Introduction to Nutrition

You may select EITHER the Recipe Modification Assignment described below OR the Fast Food Assignment.

ONLY ONE will be graded so complete only one of the options.


Assignment Option #2: Recipe Modification

Assignment Goal


The goal of this assignment is to compare and contrast the nutrient content, appearance, taste, and texture of an original recipe and a modified recipe.

Getting Started


  • Find an original recipe with at least 5 ingredients that you’d like to make
  • Make the original recipe.
  • Modify the original recipe by making at least 2 significant changes to create a more healthful recipe. Some healthful substitution ideas are included in the Making Recipes Healthier
  • Download Making Recipes Healthier
  • Do not make so many changes that you end up with a completely different recipe.
  • Make the modified recipe.
  • Enter both recipes in MyFitnessPal.


Using MyFitnessPal


Free software called MyFitnessPal [

 [Links to an external site.]

] is used to enter both recipes for this assignment.

Getting started using the MyFitnessPal website

  • NOTE: These instructions use the MyFitnessPal website. If you use the MyFitnessPal app, please use the Getting started using the MyFitnessPal app for the Recipe Modification assignment
  • The first time you go to the website you will need to set up your account by clicking on “Sign Up”; follow the directions to establish an account with an email and password.
  • Enter information in the “Tell Us About Yourself” section, including:
    • Current weight
    • Height
    • Goal weight [please use your current weight]
      • If you want to gain/lose weight you can address this in your paper, but it will be easier to interpret your reports if you enter your current weight.
    • Gender
    • Date of birth
    • Username [please make note of your username; you will need it for later access]
    • Normal daily activities [choose the option that best describes your activities]


  • Leave the exercise information blank [times you plan to exercise, minutes/workout time]
  • Choose ‘calories’ to keep track of your expended energy
  • Choose ‘maintain my current weight’ as your goal
  • Click on “Sign Up” and then “Get Started Now”.
  • Correct the recommendations for potassium. Recommendations have recently changed and MyFitnessPal hasn’t been updated to reflect this. Use the following instructions to correct this:
    • On the website select My Home > Goals > Edit on the Micronutrients section
    • Scroll down to potassium and edit the recommendation to reflect the appropriate recommendation below for your gender and age group:
      • Female age 14-18: 2300 mg
      • Female age 19+: 2600 mg
      • Male age 14-18: 3000 mg
      • Male age 19+: 3400 mg
    • Click Save Changes at the bottom of the screen


Entering a recipe in MyFitnessPal.

  • Log on to
  • [Links to an external site.]
  • .
  • Enter your username and password. Click on “Log In”.
  • Click on the “Food” tab on the top navigation bar and then select “Recipes” in the dark blue navigation bar underneath the top navigation bar.
  • Choose whether to import the recipe or add the recipe
    • To import a recipe, enter the recipe URL in the text box and click on “Import Recipe”.
      • Review the number of servings and ingredient list for accuracy; make any necessary revisions. Click on “Match Ingredients”.
      • Review any ingredients that could not be matched and make any necessary revisions. Click on “Save”.
    • To add a recipe manually, click on “Add Recipe Manually”.
      • Enter the recipe name, number of servings, and ingredient list. Click on “Match Ingredients”.
      • Review any ingredients that could not be matched and make any necessary revisions. Click on “Save”.


Compiling your data.

  • After both recipes are entered, record data from each recipe in the table
    • Navigate to the recipe data by clicking on the recipe name in “Your Recipe Box”.
      • To find “Your Recipe Box”, click on the “Food” tab on the top navigation bar and then select “Recipes” in the dark blue navigation bar underneath the top navigation
    • Record data from each recipe’s Nutrition Facts in the table


  Original Recipe Modified Recipe
Calories [kcal]    
Total Fat [g]    
Saturated Fat [g]    
Sodium [mg]    
Potassium [mg]    

Carbohydrate [g]

Dietary Fiber [g]    
Sugars [g]    
Protein [g]    


Vitamin A [%DV]    
Vitamin C [%DV]    
Calcium [%DV]    
Iron [%DV]    

Writing your report


Organize your paper to ensure inclusion of all items/topics listed below. Using the topics as headers within your paper is encouraged.

  • Cover page
  • Introduction [include the purpose of the paper]
  • Original Recipe [include the recipe name, number of servings, ingredients and amounts of each ingredient, and complete preparation instructions]
  • Modified Recipe [include the recipe name, number of servings, ingredients and amounts of each ingredient, and complete preparation instructions;

identify the changes in your modified recipe by changing the font [bold, color, italics, etc.] to distinguish it from the original recipe]

  • Recipe Data Table [include completed nutrient table from above]
  • Reflection
    • Summarize the changes you made to the original recipe and explain the reason[s] you made those specific changes.
    • How did the modified recipe turn out? Discuss changes in appearance, taste and texture.
    • Discuss any nutritional benefits that were gained in the modified
    • Discuss any unintended consequences that occurred due to the
    • Would you make the modified recipe again? Discuss why or why
  • Conclusion
  • References [use either AMA or APA citation style; include a minimum of 2 references; references listed must also be cited appropriately within the body of the paper]

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