This course is about Entrepreneurship, and you need to watch the video list and the first three chapters before you start writing. This assignment is just a rough draft, write out directions and make a few charts, you will need to use tool1-4 and 9. My personal information will be provided to you so that you can write according to my situation. My entrepreneurial goal is related to clothing. The details are highlighted in red in the outline.If the draft is approved, I’ll let you get on with the assignment.
Please work on Option 2
Site Company Appraisal and Implementation
The Site Company project involves working in teams of five or six students to develop and implement entrepreneurial opportunities that create new value within an existing enterprise.
Update Presentations – 10 points (2 updates @ 5 points each)
Students will make formal oral Presentations that provide an update on the project status and document the tools applied and actions taken to research, develop and implement opportunities for your Site Company. Teams are expected to provide two updates within the following timeframe: Update presentation #1 by Week 10 (first semester – signup of first come, first served basis); update # 2 by week 5 (second semester). Be proactive and book these presentation slots well in advance of the presentation date. If all the presentation slots are full by the time you try to schedule your update, then you will forfeit the 5% grade for that update.
Interim Report and Final Report – 40 points (Interim = 15 points, Final = 30 points)
The Interim Report will consist of the site company assessment, evaluation and selection of the opportunity to implement. The Final Report will consist of the final deliverables for your site company opportunity implemented during the year. These reports should be no more than 25 pages long (excluding appendices summarizing the various analysis tools or results). Each member in the group will receive an individual grade for this assignment that will be based on the overall group grade for the report and modified based on the group’s evaluation of your individual contribution to the overall effort. Your group may choose to provide a copy of this report to your site company for their information and comment. You may want to wait for the instructor’s evaluation and commentary, and then provide your site company with a revised/improved version.
Site Company Group Development Reports – 10 points (2 updates @5 points each)
The full details of these 2 assignments are provided separately and available on D2L. It is important that you understand your own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of your team members and your team’s processes. In this report you are to analyze your team’s performance – what you can do to improve, how others can improve, how the team overall can improve and the steps you plan to take to ensure this improvement. Since entrepreneurship is a philosophy of personal empowerment, you should focus on what you can control and do differently in addition to any discussion of what others can do to improve.
As part of this report, you must realistically rate each person’s contribution as well as your own. This rating may be used to adjust each individual’s grade in the Site Company Project Interim and Final Reports so be very clear about how you think each person’s grade should be adjusted.
Advanced Entrepreneurial Skill Development
Students can practice and demonstrate the development of advanced entrepreneurial skills by pursuing one of the following project options:
Option 1: New Venture Startup (Dobson Challenge) – 35 points
In this assignment, students work individually or in teams to run and grow a new for-profit or social venture. The venture can be based on the individual or team-based entrepreneurial opportunity that students completed in ENT56. In special circumstances, students may also bring forward a venture that they have already launched as a ‘side hustle’ outside of class. Presentation slots will be made available during some class sessions for teams to provide an update on their progress and obtain developmental feedback.
The full details of the Dobson Challenge, the Final Report details, and Project Deliverables are provided on D2L. Students must receive formal approval for their Dobson project from the professor(s). Anyone not receiving this approval must do the ECLD assignment.
Option 2: Entrepreneurial Career and Life Design (ECLD) – 35 points
This is an individual assignment. The full details of the ECLD assignment are provided on D2L (Workbook and 22+ videos). Incremental feedback between the graded assignment deliverables will take place using a “Flipped Classroom” format with in-class workshops. Please come to the workshops with the assigned videos watched, tools completed and ready to present and receive feedback.
Course Survey – 2% bonus
Each student is asked to complete an on-line course survey at the end of this course – Entrepreneurial Skill and Attitude Survey. You will be given 2% bonus marks for completing this survey during the available time (last few weeks of the 2nd semester). If you do not want to complete this survey, you may propose alternative bonus assignments for 2% (before the survey expires).
Required: Liedtka, J. and Ogilvie T. (2011) Designing for Growth – A design thinking tool kit for managers. Columbia Business School Publishing ISBN 978-0-231-15838-1
Suggested for Dobson: 100Steps2Startup available at Promo code ryerson-78ab has been created for ENT majors. It gives the user a $246 discount for total payable of $49.
Suggested for Life Design: Burnett, B. and Evans, D. (2016) “Designing Your Life: How to build a well-lived joyful life”
Suggested: Aulet, Bill (2013) “Disciplined Entrepreneurship”, (24 Steps to a Successful Startup) MIT Press or Wiley [also see or the MIT edX course: Entrepreneurship 101: Who is your customer?]
Suggested: Maurya, A. (2012). Running lean: Iterate from plan A to a plan that works.” O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Suggested: Ostwerwalder, A., et al. (2014) “Value Proposition Design”, Wiley.
Suggested: Osterwalder , A. and Pigneur, Y. (2010) “Business Model Generation”, Wiley.
Suggested: “EM” = McGrath, R.G. and MacMillan, I. (2000) “The Entrepreneurial Mindset (Strategies for Continuously Creating Opportunity in an Age of Uncertainty)”, Harvard Business School Press.
Most classes will be divided into three parts:
- lecture content, course administration/feedback on assignments (30-45 min),
- student presentations, developmental discussion/Q&A (45-60 min),
- team meetings and/or coaching with professors 60-90 min)
Attendance is expected for all classes. We anticipate meeting on a weekly basis with students to facilitate progress on your projects. At least once every three weeks, Site Company teams will be expected to book an appointment with the Professor in-class or during office hours.
Students will work in groups of five or six to find a site company, identify innovative opportunities and implement new sources of entrepreneurial value for their site company. Students are expected to form their own groups, find their own site company, and notify the instructor of their membership by the end of Class 3. You may not change the membership of your group during the remainder of both semesters.
All students in the class are expected to seek out and propose site companies for their team. Teams must form and select a site company by the end of Class 3. Site companies should meet the following criteria:
- Willing to provide data, including limited access to financial and strategic data
- Willing to provide timely access to senior management and staff and willing to fund and/or implement suggested action plans
- Located in the Greater Toronto Area, or willing to underwrite travel costs for the group
- Preferably not a public company, to avoid potential issues related to insider information
- Preferably not a start-up (more than 5 years old), to ensure the opportunity to assess a full range of organizational dimensions. Ideally, revenues should be greater than $1 million per year and ideally the company should have at least 10 employees.
You are required to comply with all University policies and guidance regarding the professional and ethical treatment of your site company, including but not limited to:
- Informed consent of human subjects, and
- Confidentiality of information and intellectual property.
Failure to uphold relevant policies in this regard will result in very serious academic consequences.
- Professional communication is expected; poorly written emails or assignments may receive a grade of zero.
- Professional behaviour during class is expected. You are expected to arrive on time for class and attend all classes.
- All discussions in this class are considered to be confidential.
- Be sure to keep an extra copy of all assignments that you hand in.
- It is your responsibility to clarify any ambiguities that you may find in the course materials or syllabus; when in doubt, ask.
Policies and Course Practices
Standards for In-Class Zoom Meetings
- Students must first log into the D2L course shell using their Ryerson Matrix email ID and then join the Zoom meeting by clicking on the correct link on D2L (this should prevent Zoom Bombing by outsiders).
- Display a professional head shot of yourself as well as your name if you are not going to keep your video on (these features are accessible from within the Zoom settings).
- Mute your microphone until it is your turn to speak.
- When you are speaking, please turn your video on when possible and appropriate.
- For any side conversations please use the Chat feature. Don’t assume that the professor is able to track these conversations so be prepared to raise your hand using the correct button within Zoom.
- If you need to gain the attention of the professor beyond raising your hand, please unmute your microphone and say “Question Please”.
- Do not annotate others unless requested to do so.
- Follow professional conduct and be polite.
- Do not share the Zoom link with others.
Standard for Written Work
- Students are expected to use an acceptable standard of business communication for all assignments, in-class discussions, and communication with the site companies and professors. This includes all email communication. Poor grammar, unprofessional and/or unacceptable standard of business communication may result in a grade of zero for that assignment. However, any student who provides a prior draft corrected by the Ryerson Writing Centre will not be penalized.
- You are encouraged to obtain assistance from the Writing Centre ( for help with your written communications as needed. (See the Ryerson Library for APA style guide references: Sloppy, poorly written, or unprofessional documents or communication may be returned with a grade of zero, no grade or unread. Please be sure to use the Writing Centre (and/or use Grammarly) if you need it to produce acceptable university-level writing quality.
Your participation in the external practicum components of this course reflect on the professionalism and reputation of you, your group members, this course and program, and Ryerson University. Accordingly, you are expected to conduct yourself in a professional and courteous manner at all times. Unprofessional behaviour will result in a grade of F in this course, your individual component grades notwithstanding. For the purposes of this course, unprofessional behaviour includes, but is not limited to, any of:
- Missing client meetings without giving reasonable notice and reason.
- Missing instructor meetings without giving reasonable notice and reason.
- Not participating in group efforts, as evidenced by a failing Group Development Report mark from a majority of your fellow group members.