Nursing Research Poster Presentation

Comprehensive poster presentation inclusive of a script (for the audio-recording)
“The number 1 of the “step by step process” should be completed this weekend i.e a question of one relevant clinical practice issue should be provided while using the PICOT format.

Assignment Purpose

 The Nursing Grand Rounds assignment provides students with a comprehensive opportunity to:

  • Identify a clinical practice question (i.e., question of clinical concern) arising from a clinical practice problem and/or issue
  • Critically appraise research studies (i.e., quantitative and qualitative research)
  • Cohesively synthesize research findings
  • Consider implications and recommendations for nursing practice
  • Effectively communicate how research can inform their nursing practice

This will be accomplished within the context of a clinical case scenario developed by students to frame the work of the assignment.

Assignment Expectations

Students will work in groups of two (2) or three (3), depending on class size and course instructor discretion, to complete two (2) main assignment components:

  1. Comprehensive poster presentation inclusive of an audio-recording
  2. Written peer review

Students are expected to actively participate in all elements of the Nursing Grand Rounds assignment and submit original work. Failure to actively participate in all elements (i.e., poster presentation with audio-recording, and/or written peer review components) may result in a zero (0) score for the corresponding component(s) of the assignment.

  1. Identify a question of clinical concern that arises from a common yet focused clinical practice problem/issue and clinical case scenario experienced in one’s own nursing practice experience. The question of clinical concern should be well stated and focused on one relevant component of the clinical practice problem/issue and context of the clinical case, See Duggleby & Astle, p. 77 on using a PICOT format to more clearly present your
    • It is helpful to clarify the clinical practice problem/issue as a focused area that the question of clinical concern fits within. This will support a more efficient and effective search of the literature in subsequent steps of the process.

·         Students are asked to identify their clinical practice problem/issue of choice (e.g., patient safety) and their emerging question of clinical concern (e.g., medication errors at shift change in an acute paediatric unit) by the end of week 6.

  1. Using professional research databases, locate two (2) peer-reviewed, scholarly nursing research studies [i.e., one (1) qualitative study and one (1) quantitative study] that address the question of clinical The two
  • selected studies must have clear relevance (i.e., linkages and clinical significance) in addressing the question of clinical
    • Prior to incorporating the findings of research into nursing practice, the research itself should be judged on its strengths and limitations related to scientific merit. Therefore, students will complete an independent appraisal of each nursing research study [i.e., two (2) separate research appraisals] using the Modified Guide to an Overall Critique of a Quantitative/Qualitative Research Report [available on the course Blackboard].
    • After engaging in an independent appraisal of each study, students will prepare a summary for each study inclusive of the following:
      • Summary of the research study (i.e., what happened?)
        • Prepare a brief summary of key elements of the research study. This should include information about the research purpose, context/population, research processes, and key/relevant findings. Note: The key/relevant findings identified from each study will be considered together in Step 3 below.
      • Summary of the appraisal of the research study (i.e., what do we think about it?)
        • Choose elements from the appraisal process that best reflect key strengths and limitations of the study. Summarize these key strengths and limitations, and support the decisions with
      • Discussion of implications/conclusions (i.e., what does this mean/ what should we do about it?)
        • Identify two (2) implications from each research study that are most relevant to the clinical case scenario and question of clinical concern. Consider how these key implications best address the question of clinical concern, with rationale. Note: The implications identified from each study will be considered together in Step 4 below.


  1. Synthesize the findings across the two (2) chosen nursing research studies in order to summarize the ‘state of the evidence’ in relation to the clinical practice problem/issue and question of clinical


Consider how the evidence from the two (2) chosen nursing research studies can be integrated and applied to address the question of

  1. clinical concern, within the context of the clinical practice problem/issue and clinical case
    • Students should be prepared to speak about the specific implications and recommendations for evidence-informed nursing practice arising from their appraisal and synthesis work across the two (2) nursing research studies.
      • How might the evidence be used in practice?
      • What recommendations can be put forward, and for whom?
      • What gaps exist? What else might be needed?
    • Students should reflect on their clinical case scenario and consider how the synthesized evidence might relate to patient preferences, concerns or values.
    • Students should also explore additional but related literature to support their consideration of implications and recommendations for evidence-informed nursing


Due dates and full descriptions for each component of the Nursing Grand Rounds assignment are provided below. Detailed marking rubrics will be available on the course Blackboard.

Assignment Components                                                                                                                               




The comprehensive poster presentation includes both a poster presentation and an audio-recording. The clinical practice problem/issue, clinical case scenario, and question of clinical concern will frame the development of the poster presentation and accompanying audio-recording. The poster presentation and audio-recording will together address the question of clinical concern. The comprehensive poster presentation should reflect students’ ongoing understanding and critical thinking of course material and content.


Poster Presentation:

Students will create an academic poster that includes all of the following components:

  1. Background
    • Clear identification of the clinical practice problem/issue, clinical case scenario, and question of clinical concern
  2. Appraisal of Quantitative Nursing Research Study
    • Brief summary of key study elements (i.e., research purpose, context/population, research processes, and relevant findings)
    • Brief summary of key strengths and limitations of the study, with supportive rationale
  3. Appraisal of Qualitative Nursing Research Study
    • Brief summary of key study elements (i.e., research purpose, context/population, research processes, and relevant findings)
    • Brief summary of key strengths and limitations of the study, with supportive rationale
  4. Synthesis of Research Findings
    • Synthesis of research findings across the two (2) chosen nursing research studies to summarize and highlight the ‘state of the evidence’ in relation to the clinical practice problem/issue and question of clinical concern, inclusive of supportive rationale
  5. Next Steps
    • Discussion of how evidence from the appraisal and synthesis work [i.e., across the two (2) chosen nursing research studies] can be integrated and applied to address the question of clinical concern, within the context of the clinical practice problem/issue and clinical case scenario
    • Reflects consideration of related literature [i.e., a minimum of two (2) additional peer-reviewed journal articles], and how the synthesized evidence connects to patient preferences, concerns or values
  1. References
    • Students must reference the two (2) nursing research articles and a minimum of two (2) additional peer- reviewed journal articles that support the appraisal and synthesis work.

For the purposes of this assignment, the poster presentation should mimic the style that would be used to present an academic poster to an audience of peers at a Nursing Grand Rounds showcase forum.

  • Posters will be created and submitted electronically
  • Posters must be created as one (1) comprehensive slide in Microsoft PowerPoint OR Canva (, using standard dimensions of approximately 48 x 36-inches
  • See links to academic poster presentation resources at the end of this document

NOTE: The final poster product must be submitted to Blackboard as a PDF file i.e., NOT a link.


Important note about images: It is best practice to use images that are copyright-free – or alternatively, images that you have created yourself. Students are encouraged to learn more about the use of images and suggestions for how to access copyright-free images through the Humber Library [see Resources at end of document].


Students will create and record an oral presentation to accompany the poster component of the comprehensive presentation. The oral presentation will mimic the 3MT (3 Minute Thesis) presentation style. A 3MT presentation is a form of knowledge translation that:

  • Fosters students’ academic, presentation, and research communication skills
  • Increases students’ capacity to effectively explain the breadth and significance of their research project

work in three minutes

  • Requires students to deliver content that is clear, concise, accessible, and meaningful
  • Encourages students to engage, entertain and inspire their audience

For the purposes of this assignment, students will utilize the following format for the audio-recording component of the comprehensive poster presentation:

  1. Introduction (Why should the audience listen?): Set the stage. What is the clinical practice problem/issue and clinical case scenario? How did this lead to the chosen question of clinical concern? Why is this an important problem/issue to talk about? (i.e., why should the audience listen?)
  2. What did you discover? (What can the audience learn?): Provide a very brief summary of what you learned from the appraisal and synthesis work across the two (2) chosen nursing research Highlight key details, concepts, and/or discoveries that support evidence-informed nursing practice.
  3. What are the ‘next steps’? (How can the audience feel part of something bigger?): Consider how the synthesized evidence can be used to inform nursing practice. Loop back to the clinical practice problem/issue and case scenario. How might the clinical question of concern be resolved? Discuss gaps that exist, and what else might be needed moving forward (and for whom).

[Adapted from Amsden, J. (2015, September 22). How grad students can effectively tell their research story. University Affairs.]

Additional submission details:

  • Students are cautioned that the audio-recording should not be a re-reading of the
  • Audio-recordings are to be three (3) minutes in Audio recordings more than three (3) minutes in length will incur grading penalties (if minimally over time limit) and/or may not be evaluated (if excessively over time limit).
  • Students may independently choose any device/source for recording their audio submission, such as use of a cell phone or laptop to generate an audio file [e.g., MP4 file].
  • Groups may choose to use PowerPoint with voice over, or use a video conferencing tool such as Zoom or Blackboard Collaborate. Note that the final audio-recording product must be able to be submitted to Blackboard as a file [i.e., NOT a link].
  • Students must submit a copy of a prepared script as part of the audio-recording

See links to 3MT presentation resources (including examples) and audio-recording resources at the end of this document

The comprehensive poster presentation must adhere to APA 7th ed. (2020) format, where appropriate. The submission must be accompanied by a title page and integrity pledge signed by all group members. Please submit all components (i.e., Poster Presentation, Audio-Recording, and Audio-Recording Script) to Blackboard.

In order to support the virtual Nursing Grand Round Showcase and peer review process, students will also upload their comprehensive poster presentation (i.e., poster presentation + audio-recording components) files to the appropriate Blackboard discussion board forum and thread (as organized by the course instructor). This upload should occur at the same time that the group presentation is submitted to the course instructor in week 12.


                                                                           Resource List



Academic Posters



3MT Presentation Style research-story/




Modified Guide to an Overall Critique of a QUANTITATIVE Research Report



Aspect of Report General Questions to Consider
Statement of the problem To what extent do the researcher(s) outline a research problem that:

–     Is easily identified and/or clearly stated?

–     Includes clearly identified concepts and the population under study?

–     Matches well to the chosen paradigm? (i.e., is a quantitative approach appropriate?)

–     Is significant for nursing?

Literature review To what extent do the researcher(s) incorporate a literature review that:

–     Is thorough, current, drawn mainly from primary sources, and inclusive of a varietyof relevant sources?

–     Includes sufficient information for the reader to understand the research problem, and/or the dependent and independent variables and the relationship(s) between them?

–     Identifies gaps within the existing body of literature, which in turn justify the need for the new study?

Conceptual/ theoretical framework To what extent do the researcher(s) integrate a conceptual/theoretical framework that:

–     Is easily identified and appropriate?

–     Adequately supports the conceptual definitions of key concepts?

Purpose/research questions/ hypotheses To what extent do the researcher(s) identify a research purpose, question(s) and/or hypotheses that is/are:

–     Explicitly stated and appropriately worded?

–     Consistent with the literature review and conceptual/theoretical framework?

Research design To what extent do the researcher(s) use a research design that is:

–     The most rigorous possible design given the study purpose?

–     Inclusive of an appropriate number of data collection points?

–     One that minimizes threats to internal and external validity?

Population and sample The what extent do the researcher(s):

–     Identify and describe the population?

–     Describe the sample in sufficient detail?

–     Use the best possible sampling design to enhance representativeness?

–     Demonstrate that the sample size is adequate? (e.g., was a power analysis used?)

Data collection and measurement To what extent do the researcher(s) incorporate and/or discuss data collection and measurement methods/approaches that:

–     Reflect congruency between operational and conceptual definitions of key variables?

–     Demonstrate that key variables were operationalized using the best possible method(s) (e.g. interview, observation, survey)?

–     Include instruments that are adequately described, and are good choices?

–     Yield data that are reliable and valid?

Procedures and ethical considerations To what extent do the researcher(s) describe:

–     Any interventions, and how they were properly implemented if used?

–     How data were collected in a manner that minimizes bias?

–     If data collection staff were appropriately trained?

–     Use of appropriate procedures to safeguard the ethical rights of study participants?

Data analysis To what extent do the researcher(s) describe how data analysis strategies:

–     Address each research question or test each hypothesis?

–     Incorporate appropriate statistical methods given the level of measurement of the variables, number of groups being compared, etc.?

–     Include the most powerful analytic method(s) (e.g., did the analysis help control for extraneous variables)?

Findings To what extent do the researchers(s) present study findings that:

–     Are adequately summarized in text, tables, or figures?

–     Include/present information about statistical significance?

Interpretation of findings To what extent do the researcher(s) discuss how major study findings are:

–     Considered/interpreted within the context of prior research?

–     Considered/interpreted within the study’s conceptual or theoretical framework?

–     Consistent with the results and study limitations?

–     Generalizable?

Implications To what extent do the researchers appropriately and thoroughly discuss the implications of the study for clinical nursing practice or further research?


NUfRS 3092 (F21) i- Adapted from Table 17.2 (Loiselle & Profetto-McGrath, 2011, p.362-364) and Table 4.2 (Woo, 2019, p. 70)

Modified Guide to an Overall Critique of a QUALITATIVE Research Report




Aspect of Report General Questions to Consider
Statement of the problem To what extent do the researcher(s) outline a research problem that:

–     Is easily identified and/or clearly stated?

–     Includes a clearly identified phenomenon/phenomena of interest?

–     Matches well to the chosen paradigm? (i.e., is a qualitative approach appropriate?)

–     Is significant for nursing?

Literature review To what extent do the researcher(s) incorporate a literature review that:

–     Is thorough, current, drawn mainly from primary sources, and inclusive of a varietyof relevant sources?

–     Includes sufficient information for the reader to understand the research problem, and/or the phenomenon/phenomena of interest?

–     Identifies gaps within the existing body of literature, which in turn justify the need for the new study?

Conceptual/ theoretical underpinnings To what extent do the researcher(s) integrate conceptual/theoretical underpinnings that:

–     Support an adequate definition of the key phenomenon/phenomena?

–     Explicitly identify how the chosen research tradition is appropriate to the exploration of the phenomenon/ phenomena of interest?

Research purpose/ questions To what extent do the researcher(s) identify a research purpose and question(s) that is/are:

–     Explicitly stated and appropriately worded?

–     Consistent with the literature review and research process?

Research tradition and design To what extent do the researcher(s) use a research tradition and design that is:

–     Congruent with the methods used to collect and analyze data?

–     Supportive of an iterative/flexible approach with evidence of reflexivity?

Sample and setting To what extent do the researcher(s):

–     Describe the sample and setting with sufficient detail?

–     Appropriately gain access to the site and/or recruit participants?

–     Use a sampling method that enhances information richness and addresses the needsof the study?

–     Incorporate an adequate number of contacts with study participants?

–     Recruit a sample size appropriate for the research question/method used?

Data collection To what extent do the researcher(s) incorporate data collection methods/approaches that:

–     Are well described and appropriate in addressing the research question(s)?

–     Support the gathering of an appropriate amount of data? (i.e., data of sufficient depth and richness)

–     Allow for spending an adequate amount of time in the field or with study participants? [if applicable]

Ethical considerations To what extent do the researcher(s):

–     Incorporate procedures to safeguard the ethical rights of study participants?

–     Identify any ethical concerns?

Rigour To what extent do the researcher(s):

–     Appropriately describe any/all approaches used to enhance trustworthiness?

–     Consider if additional strategies could have been used to enhance rigour?

Data analysis To what extent do the researcher(s) describe how data analysis strategies and processes are:

–     Compatible with the overall research tradition and type of data gathered?

–     Used to appropriately organize and represent the data?

Findings To what extent do the researcher(s) present study findings that:

–     Incorporate good use of narrative exemplars?

–     Adequately capture the full meaning of the data?

–     Yield a meaningful picture of the phenomenon/phenomena under study?

–     Reflect how themes or patterns are logically connected to each other?

Interpretation of findings To what extent do the researcher(s) discuss how major study findings are:

–     Considered within the context of prior research?

–     Consistent with the analysis and study limitations?

–     Transferable?

Implications To what extent do the researchers appropriately and thoroughly discuss the implications of the study for clinical nursing practice or further research?

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