- Briefly (one or two paragraphs) summarize the articles.
2. Succinctly discuss some common themes, issues, methods, findings. For example, what did each author set out to learn? How did they go about collecting their data? [I.E. Did they do survey research? Interviews? Use existing data?] What were their findings and conclusions? [Be sure to include patterns in attitudes and/or factors or variables that your sources identify as having an effect on peoples’ attitudes.] If possible, the discussion should integrate the articles.
3. Write some of the questions these particular readings raised for you. What are you still wondering about? (Note: Simply answering “nothing” is unacceptable. Bear in mind that the literature review helps the researcher determine precisely what she wants to know. So having read these articles, what do you still want to know?)
4. On a separate page, write a list of references (bibliography) using the conventions of the American Sociological Association (ASA)–not included in the required word count. For information on ASA’s citation guidelines, consult: American Sociological Association (ASA)