Darren Dochuk, Anointed with Oil: How Christianity and Crude Made Modern America (New York: Basic Books, 2019), read from chapter 7 to the end of the book.
Karen R. Merrill, “Texas Metropole: Oil, the American West, and U.S. Pow3erin the postwar Years,” Journal of American History 99 (June 2012): 197-207.
These are the pdf files uploaded.
One Page review that briefly summarizes and critically analyzes the week’s reading assignments.
Your review should address these questions:
o What are the author’s main point/s? What is the argument?
o What sorts of evidence does the author use to support their point/s?
o How does the book/article relate to others in the class?
o What sorts of critical questions does the book/article raise for this class and for class discussion?
Also come up with two discussion questions at the end
Example of discussion questions include:
1) With oil dominance on humans energy supply, are there ways/strategies to reduce or even eventually remove it from our lives due to its burdens? Should we even try to move away from such a reliable energy source or work to reduce its harmful effects with better scientific advancement?
2) Why do people consider capitalism and oil intertwined and why do they not see how it is one of the most manipulated resources? How can people shift the oil industry towards more fair prices and practices?