Use the films Casablanca [1942, Michael Curtiz] and Allied [2016, Robert Zemeckis]. Choose two scenes from each movie for the paper.
-For each film, discuss how romance in film is addressed [how romance is depicted through camera angles, lighting, facial expressions, sounds]. Think in terms of filmic elements, including camera work, editing, pacing, sound, dialogue, setting, characters.
-Choose specific scenes in order to support your observations [two scenes for Casablanca, and two scenes for Allied.
-Identify the time-mark of each scene.
-Don’t summarize what happens in the scene; rather, describe how the film tells its story through camera work, lighting, sound, setting, and so on.
I need the writer to follow the details of the requests for this paper please. I do not need summaries of the movies or scenes, but I need the details of the scenes and the time stamps of each of the four scenes. The two scenes per movie need to have the lighting, sounds, actions of the characters, and camera angles discussed and how each of those can show how romance is portrayed in the films.