Public Health Leadership

Health Policy, Politics, and Social Justice Assessment Brief


For this assessment, you are required to write and support a policy brief to address an area of inequality in public health.


Learning outcomes to be assessed:

  • Demonstrate critical understanding of ethical and political issues facingcontemporaryandhistoricalhealthpolicyinlocal,nationalandglobalcontexts.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the philosophical, political, cultural and ethical perspectives of public health and health promotion.
  • Critically analyse and evaluate the drivers of health inequalities as well as the politics, practices and ethics of public health and health promotion.
  • Translate and apply theoretical concepts, principles and related policies to public health and health promotion contexts.



Submission: Research appendix and policy brief (100%), 2500maximum

You should submit one assignment that is a maximum of 2,500 words. Within this total word allowance you must produce a policy brief on an area of public health and health promotion that addresses inequality and an appendix describing background research done to support the policy brief. Undertake the research activity using secondary data only. Do not undertake any form of qualitative or quantitative primary research, e.g. interviews or surveys with personnel fromthechosentopic/casestudy.Therecommendedlengthforthepolicybriefismaxof2sidesofA4.


  • The policy brief must include the following components:
    • An engaging and informative title
    • A definition of the health inequality to be addressed
    • A description of the proposed policy and how it will address a health inequality.
    • Strong evidence supporting the proposed policy
    • Implications of both action and inaction


  • When writing the background research appendix, please use empirical evidence to give particular attention to:
    • Discussing the magnitude and severity of the inequality
    • Describing how previous policy has attempted or not attempted to address the issue and any shortcomings of previous policy
    • Evidencing why your proposed policy fills a gap and why it is likely to be successful to address the health inequality
    • Describe pros and cons of proposed policy


  • Considering any limitations and providing recommendations for how your policy should be effectively implemented
  • Including a list of references (recommended minimum=20, max number of references allowed=25).References are not included in the word count.





Please review these helpful resources before starting your assessment:


Wong,S.L.,Green,L.A.,Bazemore,A.W.andMiller,B.F.,2017.Howtowriteahealthpolicybrief. Families, Systems, & Health, 35(1), p.21.



Wolfe, Rebecca. Resilient and responsive health systems. Policy briefs: A guide to writingpolicy briefs for research uptake. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


AssessmentMethod CaseStudyReport100%(2,500Words)







Themainaimsofthismoduleareto provide studentswithopportunities to:

  1. understandleadershiptheoryandhowit appliestoleadershipin publichealth;
  2. critically appraise how leaders use different strategies to influence others to improve performance; and relate leadership roles in designing, implementing and managing organizational and strategic change


This Modular Block provides opportunities for students to demonstrate knowledge and understanding (K)cognitive (thinking) skills(C) andotherskills andattributes (S)inthefollowingareas:


  1. To develop a critical understanding of the role of social, organisational, and community factors inpublic health leadership


  1. Discuss the means by which structural bias, social and other inequities (e.g. racism and sexism)undermine health and create challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, communityandsocietal levels


  1. Criticallyappraise leadershiptheory andresearchandrelatetopublichealthpractice


  1. Develop a critical understanding of the different strategies to influence others to enhanceperformance


  1. Apply principles of leadership, governance and management (e.g. empowering others, guidingdecision-making,visiondesign)


  1. Create negotiation and mediation plans to address organisational or community challenges


  1. Critically appraise different leadership styles for organizational and strategic change




ThefinalassessmentforthismoduleisaCase StudyReport100% (2,500Words)


For this assessment you will use your learning across the whole module and across the programme to develop a health organisation case study. You will need to choose a health organisation and research any areas that could be improved. Hence, you will need to ensure your case study is located in a specificcontext and that you can design an improvement strategy for the organisation. Undertake the researchactivity using secondary data only. Do not undertake any form of qualitative or quantitative primaryresearch, e.g. interviews or surveys with personnel from the chosen case study (organization). You shoulddefine the problem and contextualize the proposed change. You will also demonstrate your knowledge ofstrategicmanagement,organisationalchange,leadershiptheory,organisationalculture,andevaluation.


A note on word count: Sub-headings, headings, data charts, tables, and in-text citations are included in thewordcount. Referencesarenotincluded inthewordcount.




Youshouldinclude thefollowingelementswithinyour casestudy.Haveclearlylabelledsub-headings:


  • Clear outline of the case organisation

-include mission/vision, organizational management structure


  • Rationale for the needed change in the organisation



  • Strategicmanagementconsiderationsinlightoftheproposedchange

-Discussionlinkedtocompetitive advantage


  • Organisational culture change considerations in light of the proposed change



  • Leadership strategy to oversee proposed changes in the organisation



  • Discussion:
    • Critical discussion on leadership in public health and implications on sustaining competitiveadvantage
    • Potential limitations of your proposed changes in the organisation

-Specificethicalandculturalconsiderationsyouwillmake foryourproposal




  • Do not attempt any form of qualitative or quantitative primary research, e.g. interviews or surveyswithpersonnel fromthechosencasestudy(organization)

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