Hypothesis: certain salinity levels may have an effect on the reproduction of copepods in its environment
The following pages include:
This is where you want to bring in the background information (from the peer-reviewed scientific literature) for your research topic and explain your specific research question. You will need to explain a bit about copepods and then the research that has been conducted on the variable you are testing. You also need to explain why any of this matters – i.e., why bother to answer the question you are asking. You will present the hypothesis that you will test. If this is well-written, it can serve as the guide for the introduction section of your final lab report as well. You must have at least 3 primary research article references in the introduction.
You will need to include all of the references that you cited, and these must be in the proper format. You must have at least 3 primary research article references in the introduction. Do not list any references that are not cited in the paper, and do not cite any that are not listed in the references!
The copepod we are studying is Tigriopus Californicus, any articles not pertaining to that species is just for reference.
Please cite when necessary and DO NOT FORGET TO PUT THE CITATION.
do not write this introduction as only the cited sources, and do not reiterate words that can be determined an indirect citation
this page will ONLY be the introduction of the paper. nothing more or less.
the hypothesis you will go off of to write the introduction is:
Hypothesis: certain salinity levels may have an effect on the reproduction of copepods in its environment