Internal forces facilitating change in CarMax’s commitment to change and alternative courses of action

Internal forces facilitating change in CarMax’s commitment to change and alternative courses of action

Internal forces refer to pressures originating from within the organisation. The analysis of CarMax case indicates the existence of several internal forces that require improvement within the organization. One of the most profound force is the change in the company’s size. According to Sengupta (2006, p.2) changes in the size of an organization results in changes in the internal structure of the company and presents increased complexity in its operations. Such changes require a continued process of improvement to avoid a crisis in operation management. The increased size of the company may result in increased expectations from the employees such as effective management and job satisfaction to facilitate the provision of friendly customer service provision as the company requires.

CarMax is also likely to be influenced by new ideas. CarMax has been portrayed as to have a continuous process of studying its operations that may yield innovative ideas or identify areas that need improvements.  Such information is essential for offering suggestions on better ways of operations within the company (Russell, J., & Russell, L., 2006, p.4).  The operations of CarMax have been shown to be guided by a set of ten values. Failure to adequately meet the requirements of those values will also act as a force for improvement in the company. Moreover, the vision of the company as captured in the five-point business concepts can also push the company to improve its operations progressively.

CarMax highly depends on learning to facilitate its continuous improvement. One of the alternative methods involves the continuous innovation.  Cole (2001) accounts for the use of this approach by Ford Motors to facilitate continuous improvement. CarMax could promote innovation within the company to ensure a progressive improvement of its operations. Moreover, CarMax can also customize a beta testing for evaluation of aspects such as engine quality before selling. Such a tools will ensure quality improvement on the cars sold and bought.








Cole, R. E. (2001). From continuous improvement to continuous innovation.Quality Management Journal8(4), 7-21.

Russell, J., & Russell, L. (2006). Leading change training. Boston, MA: Elsevier.

Sengupta, N. (2006). Managing change in organizations. Place of publication not identified: Prentice-Hall Of India.

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