For the West, ancient Greece and Athens in particular is seen as the “birthplace of Democracy”. Plato and many philosophers do not think well of democracy, and the writers of the US Constitution were also skeptical. But what makes democracy democratic? For example, in Athens many offices were filled by lottery, on the principle that a lottery gave everybody a chance for office. Do you see the distinction between democracy as ‘Rule by the will of the people’ vs. Rule by the will of the majority of the people?” If a sizable minority never has any power, is that democratic? Also, is democracy the same as voting? One of the ways both Roman emperors and the current Chinese communist party justify their rule as, in a sense, democratic, is because they claim they actually do the will of the people. Think about it. Imagine the US was suddenly ruled by aristocratic scientists who, since the skill needed to win elections is not the same as the skill set needed to actually get things done, were able to get things the people wanted done. Again which would be more democratic. Country A, where people elect leaders who are too focused on getting elected to actually get done what the people want done or Country B, where leaders, nobles who aren’t elected, actually get done what the people want. So in your essay, discuss these points, and what makes democracy democatic anyway?