NUR3874 Informatics and Clinical Reasoning

Using the information from your Homework B spreadsheet, create an e-Poster to present the results of your analysis to a Clinical Council of your peers.

For this homework, you will create a virtual poster (e-Poster) using PowerPoint and submit it electronically. Though this poster could be printed out for in-person presentation, for this homework you will only create the electronic version and turn it in as an attached PowerPoint file.
This homework MUST be formatted as a Poster per the template (Download Template). A PowerPoint slide show will NOT be accepted and will be returned to the student for re-formatting and re-submission in the appropriate Poster format with late penalties applied.
The directions for using the template are on the template itself. You may rearrange the formatting of the poster including the arrangement of sections, size of sections, color, fonts, etc. so long as you maintain a professional appearance and the font size chosen is readable. The SPC graphics and affiliation line MUST be included somewhere on the poster. Be sure to replace the template photos (Figures 1 & 2) with your own chosen images representing the poster topic specifically. Your submission should contain 4 bar charts.

You may work alone or you may work in a group of up to four (4) people to do this together. If you choose to work as a team you must notify the instructor at least one week in advance who the team members will be and have the group approved. The team members are solely and completely responsible for the group interactions and once a group is approved it is indissoluble: all group members will receive the same grade.

You will be graded on the professional appearance of your poster as well as your ability to explain how and why the analysis was done, identify the pattern of variation, and logically explain what might account for it. At a minimum, you must include the content listed below in the ‘Content’ section.

Text Sections


Include an appropriate title and the name(s) of the persons creating the poster.


Explain why an analysis of this type is important. Provide background information about the significance of this type of survey. Support your points with scholarly evidence with APA compliant citations and references (minimum of 2 scholarly references other than the text).

Purpose and Methods
Explain why the data was collected and what the intended purpose/goal of the analysis is.
Explain briefly how the data was collected (including the time period covered), how it was assembled, how questions were scored, and how it was analyzed.


What did your analysis show? At a minimum include answers to the following questions.
What are the patterns in the data? How did scores change over time?
What is the takeaway message? Explain how you determined this: be specific!


Explain what the implications of your findings are for nursing practice both clinically and managerially. State what actions are preferred and why. List specific interventions that should be implemented based on the data.

Charts and Figures

Include at least one image, photo, or graphic that adds to the visual appeal of your poster. (You MUST replace the template photos Figures 1 & 2: they are just examples!)
Review the Homework C: ePoster Rubric to understand how you will be evaluated.
Individual charts
Include 3 bar charts depicting the mean scores for questions 1-9 for each unit.
*if done correctly, copy and paste your charts from HW B*
Total Chart
Create a 4th chart depicting the overall mean, only, for each unit on the same chart. Therefore, your submission should have a total of 4 charts. The overall chart must contain different results than those already presented in the individual unit charts.

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