Discussion Board

Critical Questions: Who Benefits? What Is Wrong With This Picture?

You should watch the Patterns of Knowing Animation and read Chapter 3 to complete this discussion board

This excerpt is part of the prompt for the discussion (Chinn & Kramer, 2018, p 81) –

The creative processes for developing emancipatory knowledge grow from the critical questions of emancipatory knowing shown in Fig. 3.1. These critical questions are: What is wrong with this picture? Who benefits? What are the barriers to freedom? What changes are needed? These questions can be asked in a variety of contexts and situations, including the context of care. The questions on the model are suggestions, but any question that focuses on bringing social injustices into awareness is also a critical question. For example, critical questions can inquire about barriers to freedom, about why certain information remains invisible or hidden, or about why some people enjoy freedoms that others do not.

When you ask the critical questions associated with emancipatory knowing, an underlying assumption is that people are not radically free to choose from among an unlimited variety of options, and that things need to change to make new options accessible to everyone. To assume that people are radically free places the responsibility for developing one’s full potential totally with the individual. Critical questioning assumes that freedoms are situated, which means that the possibilities for freedom and the development of individual potential are determined by a person’s situation. In other words, from a critical perspective, a person’s situation is assumed to be constructed by social practices that create disadvantage for some and privilege for others.

From an emancipatory perspective, any conditions that limit people from developing their full human potential can be made visible, what is imagined can become real, and humans have the innate capacity to bring about changes to improve the human condition. Asking a critical question such as “What is wrong with this picture?” requires a lens that sees beyond the obvious and beyond one’s own personal experience. This makes it possible to discern problems that may exist with what people assume to be true.

Recognizing injustices and inequities can create major personal and professional dilemmas. Most people are socialized to accept an unfair status quo as the way things are (hegemony) and not to question the uncomfortable fact that some people are privileged and others are disadvantaged. To bring this kind of awareness to the surface and to act on it requires great courage, persistence, and the support of colleagues and allies who remain committed to action (Falk-Rafael & Bradley, 2014; Georges, 2013; Giddings, 2005a, 2005b). Taking action often disturbs the status quo in ways that are not only uncomfortable but also prompt harsh and swift action to keep prevailing hegemonies in place. Nonetheless, critically questioning the status quo is an initial and critical feature of emancipatory knowing that sets the stage for praxis.

Why Is This Important?

When nurses question why something seems unfair, they are operating under the assumption that all persons deserve the freedom and opportunity to develop their full potential. Such questions assume that developing and exercising one’s potential is not solely a matter of individual will or desire, but that culture and society create conditions and structures within which people can thrive or fail to thrive.

Think About It…

Consider a nursing situation that you observed (or have been a part of) and believed to be unfair or wrong. This must be a different situation than your Patterns of Knowing Paper. Then ask yourself the four critical questions of emancipatory knowing:

‘What is wrong with this picture (your perception/beliefs)?’

‘Who benefits (from keeping things as they are/the status quo)?’

‘What are the barriers to freedom (preventing the situation from changing)?’

‘What changes are needed (what do you suggest)?’


In your Discussion Post first provide some context to the nursing situation you observed as described above in Think About It (a few sentences). Then consider the four critical questions of emancipatory knowing as they apply to the situation and use them to guide your post. Describe how they are demonstrated in your situation. Don’t forget to cite your post.

In your Peer Response provide supportive feedback about the situation they faced and how they were impacted. You can share a similar experience or offer advice. Don’t forget the citation.

Requirements for Discussion Board:

On-line class attendance and preparation for each class is expected. Discussion week will start on Day #1 of the week (Monday) at 12:00 AM (midnight) and will end on Day #7 (Tuesday) at 11:59 PM.

Initial post: Each student must post an initial posting of their own that is one paragraph which is approximately 250 words and includes at least 2 scholarly references to support the posting. One of the references can be from the texts or assigned readings. The other reference(s) must be an additional source that you have found that supports the posting. Scholarly, peer reviewed, articles meet this requirement. If the professor responds and asks you for clarification or a question, you must respond to the professor.
Responding to posts: Each student must respond a minimum of once during the week. The response(s) must be thoughtful, reference-based and can generate further discussion. The response(s) must be approximately 75 words. Statements such as “I agree” or “great posting” or that are general posts that do not provide additional knowledge and valuable discussion will not count as a posting.
Students who do not post at all by Day 7 at 11:59 PM will be considered absent and will earn a grade of 0% for the week’s participation grade. Three absences may result in failure of the course.
ALL references must be included at the end of your posting and adhere to APA Style (7th edition). * Please check your work after submission to ensure the paper/references are formatted using APA Style (7th Edition).
Discussion board posts that are incomplete or do not meet the requirements will earn a grade of 0%.

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