A critical skill at the doctoral level is the ability to conduct scholarly research guided by clearly articulatedresearchquestionsthataddressaspecificissueorproblem.Forthisliteraturereview,your research will be guided by the following three ResearchQuestions:
- How do individual and group decision processes aid or impede business decisionmaking?
- What are the newest directions and developments in the process of strategy development and execution?
- How can my academic discipline [DBA Program Cognate], as a function within the organization, impact the process of business strategy development andexecution?
Thefirsttwoquestionsareexploredfromabroadbusinessperspective,whilethethirdquestiongives youtheopportunitytochangeyourframeofreferencetoyourspecificcognateintheDBAProgram.
The purpose of this research project is for you to create a scholarly piece of doctoral level research and writing which conforms to current APA format.
What are we looking for in this literature review?
A literature review discusses published information in a particular subject area and sometimes information in a particular subject area within a certain time period. This literature review will be more than just a simple summary of information from various sources as it will include an organizational pattern that combines both a summary and synthesis of information. Please keep in mind that a summary is a re‐encapsulation of the important information found in the source, while a synthesisisare‐organizationandcombiningofthatinformationtopresentamorecompletepicture. Finally, the literature review will evaluate the sources and advise the reader of the most pertinent or relevantpoints.
Specific Instructions:
- Follow the outline generated in the Literature Review: Outline Assignment to include any feedback from your instructor.
- Minimum of 24 pages not including introduction andconclusion
- No less than 8 pages addressing each researchquestion
- Minimum of 18 sources not including coursetexts
- No less than 6 sources for each researchquestion
- 1 inch margins, Double Spaced, Maximum of 12 pointfont
- APA current edition. Format to include Cover Page, Abstract, Table of Contents, andReference Section