Here are some of the political science questions our writers have competently helped students with. Buy essays on any of these questions and many more.
1. Using the American Health Care Act (AHCA) Bill
a. Advocate a position for the bill and write testimony in support of your position.
b. Describe how you would address the opponent to your position. Be specific and provide examples.
c. Recommend at least one amendment to the bill in support of your position.
Please answer all parts of the question. Use citations and resources
2. What is the history of behavior psychology and who/what are
prominent figures, related organizations, and historical events?
3. According to Mill “Liberty consists of doing what one reasonably desires without harming others.” What is your interpretation of this view? Support with examples.
4. Discuss the difference between National and International
Politics. What does anarchy and voluntary compliance mean in relation to international politics?
Describe/Define each of the two schools of thought on International politics (Realism vs. Liberal Internationalist) and demonstrate how they differ based on their views of such things as the key actors in international politics, the role of the state, the international system, the possibility of peace, and the possibility of international governance (discuss at least 3 of these differences).
Minimum of seven hundred and fifty words.
5. Discuss your position about reassessing the use of power politics dynamics in International Relations.
6. Compare and contrast the following theories of International
Political Economy based on their assumptions, core propositions and policy prescriptions:
a. Mercantilism
b. Liberalism
c. Marxism
d. Hegemonic Stability Theory (HST)
e. Structuralism
f. Developmentalism
7. Why do realist approaches to international relations emphasize the system level?
8.Reaction paper about Introductory overview of the comparative politics concepts of nation and nationalism.
9. Discuss and analyses the role of International Organizations in International Relations.
10. Explain and analyse the reasons that the 19th century is very important for understanding international relations as it is currently conceived?
11. A. IS conflict inevitable between the United States and China?
Of China were to become a democracy, would conflict be more or less likely?
B. If conflict occur in the future, are there ways to discourage them? Or these conflicts just part of global politics between great powers? Can international organizations (such as the United Nations) help to ameliorate the potential for great power conflict?
12. Describe the Public Relations campaign each candidate conducted in
the last presidential election. Was the campaign a success or failure? Defend your position.
13. What is ‘nuclear proliferation’ and ‘nuclear disarmament’? Kenneth Waltz believes in total proliferation as the basis for peace and stability. Do you agree or disagree with Waltz, and why? Cite specific examples in your response.
14. International Relations, critically assess it’s key features and purpose as an academic discipline
15. In what ways do issues, such as the global environment, disease and
the internet challenge state sovereignty? Why do some believe that the Westphalian era based on the dominance of the sovereign state is coming to an end? Do you agree with this view or do you think that the state will continue to be the most important actor in international affairs? Explain your answer
16. Chapter 4: The State – lark, Golder, and Golder: Foundations of Comparative Politics
How do we define a ‘state’ according to the chapter? We have heard of a functional state, failed state, predatory state, and maybe a rogue state–what do we mean when we label states as such? Please provide examples for each.
17. What are the three main assumptions of classical realism? What
are the strengths and weaknesses of these assumptions about international relations? Are these assumptions still applicable to the reality of international relations today? Why or why not? Provide empirical evidence from contemporary international relations to support your viewpoint.
18. I think that that one of the main issues that the EU faces is that
member states, both on an individual and governmental level, continue to consider themselves a completely separate entity from their fellow members and make political policy based on that view. There is no denying that common interests are connected to this idea of ‘we’ but I wonder if establishing a subsequent ‘them’ is also as important of a factor. What do you think about whether the EU would assume more of identity if there was a common ideology or “Adversary”? Do you think there is a common ideology? Or at least common values?
19. Please give an example of how a specific Muslim State that uses soft
power (religion) in its foreign policy? Is it effective and why?
20. Discussion these questions
a. What are the tensions inthe relationship between states and international
organizations, and how do specific organizations deal with these tensions?
b. How might we assess the impact of an international organization? What evidence or effects should we look for, and how can these be studied?
c. If states are as legally free to withdraw their consent to obligations as they are to give it, then of what significance is their consent to be bound by an international treaty?
d. How might a “global governance” perspective lead to different insights about the practice of international organizations than an approach that focuses on their formal rules?
21. To what extent do non-state actors force states when it comes to security?
Are the effects so significant that realists, liberals, and constructivists should rethink the state’s place as the primary actor in international relations?
22. How successful has realism been in interpreting international relations?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of this approach? Give specific examples and cite sources.
23. Discuss the anarchy assumption in International Relations.
24. What are some examples of the assumptions of liberalism in the evolution
of U.S. foreign policy? What are some examples of where constructivism can be applied?
25. Summarize the primary similarities and differences between liberalism
and realism. Which is the best for understanding international relations and why? Provide examples and cite sources.
26. Could you explain how comparative methods influences how we think
and study comparative politics, using this source
27. How does religion (Islam) impact politics, economics, and social policy?
28. Discuss the development of Marxism and Neo-Marxism in international
relations. What could Marxist theories tell on the North-South dispute in international political economy? Is there any relevant evidence nowadays?
29. Describe the major debates and the role of Feminist Theory in International Relations.
30. Which of the following alternatives to theorizing about international
politics -Marxism, feminism or green offers the best account of global politics? Why? You choose the criteria. Your response is limited within the context of these three theories.
31. Under what conditions can elections undermine economic growth? For political science
32. I have a policy paper on one issue in contemporary China for a political science class due in a couple months. I need some ideas for topics to write the paper on and I can’t think of any. I need help coming up with possible topics for the policy paper.
33. Why can’t we escape theory when we come to study Politics and/or International Relations
34. A. Define International Relations and clearly explain how it
deals with “collective goods problems”. Make sure you include in your answer an explanation of what “collective good problems” are and provide at least one example and how International Relations can help deal with them and resolve them.
B. What is Balance of Power? How can you define it in International Relations? Please include in your answer what you understand is power distribution and power transition. List and explain the three most important models of power distribution in the international system: 1. Multipolar system 2. Bipolar System and 3. Unipolar (hegemony) system
35. Who controls the bureaucracy (Congress, the President, or both)?
In your answer, you should discuss the powers the president has over the bureaucracy, as well as the powers Congress has over the bureaucracy. Further, why would political actors ever choose to have less control over a bureaucratic actor?
36. I need to conduct a scholarly and analytical review of a policy or
political issue in an area of interest (K-12 or higher education). Note: this is not an article review but a policy review. Need to know how to start this, the subject is education policies and politics.
37. Discuss how politics of the 1920s reflected the new postwar mood of
the country. What did the Harding administration’s policies attempt to achieve, and how?
38. The focus this week is on the post 9/11 world. Drawing from the Danopoulos, Kapor-Stanulovic,
and Skandalis (2012) article, describe one impact of war on children and the role of NGOs in mitigating those impacts. Use examples, either from the Yugoslav experience or from another conflict, to explore this topic and demonstrate your points.
39. Answer the following questions
A. Why does the US remain a two (major)-party system? What happens when a strong third party develops?
B. Briefly describe how the electoral college works.
C. What are two similar stances and two different stances the Republican and Democrats have on their 2016 platforms?
D. What is Gerrymandering (as opposed to simply redistricting due to population growth, for example)? How and why is it used?
E. What is a political party realignment? Describe one party realignment in US history (What were the political factors that lead to that realignment? Were did a new party emerge?)
F. What role(s) do political parties play during elections?
G. What is/was a political machine? How did they get support from the public?
Critical Thinking:
a. Use “Big Sky, Big Money” to talk about how Citizen’s United changed elections in regards to financing campaigns.
b. Use “Big Sky, Big Money, to explain how ‘dark money’ Super PACs can affect public opinion?
c. Reflect on the US’ federalist system. How did Montana’s initial nullification of the Citizen’s United decision play out at the state and federal levels, given that federal law trumps state law?
40. A. Discuss possible ways in which an understanding of Political
Science may help ease the multifarious problem of our current society.
B. What is the correlation between studying Politics or Political Science to Dentistry?
41. I need help with ideas for writing my political science essay on the topic: The insurrection on January 6th rattled this country and its reliance on democratic principles. Is this the first time something like this has happened in the United States? What were consequences for previous attempts? Political participation is necessary in a democracy, but why was this seen as an insurrection or Coup rather than an expression of politics? What are the consequences (culturally, politically, legally, etc)?
42. What extent is the tracking of terrorist suspects a political issue of concern to those seeking reelection?
43. To what extent has Chinese foreign policy been influence by Communist
ideology and to what extent has it been driven by nationalism?
44. How would you explain the US-Iranian crisis of January 2020 (assassination
of General Qasem Soleimani)? From the point of view of the four main theories of international relations, realism, liberalism, social constructivism and Marxism, explaining from the causes of the beginning, development and results of the crisis according to the four theories realism, liberalism, social constructivism and Marxism.
45. Explain the concept and present your reflections, considering
how that concept promotes the understanding of comparative politics.
a. Realist Perspective
b. Idealism Perspective
c. Marxism
d. Anarchy
46. List some of the things about political cultures in other industrialized
democracies, i.e. Japan, Sweden, and France. What differences do you see in the cultures of these countries? How do these differences affect government policies?
47. Explain the perspectives of constructivists, economic structuralism
and third world scholars in relation to international relations
48. Discuss the development of Marxism and Neo-Marxism in international relations. What could Marxist theories tell on the North-South dispute in international political economy? Is there any relevant evidence nowadays?
49. In her article, “Arresting Immigrants: Unemployment and Immigration
Enforcement,” Karla Joyner suggests there are two competing frameworks potentially explaining changes in immigrant arrests: The Political Economy framework and the Migration Framework. Discuss the differences between these two frameworks and how they might influence enforcement of immigration law and policy.
50. n what ways did the expansion of the US (territorially but also economically,
politically, and socially) exacerbate racism?
51. What is your prediction for the ongoing effects of international politics, economic interdependence and global information and technology on international education policies?
52. Format; content and concept descriptions; analysis–(what,
how, why, when), and etc….Please make sure to include examples where appropriate. per question is the unwritten guideline in addressing these questions.
A. Define politics, Political Science, and how the field relates to Comparative Politics and International Relations. What are/is the role of citizens in a subject or participant political system?
B. Why study Comparative Politics to begin with? What are we comparing and what specific tools do we use in contemporary era?
C. Explain styles and characteristics of democratic, dictatorial, fascist, or authoritarian systems. What circumstances fuel these conditions? Examples.
53. How have neo-liberal economic policies affected countries in the Global
South? Briefly discuss one policy in detail and provide an example of an impacted ‘Third World’ country.
54. Capture of Jesusalem by Saladin
What influence on the present day do the Crusades still have? How has the Crusades shaped the relationship between Muslims and Christians? Islam came from the West, like Judaism & Christianity, so what happened in World History to drive a wedge between Islam and the West?
55. What does it mean when scholars refer to “anarchy” as the guiding
principle of international politics? What is a “security dilemma” and what role does it have creating obstacles for interstate cooperation. How does realism differ from liberalism in its understanding of the implications of anarchy and hierarchy for interstate competition and cooperation?
Classical Realism: the international system, as opposed to individual sovereign states, is defined by anarchy. There is no hierarchy or trusted, neutral arbiter.
States are therefore the primary actors in the international system.
Global politics is always and necessarily a field of conflict among actors of pursuing power.
A security dilemma perpetually exists among states, whereby defensive measures are interpreted by other states as offensive. Trust and cooperation are therefore difficult and ephemeral.
Liberalism: States pursue their specific interests in the international arena, but economic trade and interdependency produce mutual gains that discourage cheating and foster cooperation.
56. How have neo-liberal economic policies affected countries in the Global
South? discuss one policy in detail and provide an example of an impacted ‘Third World’ country?
Reference is a book called Globalization by Steger, Manfred
57. What are some examples of the assumptions of liberalism in the evolution
of U.S. foreign policy? What are some contemporary examples where constructivism can be applied?
58. What is a contemporary example of the accumulation of foreign policy power in the executive branch
59. Research Brian Mast. Find out about his previous occupation and political
experience, family, income education and relevant demographics. What percentage of the vote did Brian Mast receive to win in his last election? What are two policy issues areas he is interested in? How do these areas reflect his ideologies?
60. How would you explain the economics and political togetherness of the political economy?
61. Discussion Question: Public OpinionHow does public opinion influence American politics? Please cite THREE
A. Examples of how public opinion affected political decisions in the last year.
B. Research public opinion in one issue area. How did it change over time? How did these changes affect policy decisions?
62. Presidential Power and Foreign Policy
Foreign crises often demonstrate the power—or weakness—of the presidency. How does an ongoing foreign crisis, such as that in Syria or any other example (past or present) you consider relevant, demonstrate the power and limits of the presidency?
63. Why is foreign policy decision making best viewed as separate from international relations theory?
64. A. Briefly describe ONE major difference between Bailey’s and
Herring’s historical interpretation of Roosevelt’s foreign policy.
B. Briefly explain ONE specific historical event or development that is not explicitly mentioned in the excerpts that could be used to support Bailey’s interpretation of Roosevelt’s foreign policy.
C.Briefly explain ONE specific historical event or development that is not explicitly mentioned in the excerpts that could be used to support Herring’s interpretation of Roosevelt’s foreign policy.
65. a. Describe dollar diplomacy and how Taft used it to achieve his foreign policy goals.
b. Describe how Roosevelt’s New Nationalism and Wilson’s New Freedom were similar and different
66. Our foreign policy is one of friendliness and goodwill towards all the nations of the world.
We do not cherish aggressive designs against any country or nation. Discuss current foreign relations of Pakistan with China and India?
Note: This question is related to Political and constitutional development in Pakistan.
67. How is foreign aid theoretically ineffective (especially economically).please include 3 ways with examples.
(please include references).
68. How is foreign aid ineffective? (especially economically).(please include refernces used).
69. How does foreign aid theoretically promotes development (especially economically).
please include 3 ways with examples. (please include references).
70. What is an example of when Unites states has used soft power?
71. What is the significance of Hegemonic Stability Theory in international relations
72. As students of international political economy, we are attracted to
lucidity. We want a coherent conception of our subject, even though we recognize that any such conception will be partial and flawed. Particularly lucid arguments can therefore stimulate great scholarly interest and productive responses, even if they are conceptually and empirically inadequate. Although we are never likely to be able to predict or thoroughly explain specific strategic interactions among states, firms, and nongovernmental organizations, we can aspire to conditional generalizations that narrow the range of our uncertainty by accounting for general patterns of behavior. Stephen D. Krasner’s 1976 article in World Politics, “State Power and the Structure of International Trade,” is notable for its distinctive com bination of lucid and problematic propositions.1 Krasner forcefiillyargues that openness in the world economy is most likely to occur “during periods when a hegemonic state is in its ascendancy” (p. 323). As long as the state’s technological lead is increasing, its leadership will perceive economic advantages to openness, since openness will expand markets for the products of its technologically sophisticated industries. The hegemon will also gain politically, since the “opportunity costs of clo sure” will be low, relative to those facing smaller and poorer states. Conversely, when several large, unequally developed states coexist, Krasner predicts that the more backward states will find openness eco nomically and politically cosdy and will therefore resist it. Greater trade closure will therefore result. “State Power and the Structure of International Trade” crystallized issues and set the terms for more than a decade of work in the field of international political economy (iPE). Although several of Krasner’s themes can be found in the earlier writings of others, no one juxtaposed economics and politics more succincdy or effectively than he. And no one combined lucidity with problematic argument so well. By raising key issues in a pungency provocative way and by manifesdy resolving none of them, Krasner defined the agenda for years of scholarship. I. Major Themes and Causal Mechanisms “State Power and the Structure of International Trade” operates simul timeously on three levels. Its first sentences announce a program for the revival of the state in studies of international relations: “In recent years, students of international relations have multinationalized, transnation 1 Krasner, “State Power and the Structure of International Trade,” World Politics 28 (April 1976). This content downloaded from on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 15:04:13 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 152 WORLD POLITICS alized, bureaucratized and transgovernmentalized the state until it has virtually ceased to exist as an analytic construct_This perspective is at best profoundly misleading” (p. 317). Krasner s rhetoric is dazzling: the core subject matter of political sci ence is threatened and must be recovered. “State Power” sounds the ral lying cry for the defenders of the state. People who look to the state for redress of market unfairness, scholars whose human capital is invested in understanding how states work, and Hobbesian skeptics suspicious of visions of efficiency and harmony can all rally around the statist stan dard. Teaching and writing on this theme in the mid-1970s, after the defeat of the United States in Vietnam, Krasner helped to launch a counterwave of renewed interest in the state against the trends empha sizing economic interdependence, transnational relations, “ungovernability,” and the states alleged economic irrelevance. Leading economists had been more impressed with the advantages of multinational firms over states. Not long before Krasner wrote, Charles Kindle Berger had proclaimed that “the nation-state is just about through as an economic unit.”2 Even political scientists sympathetic to the transnationalist research agenda recoiled from such rhetoric. It was Krasners counter rhetoric that energized a statist reaction? And it mattered little that his article nowhere defines “the state”; contests over definitions also became part of the subsequent scholarly debate. Some of the appeal of “State Power” derives from its clear specification of 2l puzzle. Puzzles are central to social science, and Krasner s puzzle is an important one. Why, he asks, has the world economy vacillated between openness and closure? To clarify this issue, Krasner carefully defines the continuum between openness and closure. While acknowledging the significance of movements of capital, labor, and technology, he focuses on trade. He argues that openness or closure in the structure of international trade can be operationalized by examining tariff levels, trade as a proportion of national product, and the regionalization or globalization of trade. Krasner does not merely present an important puzzle; he provides a way to measure the dependent variable that he has identified. Thus he lays out the basis for a focused research program. “State Power” also advances a strong proposition, as stated above, that hegemonic ascendancy tends to create openness. Indeed, Krasner pro posed a set of explanatory variables? Position in the world political economy, defined in terms of size, level of development, and changes in 2 Kindle Berger, American Business Abroad: Six Lectures on Direct Investment (New Haven: Yale U
Choose a Quote in the article above and explain it.
73. What is the focus of International Political Economy? And, give one example.
74. Discuss in detail the post-positivist turn in International Relations.
In what ways are the post-positivist approaches critical of the mainstream theories? How do they challenge the mainstream? And how do they propose to conceptualize and interpret the international system, developments, and events?
75. Describe the major debates and the role of Feminist Theory in International Relations
76. Hello ! Could you please help evaluate the claim that hard power is
no longer the most important determinant of a political actor’s influence. In regards to Power, Sovereignty and International Relations as concepts. I would really appreciate if you can form three arguments to help me understand how to approach a question like this.
I was thinking about in support of the claim: rise of soft power through economic interdependence such as China plus the variety of international governmental organizations which act like barriers for states to exert their influence through hard power. Maybe rise of ideologies and right-wing populist groups which allow hard power to be exerted if needed?
In support of the counterargument: Hard power is still the most important determinant of a political actor’s influence … what example would you give?
77. Chapter 1
a. “International Relations” encompasses a wide range of issues and actors. Identify several key players in the international scene. Justify your choices. (200 words)
b. Think of at least two ways that international economics affects your daily life? Do you think those same influences are felt the same by everyone around the globe? If so, what does that mean about the extent of globalization? If not, what factors might explain why this varies? (200 words)
c. What is the distinction between zero-sum and non-zero-sum games and why, in your opinion, have international relations scholars found that distinction useful? Can you think of a current event in international relations that is largely a zero-sum conflict and another which is largely a non-zero sum conflict? Defend your answers with evidence. (200 words)
d. What are the sources of power in International Relations ? What changes, if any, are occurring in the world which is altering the relative importance of the sources of power you have identified? (200 words)
d. The principle of sovereignty has been seen as fundamental in International Relations. What does the term mean? What changes, in any, are occurring in the 21st century that challenge, the concept of sovereignty and is it possible that it requires redefinition? If so, what should it mean? If not, why not? (200 words)
78. What are the differences between positivist and post-positivist in
International Relations? Give an example of two different schools of thought, showing how one conducts positivist research while the other takes a post-positivist approach?
79. One aim of comparative politics is to
A. understand why states go to war with one another
B. study relations between countries
C. promote international peace through informed dialogue
D. interpret macrosocial causation
80. i) Discuss the difference between National and International
Politics. What does anarchy and voluntary compliance mean in relation to international politics?
ii)Describe/Define each of the two schools of thought on International politics (Realism vs. Liberal Internationalist) and demonstrate how they differ based on their views of such things as the key actors in international politics, the role of the state, the international system, the possibility of peace, and the possibility of international governance (discuss at least 3 of these differences). Minimum of seven hundred and fifty words. Write in English.
81. Governments and societies based on the natural rights philosophy guarantee
certain rights to their citizens. How would you describe or define a right? What are the natural rights that John Locke claimed every human being has? What is the relationship between the protection of rights and the idea of limited government?
Links to sources if possible
82. What is comparative politics and how does it influences how we think and study comparative politics?
83. What are political economics and socio cultural significance of partitioning of Africa to the European?
84. Which statement best describes the relationship between politics and analysis?Select one:
a. When intelligence is politicized, it puts the policy maker at an advantage
b. Politics have no place in analysis
c. Analysts should tell the policy maker what they want to hear for the good of the country
d. Analysts should only reveal information that supports the policy maker’s opinion
85. Assess the political economics and socio cultural significance of partitioning of Africa to the European
86. a. What is civic movement/ participation ?
b. How can civic movements/participation enhances government policies?
c. What is political consulting model and how can it be utilize for the benefit of the society?
87. Can some one guide me that whether bureaucratic politics made the difference in securing a peaceful outcome
88. What are the three main assumptions of classical realism? What
are the strengths and weaknesses of these assumptions about international relations? Are these assumptions still applicable to the reality of international relations today? Why or why not? Provide empirical evidence from contemporary international relations to support your viewpoint.
89. Identify/define FIVE of the following eight terms. (no bulleting or outlining).Soft Power
a. State the significance of
B. The Kantian Triangle
C. Feminism
D. Constructivism
E. Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism
F. Clash of Civilizations
G. Dependency Theory
H. Realpolitik
90. Compare explanations of international politics regarding the issues
of security within the normative theoretical lens
91. Comparative politics is the study of politics using the comparative
method, usually employing multiple case studies.
In your opinion, what is the point of studying politics from a comparative perspective.
92. What is the class compromise perspective in comparative political
economy? How does it interpret markets and democracy?
93. Which of the following is not true
about comparative politics? It is a subfield of political science that focuses on interactions within countries, it is often confused with International relations, it is defined by its (own) method, comparison, it focuses on what happens between countries, or it consists of comparing cases, like countries or important historical events?
94. Which of the following committee assignments do members of congress seeking power want?
Armed Services, Foreign Affairs, or Homeland Security? Agriculture, Education & Labor, or Transportation? Rules, Ways & Means, or Appropriations? Party policy committee?
95. What is the difference between “politics” and political science
96. Which international treaty created the notion of ‘sovereignty’, and what are the principles of ‘sovereignty’?
97. I need to summarize a
single spaced page on The New Sovereignty in International Relations by David Lake.
98. Please discuss how global (international organizations, alliances,
etc.) and domestic factors (other branches of government, budgets, public opinion, etc.) affect how presidents function in foreign policy environments.
99. President Trump campaigned on a platform to put “America First” in
its diplomacy and foreign policy. Can the United States meet its foreign policy goals if it acts alone? Has the United States been too concerned with the demands of other nations? Must the United States be deeply involved in international organizations in order to be a world leader?
100. Are the foreign policies of the so-called middle powers more ethical
than those of the great powers? Why or why not?
Please include references
101. What is human security? How is human security promoted by the international community? Cite specific legal and practical examples in your response.
102. Are the foreign policies of the so-called middle powers more ethical
than those of the great powers? Why or why not?
Please include references.
103. What has changed for China in its international relations since the end of the Cold War? How do the following relate to this:
-Relations with the superpowers
-Relations with Europe
-Relations with Africa
104. In your own words discuss the shared power idea associated with U.S. foreign policy.
105. A. What does “power” mean in international relations? What does
“balance of power” mean? Briefly explain these two concepts theoretically together with their da types.
B. Write in detail the soft power implementation (s) of a country you have chosen and discuss why it can be evaluated within the framework of the soft power concept.
C. The answer of your study to the second question should be more detail.
106. Compare and analyze the different prospective of realism and liberalism in international relations
107. How is Germany playing a big role of the global coalition agaisnt
the islamic state terrorist organization? Describe why Germany initially started going agaisnt the Islamic State theorrist organization? Describe what happened during the war? What was the outcome of the war? What foreign policy theory including realism, liberalism, and constructivism? How do these theories apply?
108. What are the State, the Systematic and the Individual level analysis
of International Relations? Explain the concepts and give examples of each one of them.
109. What is sovereignty and why is it so important to international politics
(origins and how it has shaped IR in the last 400 years?
110. Foreign policy is seen to as a very vital tool in a state’s disposal
to its national interest, but how come that it also coined to as a “neglected concept”? Expound your answer.
Why do most of case studies in the International Relations have a foreign policy aspect? Give justifications to your answers.
111. What is the best answer to this question of the choices given?Q:
Which of the following DOES NOT fit among the typical practices of interest groups as it relates to policymaking and the work of lobbyists in Nevada’s state government?
A. Provide campaign contributions to candidates they favor
B. Encourage writing campaigns to office-holders
C. Recruit candidates to run for public office and assist legislative committees to draft initial legislation
D. Endorse candidates, organize protests, and/or attempt to influence the appointment of non-elected judges and other officials
112. During his 2016 presidential campaign, Candidate Trump promised that
he will drain the swamp from corporate greed and buying political favoritism in American politics.Explain and interpret his tax policy and other policies enacted as the president and explain if he has fulfilled his campaign promise or he has played political favoritism with giant corporations.
113. I am not very interested in politics. This class is killing me. Were
there any efforts from Obama and Trump administrations for campaign finance reform policies?
114. What do political scientist say are the expected functions of the
media in a democratic system? Make sure you consider the media roles as : •a watchdog • clarified of electoral choices •explainers of policy
next weigh the intervening factors (corporate ownership, mergers and acquisitions, various, templates such as infotainment, practices like framing, priming, and agenda setting) that might keep the media from properly fulfilling its expected roles.
115. Because of young age, restricted opportunities, and expected lack
of experience, young people are systematically marginalized. Politics is the art of democracy, the practice of power by making and imposing collective decisions within society.
If today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders, and they can already bring new ideas to solving the world’s problems. How do you or how does one better measure the influence of youth political engagement and policy?
116. Think about a specific issue or policy that you are interested in and/or that has impacted you personally. Use the assigned resources that are provided for this journal to gather information about the goals and proposals, in that issue area, of three U.S. political parties – the Democratic and Republican parties and a third party. For the journal, write about the following two ideas: Where do the three political parties (Republican, Democrat, and your choice of a third party) currently stand on this issue? Do they have national support? Explain your rationale.
Thinking about your own Political Ideology that we discussed in the introduction discussion, which party’s stance on the issue you selected is closest to your own? Which is the furthest from your ideals? Why?
117. a. what is the nature of politics
b. In this uncertain time, do you think students paying more attention to politics or not?
c. what are some of the research methodology used in political science discipline.
118. Explore the Center for Responsive Politics (
) website. The Center for Responsive Politics tracks money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. The center provides data and analytical reports on a number of topics (presidential elections, super pacs, political parties, 527 groups, etc.)
Research an area that interests you on the site. Write one page summary and analysis of your findings on the topic. Include links to the pages you consulted.
119. While it is generally agreed that politics is about power, there is
little consensus in political science about the meaning of power – how it works, who it benefits, what makes it legitimate or illegitimate. From the material covered in the course so far, which approach to the workings of power do you find most convincing (i.e., most accurately accounts for the nature and operation of power)? Do you think political power differs from other forms of power?
120. Ch 8 – Varieties of Dictatorships
The chapter covers ‘dictatorships’ in multiple forms and contents monarchy, military, and in civilian contexts. In your summation and reading, what are the characteristics of these kinds of systems? The authors mention ‘electorate theory’ relevant to economic performances and policies that appeal to these forms of governments to build coalitions. Your take?
What I look for : you have the concept, understanding of subject, and a summary that has an introduction, content/examples where appropriate.
The Book Name is: Clark, Golder, and Golder: Foundations of Comparative Politics.
121. Please discuss one way in which the contemporary German state has
approached a particular policy issue differently than the United States, and offer an evaluation of whether that policy seems to have worked or not worked.
122. Please help me with the following discussion board for political science
a. What are the principles of trust in a news source?
b. How do you use the internet to get political news and to exchange political information with others?
c. Why do you choose those sources and how reliable are they?
Please be specific and use examples as well as research from the textbook to cite your response. If using outside resources, please cite your source.
123. Analyses and discuss the role of norm entrepreneurship in International
Relationship role of norm entrepreneurship in International Relations
124. a. What is the Calvo Doctrine?How did the Calvo Doctrine originate?Why did the Calvo Doctrine endure?
b. Is the Calvo Doctrine still relevant today?
c. What is the difference between the Calvo Doctrine and the Calvo Clause?
d. What is the legitimacy crisis in international investment law?
e. In what ways would a World Investment Court address this crisis?
f. In what ways would a World Investment Court not address this crisis?
Reference: Multinational Corporations and Foreign Direct Investment
125. How have globalizing trends affected the relationship between politics and international relations
126. How does foreign aid promotes development (especially economically).please include 3 ways with examples. (please include references).
127. Is the bureaucratic politics model a valid explanation for understanding how policy is made? Why or why not?
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