Project Management Assignment

Project Management Assignment

Consider a course that you recently completed. Perform a review of the course (the course represents a project, and the course syllabus represents the project plan).

Item Comments
1. Were the project objectives and strategic intent of the project clearly and explicitly communicated? Yes, students were briefed by the instructor regarding the objectives and strategic intent of the course. Moreover, the use of illustrations, examples, and directives on further reading materials was pertinent to my attaining of Project Management Certification
2. Were the objective and strategy in alignment? Yes, there was an alignment of the course’s objectives and strategy.
3. Were the stakeholders identified and included in the planning? Yes, the project was inclusive of all the stakeholders. Stakeholders were issued with status reports after every three weeks.
4. Were course resources adequate for this project? Yes, the resources allocated to the course were adequate and appropriate. The most striking resource was the Simulation Project that was indispensable in inculcating real life experiences in managerial processes.
5. Were people with the right skill sets assigned to this project? Yes, the use of performance ensured assigning people with the right skills. Best performers on the Simulation Project were assigned as the team leaders.
6. Were time estimates reasonable and achievable? Yes, the time estimates were very logical and achievable.
7. Were the risks for the project appropriately identified and assessed before the project started? No, I do not suppose the risks of the project were assessed before the project.
8. Were the processes and practices appropriate for this type of project? Should projects of similar size and type use these systems? Why/why not? Yes, the practices and processes were indispensable for this project in the development of leadership and managerial skills. Similar projects should definitely include such systems. The systems, such as the Simulation Project is pertinent in the inculcating real life experiences to the learners.
9. Did outside contractors perform as expected? Explain No, outside contractors often had problems keeping time.
10.  Were communication methods appropriate and adequate among all stakeholders? Explain. Yes, the communication channels were effective and appropriate to all the stakeholders. Professor’s availability was also pertinent to helping students in areas of difficulty.
11.  Is the customer satisfied with the project product? Yes, the product of the project has satisfied the customers. The students were especially very contented due to the inculcation of real life managerial experiences.
12. Are the customers using the project deliverables as intended? Are they satisfied? Yes, the customers are satisfied with the product. However, some do not yet know how to use the project deliverables as they are intended.
13. Were the project objectives met? Yes, the objectives of the project were met in an excellent way.
14. Are the stakeholders satisfied their strategic intents have been met? Yes, there has not been a complaint from the stakeholders regarding any failure of the project to meet their strategic intent.
15. Has the customer or sponsor accepted a formal statement that the terms of the project charter and scope have been met? Yes, a majority of the customers and stakeholders have accepted a formal statement that the scope and charter of the project were met.
16. Were schedule, budget, and scope standards met? Yes, the budget, schedule and the scope standards of the project were met.
17. Is there any one important area that needs to be reviewed and improved upon? Can you identify the cause? Yes, the projects team leaders and the instructor need to perform a prior assessment of the Simulation Project. According to Klassen and Willoughby (2003), prior examination of the simulation tools is critical. The professor and the team leaders failed in achieving this aspect.











Klassen, K., & Willoughby, K. (2003). In-class simulation games: Assessing student learning. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research2(1), 1-13.

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