Media Analysis and Visualisation

Part 1: Describe clearly your research. You must include: Information about your research method used to answer your research question

1:To demonstrate an ability to conduct a careful analysis of a self-identified, collected and organised data set (e.g. from news articles, websites, social media sources, etc.). This original media research requires a mastery of research method/s and processes, and is vital for an informed understanding of context (incl. barriers and opportunities) for your media campaign. This practical assessment is also a means to learn a useful skill of distilling and summarising key findings and representing your research in an intelligible visual form. These are all higher-level analytical, communicative and representational competencies that require much prior ‘back-stage’ organisation and research.

2:Instructions: This is individual assessment that consists of 2 parts based on a content analysis of data from 1 chosen media source.
Describe clearly how you conducted your media analysis. You must include detail on your process of data collection and analysis, including the motivation for selecting a particular source (e.g. news articles, social media posts/comments), the size of the data set and collection period, and what categories/themes/codes were used for analysis. In addition, you must include an example of your data set and analytical practice in an Excel document in Appendix. Based on your analysis formulate 3 findings and explain how you envision these findings to inform your group’s campaign (20%)

Visualise the analysed data in a chart or graph using Excel (5%) and as an infographic using Picktochart or Canva (5%).

3: Remember to choose 1 source of data/media texts (e.g. news articles or advertisements or social media comments or blog posts).

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