Assignment # 1-B Global Health Need Analysis
- Select a country or global region with a significant unmet health need [not the US]- specify the health need [can be a specific disease or a more expansive issue such as lack of food security]. Include rationale for selection.
- Choose one specific age group and /or gender impacted in this region- include specific rationale for this selection.
- Explain in detail what the local government is doing to remedy this unmet health need – include statistics in terms of those impacted, describe current interventions and results
- Describe gaps- why do these exist [is it a matter of funding or other resources; is it that the local government is ineffective or against certain population members]
- Detail at least three suggestions to overcome these gaps- be specific and detailed: who, how, where, etc.
- Use APA 7th edition format; paper should be 3-4 pages double space not included reference and cover page. Use Times New Roman 12 font