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Writer’s choice, please see instruction on

An article published in the last seven (7) years in an academic, peer-reviewed journal related to clinical or counseling psychology (e.g., Professional Psychology: Research & Practice). Articles for the professional article review would focus on psychological disorders and treatment, psychological assessments. theoretical perspectives, types of therapy/treatment models, the DSM V, ethical principles in psychologists and code of conduct, training and education in professional psychology, and various fields of psychology (i.e. health psychology, psychology of women, clinical neuropsychology, forensic psychology, and other areas). The article should describe, specifically, an experiment or empirical study by the researchers.

Leadership in the time of Crisis

Using VUCA, summarise the key issue or crisis that was the catalyst for 2-3 changes in your chosen organisation. (500 words)
Critically reflect on the leadership response, articulating the leadership capacities, competencies and behaviours (or lack therein) to the chosen crisis and evaluate the organisation’s leadership effectiveness in up to 5 of crisis phases articulated by James and Wooten (2005). (1000 words)
Given the current climate and uncertainty of COVID-19 or the crisis you chose, articulate and justify how the leadership of your organisation can take steps to prevent future crises so that both managers and leaders are better placed to mobilise support teams when there is a change in context that throws the organisation into ‘disequilibrium’ or the ‘edge of chaos’. (500 words)



Discuss key finds of the literature that address posthumanist philosophy that moves away from the social boundaries of androcentrism in relationship to animals. By animals here, I am referring to animals who are ontologically viewed as social beings with personhood by the people that interact with them.


Current Issues in Quality of Biotechnology Products

Submit to the instructor a one to two paragraph proposal (160 words maximum) outlining what you plan to accomplish in your final paper. The following are the guidelines for the paper:
Select a current topic related to the general area of Quality of Biotechnology Products. For the topic selected, address the following aspects in your final paper:
– Why is the topic important?
– What are the key scientific issues?
– What developments have occurred in the last 2-3 years?
– What are the open issues that need to be addressed?

In your proposal, we are looking for a brief paragraph or two that clearly states what your paper will accomplish. Send this proposal to the instructor using the paper proposal Assignments menu button.
All submissions should use APA style, the standard in most journals. For some notes on APA style see the following websites:
APA Online
Owl Online Writing Lab


In Richard Wright’s “Between the World and Me” (1935) discuss and analyze three or four literary aspects of this surreal lynching poem. This critical literary essay in MLA style should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion and their component parts. Your must have an original title that includes the title of the poem and the full name of the author. Here you should set up your thesis, state your thesis, briefly state how you will support your thesis in terms of specific literary aspects (characters, themes, structure, point of view, title, tone & attitude, diction, genre, intertextuality, symbolism, signification, or setting) and have a transition sentence to the body of the essay. Paragraphs in the body of the essay must have topic sentences on literary aspects. To support your critical analysis you should quote or paraphrase from the poem (two or three quotes) and use the secondary sources (Judith Herman and Clovis Semmes) to support your analysis. However, you should avoid quoting long sections from the poem; the critical issue here is to give your thoughtful critical analysis. This critical essay should be a minimum of full four pages. Essays that are less than four full pages will not be accepted. Here you should adhere to the guidelines for submission of essays. Papers that do not adhere to the stated guidelines will lose significant credit. Give your essay an original title that is not the title of the poem. Lastly, you should proofread your essay very carefully for organization, content, grammar, sentence structure, spelling, and mechanics. Please note that late papers will not be accepted!!!


Nursing Research Paper

Do more research about how diet(SES) effect on post menopausal women health outcomes. And mainly focus on Australian. This time I need you to look into specific data and write a summary on the trend of data. You don’t need to write intro or conclusion.


To Build A Fire Discussion

1.Literature: “To Build a Fire” by Jack London

2.Topic Question from Literature : How is the relationship between the man and dog discussed at first? How does the man and dog’s relationship symbolize the man’s relationship to his environment?

3.Has to be at least 500 word essay


Political Science Research Paper

Should the U.S. continue its intervention in middle eastern affairs?


5 article PICOT matrix review

This assignment will require you to take the PICOT, 5 research articles , place them in a table for analysis. You will critique each article and identify the most important parts of the research, analysis, and findings.

Then you will summarize the articles by grading the research, and identifying gaps in the literature as well as possible interventions (see grading rubric and examples).
Use matrix table- one for each article and critique the parts of the article using the rubric
Be sure to identify the evaluation tool used to grade the evidence such as (See below for grading the evidence tools)
Identify where there are issues with the articles and what gaps were not addressed with the research; be prepared this may change the way you look at your topic or may result in a slightly different direction for your area of interest. This is ok- that is what you want to accomplish with this assignment. It will really assist you as you move forward with your project.

Biology Research Paper

research report over a disease caused by a microorganism (bacteria, virus, viroid, fungi, or protozoa). The report will be at least 5 full pages in length (not including title and reference pages) with at least 6 different sources, 4 of which can be from reputable internet sources. The report will be done in MLA or APA format for citations, double spaced, and with 12 point font (Times New Roman or Arial). Topics to be covered include disease characteristics/symptoms, physiology of the disease, treatments for the disease, microorganism characteristics, and any other unique information you find relating to the microbiology of the disease

Biological Psychology Descriptive Essay

Must make significant and big picture connection between Ted talk video The Rise of sleep Disorders and what can we do about it and the textbook James W Kalat 12 edition 2016 chapter 8 this is a discussion post so as your writing it keep it professional but make it more conversational tone free from errors spelling and punctuation this discussion post must be 200 words don’t repeat the same thing over and must use the correct resources to complete this.

Art (Fine arts, Performing arts) Essay Help

You are expected to critically think and write an insightful response to the reading (s) assigned for the week.
NOTE: it is required two write a response for the given readings, if there are two you write about both if you’re given one you write about one.

Directions for writing the reading responses:

You must say what is the central argument of the reading.
What is noteworthy about the reading(s) and how does it inform you about the topic?
What approach does the author take?
Is he/she objective or subjective in examining the issue?
How does the reading enhance or challenge your understanding of Asia, Asian histories, and cultural practices?

It is expected to read the pdf I have uploaded. after doing so a response should be written about what is read. I have given an example of a response essay which is found in the order are allowed only to cite the given pdf by specifying the page numbers.

History Research Paper

In this assignment, you will consider three primary sources related to the forced assimilation of Native Americans in the latter part of the nineteenth century and write a short essay in which you discuss the long-term effects of the Dawes Act.

To get started, click the MindTap link in the Get Started Module and follow the directions below:

  • Navigate to Chapter 15: Reunion and Retreat: Incorporation of the U.S. West.
  • Go to the bottom of the menu and locate Chapter 15 Primary Source Writing Activity.
  • Choose View 1 activity from the dropdown menu.
  • Click Chapter 15 Primary Source Writing Activity.
  • Open the activity and read the writing prompt and read through each of the primary source documents.
  • When you are ready to start writing, open a new Word document and follow these guidelines to write your response:

Your response should be 2-3 paragraphs in length, and should meet the following criteria:
It addresses all portions of the topic or prompt.
It has a fully developed thesis.
Ideas are stated clearly and easy to understand.
Major supporting ideas are thoughtful, readily identifiable and well-developed in unified paragraphs with concrete, substantial and relevant information.
It demonstrates command of language, with precise word choices, and few—if any—errors in usage or mechanics.

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