Assignment Requirements
From this position you are required to focus on studying any business/service
organization and analysing how they would apply Total Quality Management
[TQM] principles to make themselves more profitable, butter customer stratification
and increase their competitive advantages. The assignment should cover the
following issues:
- A literature review on how quality management frameworks can generally
contribute to the engineering enterprise/service organization’s excellence
performance, sustainable business success and global competitiveness.
- Choose a case study, general engineering, manufacturing or services
organisation with a focus on their framework, identify and critically analyse
how it has applied the TQM principles and practices to achieve their
excellence performance and strategic goals for more profitable, butter
customer stratification and increase their global market competitive
advantages. You need to concentrate in your investigation on topics related
to the key issues to Total Quality Management Success, such as:
1] Senior Management and Leadership
2] Strategic Planning Process
3] Team Work
4] Deployment Process
5] Taking a narrow, dogmatic approach
6] Training, Education, Inspiration and Skill Building
7] Increasing Global Competition
8] Increasing Customer Expectation
9] Opposing Economic Pressures
10]New Approach to Management
Report Assessment Criteria
– The report presentation format, and layout including:
- Report sections should include: Introduction, Aims and
Objectives, Problem statement and background
- Figures and results graphical presentation
- References – HARVARD STYLE
– Critical analysis for the assignment questions
and case study presentation.
– Discussion and Conclusions
– The report should include a complete critical analysis of a case study which
should be clearly explored and identified.
– Discussion and critical conclusions should be included.
– The report must be 4000-5000 words excluding any graphical results.
– The report must be written in MS word document format ONLY