Imagine that as an artist you are asked to create a video exhibition review for an art magazine, such as
Hyperallergic, Artforum or Canadian Art Magazine. Your editor has assigned you to choose a solo or
group exhibition that you feel needs media coverage. You are to create a video piece for the magazine of
3 – 5 minutes — an art review from the perspective of another artist. Be creative and have fun in this
review, but also provide important information and content about the exhibition.
1. Visit an art gallery or museum in Vancouver or another major city to see contemporary art — either a
solo art exhibition or a group exhibition. You may visit in person or online.
2. Research: View the whole exhibition and research online and in the gallery website about it. Who is
the curator? If it is a solo show, who is the artist? If it is a group show, who are the artists? Why are they
grouped together in this exhibition? Is there a theme to the exhibition?
3. Write a 250- 500 word script for your video, in which you observe, describe, and analyse the work.
— Observe and describe the work and the exhibition in its physical and sensorial qualities, its
form, it’s content, and its presentation in the gallery. How is it installed, framed, etc? How do you
as the viewer navigate and interact with the work in the gallery? Choose one or two works that
are your favourites to highlight.
— Analyse the artwork and the exhibition. You have observed and described the work already —
now how do those observations and descriptions relate within the exhibition, and to the broader
— Materials/Media: dig deeply into the kinds of materials and media used, the form and
structure of the work, the process by which it was made. Can you locate them within a
particular culture, or in a particular place?
— Interaction: how the work interacts with the world around it. Does it move, is it
stationary, does it elicit emotional reaction?
— Audience: how the audience responds to the work and the exhibition. What is being
said about it? What effects does it have on others? How does it make you feel,
— History: how does this work relate within a historical context. Think about issues in
world history and art history.
4. Create a 3 – 5 minute video that “reviews” the exhibition and share this with your class in a Forum.
Follow the Video Assignment Handout to create the video.
Examples of videos about artwork:
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