from the texts to support your assessment. No need to shoehorn them in, just use ones that resonate with you.
2) Regardless of your conclusion from #1, what are your recommendations for this company in the future? Strategically, what should they focus on based on what you found? Financial statements are a record of what happened in the past, but it is not a guarantee of future performance. Include current events and news in support of your recommendations as well.

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