Question 6

First, without reviewing your previous answers to this question, please answer the question again (repeated below). This isn’t a memory test. Even if you do remember much of what you previously wrote, you’re free in this version to make any desired additions, modifications, or changes in priority. You’re also free to retain your original answer without changes if you prefer.
1. Devoted 2. Sincere 3. Confident 4. Charming 5. Honest

Please pretend you’re at a retirement banquet. This is a serious and formal occasion, not a “roast.” The person retiring is 65 years old and at the end of a long career. You know this person well–both inside and outside the workplace. It’s your job to say a few truthful, descriptive words about them. What character or personality traits come to mind?

Question for you to answer (repeated): Pretend the person retiring is you. In short, we’re asking you to project yourself into the future and to identify at least five descriptive words you hope others would say about you at a comparable event. By “descriptive words” we mean single words or very short phrases. Please number each descriptive word or phrase and rank them in priority order (#1 = the most important to you).

Three New Questions to Answer:
[a] Briefly identify any notable differences between your first answer and your answers to this concluding assignment. “Notable differences” would include a change in the priority of answers (for example, #1 was moved to #4).

[b] Please identify any Seminar ideas, readings, or exercises that help account for those differences. How did they influence your thinking?

[c] How is a good life defined, and what is your plan to achieve it? Please refer to themes from the assigned readings to support your answer.
Identify the author in your answer, either in the sentence (e.g., “Abraham Lincoln said, …”) or at the end of the sentence in parenthesis.
Use quotation marks or block indentation when you incorporate any language from any source, including all seminar readings. Cite the source immediately thereafter. Also, even if you don’t use a direct quotation, immediately identify the source if you use an author’s core ideas or phraseology. Just mention the author’s name when you do so (for example, “As Greenspan suggested . . . “)
If in doubt, it’s always prudent to include quotation marks and a citation.

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