English 101 Writer’s Choice


2000 words, MLA Format, Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font. All citations must use parenthetical citation according to the MLA 8th ed. Go to (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to review MLA documentation methods. Include a “Works Cited” page, as well. 


For essay 2, I would like you to select either New Criticism, Reader-response, or Structuralism. On page 143, Tyson includes “The Question New Critics asked about literary texts.” If you select New Criticism, please refer to this question and apply it to a literary text of your choice. It can be a film, a play, a novel, a poem or series of poems, a short story, a complete album, a single song, a graphic novel, a television series, etc.

If you select Reader-response criticism, refer to page 180 in Tyson’s book. There she lists 6 questions reader-response critics ask about texts. Please select a text of your choice, and apply one of the 6 questions.

If you select Structuralist criticism, please refer to the section in Tyson’s book titled “Semiotics” on page 205. If you’d rather focus on “The structure of literary genres,” refer to page 209. For a paper on semiotics, go to page 220 and select question 4 from the list titled “Some questions structuralist critics ask about literary texts.” For those interested in genre, refer to questions 1-3.

Student Learning Outcomes:

1) Students will compose an argumentative essay that shows an ability to support a claim using analysis, elements of argumentation, and integration of primary and secondary sources (eg. Tyson uses The Great Gatsby as her primary source, and her book Critical Theory Today is your secondary source).

2) The essay should be well organizeddevelopedsupported, in proper MLA format and will also be technically correct in paragraph compositionsentence structuregrammarspelling, and usage.

A grading rubric will be used to assess your essay. You must upload your essay in PDF, RTF, DOCX or ODT format.

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