Individual differences in personality and its effect on the reactions to rules imposed by authorities during times of potential crisis such as those experienced during the Covid 19 response

The next section of your report is a critical evaluation of personality theories. In your role as a psychologist intern, you have been asked to provide a critical evaluation that substantiates the different ways our personality and individual differences impact various areas of everyday life with a particular emphasis on matters of relevance to current and emerging health challenges.
You must demonstrate your understanding of the underpinnings of different personality theories and how these theories can be applied.
Your task is to compare and contrast two of the approaches/theories/theorists covered in this subject [e.g., Trait approach versus Psychoanalytic approach, Big 5 versus Eysenck’s Trait Theory, Freud versus Rogers] in how they contribute to our knowledge of individual differences which relates to the selection of scenarios provided below.
The critical evaluation word limit is 1,500 words excluding references [+/- 10%], and the following tasks apply:
1. See below for the topic chosen
2. Provide a justification on the importance of learning about individual differences within your chosen topic.
3. Compare and contrast two personality approaches/theories/theorists in how they would explain individual differences within your chosen topic.
4. Apply the approaches/theories/theorists to the measurement of individual differences within your chosen topic.
5. Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches/theories/theorists in their utility in describing and explaining your chosen topic.
Global Health Challenges – Living in the era of COVID19
In March 2020, Australia went into lockdown. As new positive cases of COVID19 grew sharply, the federal government introduced social lockdowns to bring the overall transmission down. In the absence of treatment or a vaccine, lockdowns and social distancing rules were introduced to ‘flatten the curve’ and avoid overwhelming healthcare systems.
Global Health Challenges – Living in the era of COVID19
In March 2020, Australia went into lockdown. As new positive cases of COVID19 grew sharply, the federal government introduced social lockdowns to bring the overall transmission down. In the absence of treatment or a vaccine, lockdowns and social distancing rules were introduced to ‘flatten the curve’ and avoid overwhelming healthcare systems. With the national vaccination target still far from optimal, state governments continue to impose lockdowns to reduce transmission. Concerningly, although there are many who adhere to the lockdown and vaccination requirements, there are growing numbers who refuse to comply with government directives.
Your task: Choose two personality approaches/theories/theorists covered in this subject. Compare and contrast each of these approaches/theories/theorists as you explore the way that individual differences in personality may contribute to the reactions to rules imposed by authorities during times of potential crisis such as those experienced during the COVID19 response.

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