This presentation is to sell the audience on the implementation of the evidence-based intervention develop in the Week 1 PICOT question using an E-Poster, Kaltura Capture, and student’s presentation skills. Be creative, innovative, and persuasive!
Assignment Criteria:
Students will develop an E-Poster presentation that includes the following criteria:
1. Go to Make Signs website [] and choose a free 48” x 36” or 56” x 42” size scientific e-Poster PowerPoint template or use the ACON Poster Template. Both can be found in the Week 7 Canvas Module.
a. Edit the categories on the E-Poster template to meet the needs of this assignment.
2. Describe the problem related to the approved PICOT question from Week 1.
3. State the PICOT question and describe the components.
4. Describe the intervention.
5. Summarize the evidence that supports the intervention [internal and external evidence].
6. Provide a summary of the pilot project for the intervention
7. Explain the implications of the intervention on practice and the science of nursing.
8. After the E-Poster is created, utilize Kaltura Capture to present the E-Poster with voice over [use computer and microphone].
9. The E-Poster presentation should be no more than 10-12 minutes in length.
10. Be complete and concise. Use bulleted statements not complete sentences or paragraphs. Resources found in ACON Student Resources located in the Modules.
11. A minimum of 3-4 references will be required for this E-Poster presentation part of the assignment. References should be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals [check Ulrich’s Periodical Directory] and be less than five [5] years old.