I already somewhat wrote the introduction which I will be uploading so that they can flow together. I only need the body paragraph and conclusion
These are the instructions I was given…
Part 2 [Body]: Analysis & Synthesis [1200 words; 4 additional sources]
In Part 2, your job is to analyze each of the points of view or positions taken on the issue and then synthesize the debate for your readers. Here are some questions you might consider as you work on analyzing and synthesizing in Part 2:
Why is the issue significant today?
Who is most affected and concerned?
What “sides” are currently debating the issue? [And there are always more than two sides.]
Why do people think the way they do or take the position they do currently?
What values do the differing points of view share?
What values do they not share?
How do the various points of view define the values they hold? For example, everyone may agree that laws or policies should respect someone’s right to privacy, but they may disagree on what “right to privacy” actually means.
What values does one point of view prioritize higher than the other points of view? For example, people debating an issue may agree that laws or policies should respect someone’s freedom of religion, but one person may think that the economic needs of society is a higher priority than individual freedom of religion. So even though they may share the same values, in general, they may prioritize them differently in a specific situation.
Part 2: Organization or Structure
Generally, there are three main ways to organize or structure Part 2. You have to decide which way works more efficiently for you and your topic and issue. You can, of course, extend or modify these patterns as necessary. For example, if you have four major points of view you are trying to develop, then the formatting patterns below would have to be adjusted accordingly. Of course, you also need a works cited page.
Format 1 [organized around the competing points of view]
Briefly remind readers of the topic and issue
Introduce, summarize, and analyze point of view 1 [POV1]
Introduce, summarize, and analyze POV2
Synthesize POV1 and POV2
Introduce, summarize, and analyze POV3
Synthesize POV1, POV2, and POV3
Conclude with a reminder of the significance of the debate and a set up for Part 3
Format 2 [organized around the competing points of view]
Briefly remind readers of the topic and issue
Introduce, summarize, and analyze POV1
Introduce, summarize, and analyze POV2
Introduce, summarize, and analyze POV3
Synthesize, POV1, POV2, POV3
Conclude with a reminder of the significance of the debate and a set up for Part 3
Format 3 [organized around the sub-issues within the larger issue]
Briefly remind readers of the topic and issue
Introduce and summarize the sub-issue 1
Introduce, summarize, analyze, and synthesize the various positions on sub-issue 1
Introduce and summarize sub-issue 2
Introduce, summarize, analyze, and synthesize the various positions on sub-issue 2
Introduce and summarize sub-issue 3 [if you have time and space to develop a third sub-issue]
Introduce, summarize, analyze, and synthesize the various positions on sub-issue 3
Conclude with a reminder of the significance of the debate and a set up for Part 3
In Part 3, write an argument that supports your position on the issue. Now, remember, what we are doing here. You have spent a lot of time trying to understand the issue and the various positions being argued. Don’t allow yourself to slip into some kind of opinionated rant. You want to develop a clear, direct thesis, supporting it with clear, direct topic sentences, and clear, direct logic. Use your source material to help you make your case.
You want to directly address the counter-arguments that others may propose. If you are to persuade another person, it’s not enough to tell them what you think. You have to understand what the other person thinks, and address his or her concerns and claims.
As Part 3 is relatively short, you will want to focus on one or maybe two areas of the debate rather than try to tackle every point that could be made. Keep your focus narrow. Take a stance on the issue and support it. What is your position on this issue and why?
How would you counter the concerns and claims made by those who don’t agree with you?
Please let me know if you use the format 1, 2, or 3 for the body paragraph and I will include what I wrote so far for the introduction in the additional material which I will be editing by myself but so you can get write something that flows with this